A Broken Promise

Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea




They stood there for the longest time, facing each other but Jongwoon’s head was turn away from Kyuhyun’s wide eyes. They said nothing to each other for a few dragging minutes, before Kyuhyun finally managed to find his tongue again.

“J-Jongwoon?” he stammers stupidly again.

“I know my name.” The smaller mutters stoically.

“No, no, I mean…..Jongwoon?” Kyuhyun says, confused over the situation for no reason.

“Yes, Kyuhyun. You’re going to wear out my name.” Yesung sighs, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

Kyuhyun says nothing else and just stares at the other again with his mouth hanging open unattractively, trying to comprehend things that don’t even require much thinking. But obviously Kyuhyun couldn’t understand this situation that well.

Jongwoon fidgeted a little from where he stood in place, feeling awkward under the others gaze. He reaches forward and closes Kyuhyun’s mouth for him, but it just falls back open again limply.

“I missed you, you know.” Jongwoon says quietly under his breath, so quiet that he wasn’t sure if the younger actually caught it or not.

But Kyuhyun had heard him, his jaw clenching shut immediately at the elder’s words. He stares intently at Yesung this time, unreadable emotions swimming through his golden eyes.

I missed you too.
Kyuhyun leaves those words unsaid, swallowing them down no matter how difficult.

“I know.” Kyuhyun says after a minute, and watches as Jongwoon’s face fall, knowing that the other had expected another answer.

“Five years,” Yesung says, taking in a shaky breath. “F or five years, I waited in vain. And all I get back is I know?” He says, looking up at Kyuhyun with dark eyes of hate, his voice strained from the anger boiling inside of him. “If you knew, Cho Kyuhyun, then why didn’t you do anything? I don’t think you understand how much I suffered because of you!”

Kyuhyun immediately opens his mouth and try to say something to calm the other, but was stopped quickly by Jongwoon who started up again.

“You could’ve at least broken things off cleanly instead of running away like that!” Yesung screams, taking a step back when Kyuhyun reaches up in hope to calm the raging blonde. “I waited for you to come back that night! I waited for so long and you didn’t pick up your phone! You left me with nothing but a broken promise.”

Kyuhyun’s breath hitches in his throat when he felt a lump form in his throat, heavy and painful. He remembered that night so well. The night that he left his lover.

“Jongwoon?” Kyuhyun calls out from their shared bedroom.

Almost immediately, Yesung skids into the room, slipping a little because of the wooden floor boards and his fuzzy socks that he wore.

Kyuhyun chuckles lightly at the elder’s puppy-like behavior and gestures for him to come over to where he was sitting on the bed. Like the good boy Yesung was, he skipped his way over to the bed and crawled onto Kyuhyun’s lap, the younger wrapping his arms around the smaller’s waist out of habit.

Yesung tilts his head to the head a little in a questioning manner, his small hands resting on the lanky males broad shoulders.

“I love you,” Kyuhyun says out of nowhere, reaching up with one hand to brush away a few dark strands of hair away from his lover’s eyes. “You know that, right?”

Yesung smiles brightly, his eyes arching up into small crescents at the younger’s words,  and Kyuhyun could feel his heart stop momentarily when he realizes that this will the last time he’ll ever see that smile. The raven nods once cutely and presses a lovingly sweet kiss to Kyuhyun’s lips in response since he wasn’t able to respond by speaking.

Kyuhyun smiles and kisses back, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes as he gently rubs the others back. “Good.” He whispers.

They sit in each other’s arms for a moment, just relishing in each other’s presence. Kyuhyun pulls the small raven closer to him and buries his face in his lover’s dark locks, inhaling his alluring scent. He holds Yesung tightly, nearly squeezing the life out of him, and finally let’s go when the raven started squirming from the tight embrace.

“Jongwoon?” Kyuhyun says softly and the elder replies by looking up at him, reaching up with one hand to caress the side of the brunette’s face. “Let’s do something fun next year for your birthday.” He whispers.

Jongwoon’s brows furrow a little for a moment in confusion, but then his face breaks out into a wide grin, and he nods enthusiastically.

“I’ll be there, always, and celebrate your every birthday with each coming year. I’ll be there, waiting, with a present that’ll make you happy. I’ll be there, smiling, and wishing you a happy birthday.” The younger whispers, not realizing that he was crying until Yesung reached up to brush away any tears that cascaded down the younger’s face, the elder’s expression concerned.

Yesung nods again, hoping that that would stop the younger’s tears, but it doesn’t.

“I promise you, that I won’t forget, ever again.”Kyuhyun says as more tears betrayed him and Yesung nods a few times again, biting his lips in worry as he holds the younger’s face in his hands, wiping away the tears with his thumb.”I’ll be by your side, forever and always.”

No more words were exchanged as Yesung pulls Kyuhyun in for a hug, nodding some more as he also breaks into a fit of tears, pressing his face into the younger’s chest.

