

When we first met, we were in young. First year in high school. You came to Korea for the first time, and I came to Seoul for the first time. We lived together in a little apartment. Slowly, we developed our relationship into something more than friendship. On the last day of our second year, we became couples.

The third year of our high school, people started to realize our special relationship. Rumors were spreading like wildfire. I started to lie and avoid those rumors. Although my heart loved you, my fearful mind would control my words that I speak. I started to avoid you. I would sleep in my friend’s house with stupid excuses. When I go home, I’d lock myself away from you.

You bravely admitted that you liked me, but I denied it. In the end, you were the only who had to receive the pain. I still remember your eyes that day. A girl who despised homouals came up to you with few of her friends. She hit you right in front of my very own eyes as if she was trying to provoke me to protect you.

I have already told my friends that I didn’t like you. I told them I felt disgusted by your love. I told them lies to protect myself, because I was afraid. I didn’t realize that I’d left you alone. I thought I was protecting you too. I thought they would forget about this incident, but the reality was too harsh.

You were on the floor coughing. With hollow eyes, you looked at me. You never blamed me for what I’ve done. In the house, you would smile at me. The guilt pushed deeper into my heart, and I couldn’t take it. I moved back to my hometown and left you behind.

Now that six years have passed, I realize that I can’t forget you. If I show up in front of you once again, would you forgive me? I know I am asking for too much, but can I please give the rest of my life to you for all that I have done in the past? Will you let me do that?

As I step into the apartment we used to live, my heart beats faster and faster. I heard from one of the old friends that you still live here. The place where we started our love. The place I ran away from.

My fingers are trembling. I force myself to push the doorbell.

‘Who is it?’

It’s your voice. The voice I’ve missed for so long. My eyes are already in tears. My whole body reacts to your sweet voice.

‘Who is....’

Your voice abruptly stops as you look at me. My watery eyes stare at your dark brown eyes. You’ve changed so much. Your short brown hair is now long and red. You lost a lot of weight, and you’re no longer just a girl.

I tried to say something, but my stupid throat won’t give out anything. My eyes were failing to hold anymore tears. I was angry at my own eyes. The tears are blurring your beautiful face.

‘Taeyeon....? that you?’

Is it my ears, or are you really happy to see me? Before I can give you any reaction, you hugged me. Inside your arms, my throat finally let out a painful cry.

‘I’m sorry. I am so sorry I left you. I am so sorry, Fany-yah. I am so sorry.’ The only thing I could say was that I’m sorry. I bet everyone in the apartment could hear my voice, but I didn’t care. I cried my hearts out to you. The guilt that I have held up for six years poured out. You just hugged me and whispered to me that it was okay.

I got on my knees and cried for hours in front of your door while you just hugged me. When I was finally done, you invited me to come inside. I hesitated, but you just gave me a warm smile.

‘Come on in.’

I went inside and was surprised to see that you left my room just the way it was. My pictures were still there.

‘I thought you might come back.’

‘You’re stupid for letting me come back.’

‘I know.’

‘I’m so...’

‘Don’t say you’re sorry. That’s not what I want to hear.’

‘I don’t think I have the right to tell you anything else.’

‘I don’t care about what you think. I didn’t wait for six years to hear I’m sorry.’

You look at me with pout. You act as if I had never left you. I let out a smile while my eyes tear up again.

‘I love you. I love you so much Tiffany. I love you.’

This time it was  your turn to cry as you hugged me.

‘Why are you so late? I thought you weren’t coming. I love you so much. You knew I’d forgive for anything in the world.’

We both cried the whole day. We shared our stories of the last six years. You moved into my house the following week. We got married after a year in New York.


Although we’ve now been married for two years, we both still love each other and that’s reality.

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EMT0304 #1
Really great love Tiff.. so proud to you.
Great love story
erik190 #2
nice story aishh!! you scared me hahaha i though that they're going to forget everthing about their relationship
Nice Story!!!!
at least in the end after so many obstacles they're together :'>
taENY <3 forever~
deeculary #4
omg this story JJANG :)
almost wanted to scold tae a babo but taeny in the end... woots <333
hope u continue writing more of taeny KEKEKEKE :D
t-araoneforever #5
so sweet~