Part 2

Love In The Ice
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Why ?
Why was he thinking about it again ?
Almost one year past already, and those last words were still in his mind.
Probably because he did think about it every time he was passing by this street. With this big Micky Mouse plush smiling at him and remembering the sweet smile he used to see, how couldn't he?

A smile born on his lips and he crossed the street, following the flow of people. He finally low his head when he reached the other side, as he heaved a sight.

-Jae ?

He jumped and looked around to meet the lovely smile he was just thinking about. Was this kind of another dream? He did it probably too many times in only one year.

-Yoochun? He asked shocked, barely believing the situation.
-Long time no see ... smiled the dandy boy.
-Yeah, he said in disbelieve.
-How are you? I never thought we would meet here and like that after such a long time, Yoochun joked simply, reheating this deep and precious friendship Jaejoong was so afraid to see disappear.


If Yoochun wasn't expecting this meeting, it was even more unbelievable for the older. The last time he saw him was in Japan, one year ago. And if he wanted hundred times call and write him, he never did, wondering too much about his reaction after those last words. Happiness, apprehension, fear, joy … he didn't know what he was feeling now, but yeah, it was like an awaken dream.


-I am … fine, he finally whispered, probably to formally, after longs minutes of silence.


Yoochun chuckled, like he always did, gently and without overtone... like the good friend he has always been.


-Wanna eat ?

He was talking in this simple way, as if everything ended one day ago. As if all these lonely days never existed. Jaejoong feel somehow relieved. Relieved to have this second chance, so long time after the first one. He could never say he didn't miss him. Because he did. Maybe too much.

After few minutes, head in the clouds, Jaejoong nodded with this weird sensation, like a knot in his stomach.


Did he forget ? Was i

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miss_vanma #1
Chapter 2: Hey! I'm reading your other stories and man, this is good! Don't give up on this, update soon! ;) I'm curious as to what's gonna happen a year after they last met.. What's installed for them at school and who's the best friend? Haha! All the best, my friend! <3 Chun! :D
Chapter 2: Man you gotta continue this story!! It seems interesting!!!
Can't wait!