“I love you.”

But later that evening, Kyuhyun he said that he was going to go out and talk to some stuff over with Leeteuk at the Entertainment Company and Yesung sends him off with a kiss to the lips.
But unknown to the elder, not only was Leeteuk waiting by the company, but also a few packed suitcases and a one way ticket to China.

“I guess you figured out that I left South Korea.” Kyuhyun mutters stupidly.

Yesung gives the other a look of utter irritation and exasperation at his words. “Of course I did! You were gone for five years, Cho Kyuhyun! Five, ing years!”

“I’m sorry, alright?” Kyuhyun says, running a hand through his golden hair.

“I don’t need or want an apology, Kyuhyun! I want a reason why! What did you expect to happen when you left! You thought that I was going to be happy!? You thought that everything could just miraculously be better and I’d forget you!? NO!” Yesung screams, and Kyuhyun catches sight of tears making its way down the elders beautiful face.

“I’m sorry.” Kyuhyun repeats, his voice cracking. “I’m sorry.”

“I don’t want your apology. Just give me a reason.” Yesung sobs, pressing his face into his hands, hiding his tears as he cries, breaking down right in front of the man that he has been waiting for for five years. “Just give me an excuse; any excuse that’ll make the pain go away.”

Kyuhyun reaches up quickly, wanting to pull the broken male into his arms and comfort him like he use to, but the blonde steps back, away from Kyuhyun’s yearning touch.

“Jongwoon—“Kyuhyun starts, wanting to fix everything that he had done, but before he could say anything else, Yesung sprints away, not wanting to feel Kyuhyun’s mere presence around him.

Kyuhyun doesn’t give chase this time, and could only watch as his lover disappears from his sight. He takes in a shaky breath and slowly falls into a crouching position, tangling his fingers through his unruly hair and presses his face into his knees, tensing up as he rocks back and forth in frustration.

He wanted to fix things so bad. He wanted Jongwoon back again. He wanted to be with him again like he used to. But the problems that he had built which had started accumulating over time, was near impossible to fix now.

“I see you’ve found our prince.”A voice says into the night.

Kyuhyun looks up from the familiarity of the voice, to see a thin male standing by the opening of the balcony, leaning casually back against the wall with a glass of red wine held at a dangerous tilt in his left hand, his right hand tucked beneath his left elbow in an almost dainty manner.

The younger immediately recognized those cat like eyes beneath a crimson red mask. The sneer was near mocking as those feline eyes stared at Kyuhyun’s pathetic state.

“You’ve ed up.” Heechul says with a click of his tongue, brushing his long hair back casually. “Even I won’t take pity on you.”

“You never take pity on people.” Kyuhyun mutters, scrubbing his hand over his face as he straightens back up again, fixing his suit as best as he could.

“Because those people don’t deserve pity. “

“Help me get him back.” Kyuhyun says, ignoring the elder’s previous words.

“Excuse me?” Heechul says in an offended manner as his face contorts in annoyance. “Hell no. Jongwoon deserves so much more than a fool like you.”

“Like who? Who else can make Jongwoon happy again? Who else could fill the void in his heart again?” Kyuhyun challenges, a determined glint in his golden eyes as he glared at the cat-like male before him.

Heechul was silent for a moment as he stared the younger down, even though he knew Kyuhyun wasn’t going to back down at all. They have a silent eye battle for a minute or two before Heechul finally looks away in defeat. “Don’t think so highly of yourself.” He says, crossing his arms. “I’m only doing this because of Jongwoon, not you. You’re a piece of .”

Kyuhyun’s lip twitches ever so slightly at the last comment and runs his hands through his hair again, this time trying to fix it right again. “Thanks hyung.” He says, trying his hardest not to sound sarcastic as Heechul just waves him off and walks away.

Kyuhyun stays a safe distance away from his target the rest of the night, but still kept a close eye on the other male. Even though Jongwoon didn’t seem to be in his highest spirits, he still kept a faint smile on his pretty lips to make it seem like he was amused or at least listening. Kyuhyun couldn’t see if it reached his eyes though whenever the smaller laughed lightly because of the mask that now covered his upper face once again.

Once the party was near ending, Kyuhyun had quickly crossed the distance between him and Jongwoon who was standing by the alcohol beverage table socializing with some people. The boy was finally going to take action, and if all else fails, Kyuhyun will just mentally kick himself (and maybe get butch slapped by Heechul), and have a go at it again and again until Jongwoon in his once again.

Kyuhyun ties his mask back on before stalking his way over, and grabs Jongwoon’s upper arms gently but still firmly so the other couldn’t jerk away.

Jongwoon turns slightly in the others grasp, taken aback a little, before frowning when he saw who it was.

