Walking with the diva-part2-

The middle ground.

He felt hands pick him up. "Come on. You really need to rest kid". Donghae just nodded and continued walking. Maybe he did need the extra rest. 

"So". He began, growing tired of the semi comfortable silence. 
"What". Heechul answered. He couldn't tell if he annoyed the elder by talking. 
Hesitantly the brunette asked the boy, "Are we almost there yet?". He felt the question was approprate considering they have been walking for quite some time. 
Heechul let out an exasperated but kept calm, "Yes stupid". His steps slowed to a halt as he turned towards a decently sized apartment complex. Donghae expected something much larger. A house, mansion maybe. But he wasn't going to complain. A place to sleep is a place to sleep, right?

Heechul looked over at the bot just in time to see the child like face go from somewhat confused to a look of relaxation. Must be happy he gets to sleep, Heechul thought. 
He guided them down the path to the front door of the apartment complex were they walked through though the small hallway to the lobby where the older started to walk to the front desk in the nicely sized room. Sitting at the desk was a young looking boy who probably wasn't as tall or even as old as donghae is. But he felt as if he's seen that face before. But where?
"Good morning Heechul hyung" the boy greeted. Donghae leaned his body on the desk happy that he could support his weight on something that wasn't his feet after the almost hour long walk. 
"Kibum" Heechul said pointing towards Donghae. "This is a cousin of mine visiting here from Mokopoko". Donghae scrunched his eyebrows in confusion at Heechul's statement, as the elder shot him a trust me look. Guess donghae had to trust him then. Turning towards Kibum he extended his hand in witch the younger boy took and shook happily. "Im Donghae, nice to meet you". Kibum nodded his head. "Oh i know who you are". Laughing as donghaes look grew more confused. How did he know this boy? "You don't remember do you?." The desk boy asked. "Kibum, don't i think thats enough." Heechul demanded. "Donghae lets go get you upstairs, your probably tired." Heechul half dragged him towards the awaiting elevator. Donghae heard the kibum boy yell "Good luck!" what ever that was suppose to mean. 

As the elevator doors opened the boys stepped in, the doors closing behind them. Leaving them in a comfortable science as Heechul pressed a button labeled 14.

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Chapter 5: gnvfcfgtf dem gifsxD
Chapter 5: Who was it xD ? Me? lolxD
Chapter 3: MOAAAAAR! xD