“Sorry, stealing him for a moment.” Kyuhyun mutters to the other man without looking up at him, and tries to pull the blonde away, but of course, Jongwoon stubbornly resists.

“Jongwoon, is something wrong?” The man, who the elder was originally talking to, asks in concern, grabbing the blondes other arm.

“No, he’s alright.” Kyuhyun bites out harshly, turning to glare at the other man, only to realize who it was just by glancing at him. “Choi Siwon.”

“Cho Kyuhyun.” Siwon says in amusement, a mocking smile making its way across his handsome face behind a black and silver mask.”The infamous Korean-Chinese star.”

Jongwoon takes this moment to jerk his arm out of the younger’s grasp, rubbing at his slightly arm sore where Kyuhyun had squeezed a bit too hard when he saw the other man.

“What do you want, Kyuhyun?” Jongwoon snaps, glaring at the younger man before him, stepping to Siwon’s side.

“I just want to talk to you for a little bit, Jongwoon-ah.”

“I have to talk to you about.” The blonde snarls.

“Yes, yes you do. Now come with me.” Kyuhyun says, and reaches out so fast that the smaller didn’t have any time to react, and dragged the elder away from Siwon who just stood there in surprise and amusement.

“Kyu—“Jongwoon starts, trying to pull away. “Kyu—ow, Kyuhyun! Let go!” he shouts, but the younger just ignored his futile struggles and tugged his lover out into the garden by the back of the manor.

“We’ve got some to clear up.” Kyuhyun says after stopping on the center of an arched bridge that was above a clear pond, turning around to face the blonde who looked highly irritated at the moment. The moon was bright out that night, leaving a soft, pale glow in the night by reflecting off the pond they were above. Flowers of different types surrounded them, there sweet, alluring scent wafting through the cool night breeze, leaving a calming atmosphere around them.

“You’re an arrogant, good for nothing bastard who always leaves a mess whenever he does something, and is obviously the most disrespectful boy of Korea, but I still love you despite everything that has happened and I hate myself for that reason; there. Everything’s clear now.” Jongwoon says all in one breath, and turns sharply to leave, but Kyuhyun throws himself forward and wraps his arms tightly around the smaller.

“I love you.” Kyuhyun whispers, his embrace tight around the blonde.

“Don’t lie,” Yesung whispers, his voice sad and tired.  “Don’t lie anymore.”

“I’m not lying. I love you, Kim Jongwoon.” Kyuhyun says, his body trembling a little as he holds the smaller even tighter. “I love you, and only you.”

“Then why’d you leave? Was I not better than that offer?” The blonde cries out, pressing his face into his hands to hide his tears.

“No, of course you are! I just…..I don’t know.” Kyuhyun answers truthfully, releasing the other just to turn him around and hug him facing him. “I wanted you to have a life without me. A better life.”

“Well you’re selfish, because that’s not what I wanted!” Yesung sobs, swinging a half-hearted punch to the others chest before pressing his face into it and cries harder.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” Kyuhyun whispers, holding the other closer so their fronts were pressed flush together as he rubbed the blonde’s arm comfortingly.

It was quiet for several minutes as Yesung just stayed in Kyuhyun’s arms, crying silently until he was reduced into nothing but hiccupping and sniffling mess.

“I’ve missed you.” Yesung’s small voice calls out timidly.

“I’ve missed you too.” Kyuhyun admits, pulling away to reach up with one hand and gently tilts the blondes face up so their gazes met. He leans forward and kisses away any lingering tears, his other hand resting on the small of the elders back.“Do you forgive me?” he asks, pressing a lingering kiss to the blondes forehead as Yesung closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of Kyuhyun’s soft, warm lips against his cool skin.

“No.” came the blunt reply from Jongwoon, causing the younger to pull back with a frown. “Not until you’ve proven yourself worthy again.”

“What? How?” Kyuhyun asks, dissatisfaction etched upon his handsome face as the smaller grinned happily, seemingly enjoying the younger’s torture.

“I don’t know. I said you have to prove yourself worthy, so I won’t be helping you.” Yesung says with a shrug, before leaning up and pressing a small kiss to Kyuhyun’s cheek. “Have fun.” Yesung smiles as he pulls away before Kyuhyun could register anything and runs off.

“What the hell—! “

“Good luck!”





A/N: Yeeeah......sorry for the half-asssed chapter guys. School has started again for me and I'm just like hahaha..... homework.
And also, i have a lot fo otehr fanfics going on, yeah, shame on me, I know. But hey! If you get bored waiting for this story tp update, check out my other Kyusung stories! (Shameless advertising) These stories are actually one's that I co-write with. i find co-writing so much more funa dn exciting.
Just click on the title of the story to get there. Easy shrotcuts for y'all.

A Broken Heart

Forget Me Not

Midnight Lovers

Unheard Melody, oblivious Love

But anyways, let's fight through this year! ._.
Please leave comments! ♥





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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(