

Of course I would suggest listening to "Monster" before, afterwards, at the same time how you prefer it but it is not necessary.




He walks through the abandoned streets of Seoul with his lips curved into a sad smile. He misses this city. He misses walking through this city without being looked at like he is a monster.


Thunder and lightning are rolling and slowly rain is sousing his blonde hair. He enjoys the feeling of freedom with every piece of his hurt body. The rain is streaming heavier now, his wet clothes clinging onto him, drops of water falling from them with every step. He takes a deep breath and stops at a crossroad, falling on his knees in the middle of the dirty street.


He shouts out his pain. He shouts until his voice gets hoarse and his breath gets unsteady. But it doesn't help, the burden on his shoulders isn't going away just like that. A small tear is rolling down his face and he shakes his head.

No. He won't get weak. He can't. If he does, he won't have the strength to survive and he has to survive. To prove that he is not guilty.


He raises his head and stands up, his hands shaking and his lips bloody. Another deep breath to then continue his lonely hurting walk. He has no destination, he lost it long ago.

“I am not a monster“ he whispers, his aching heart tearing him apart.


He walks and walks and walks. Thoughts about her are rushing through his mind but he forbids himself to remember what he had with her. It will only hurt more.



But it is too late. A sad sigh escapes his lips when he realises where he is, that his feet unknowingly have carried him to her house. He can see a small light burning in her room and he has to hold in the urgent need to ring the bell and run to her.


Does she think of him the same way the others do? He hadn't had the chance to find out but since she hadn't visited him once, he supposes she believes them.


He clinches his fingers and a little bit he notices he is angry. Angry at her for giving up her faith in him. However, that anger is hidden under an overwhelming feeling of pain and sadness.


He stands there like an idiot, looking at her window while getting more and more wet although that is almost impossible. A small part of him wishes that she would walk out of the front door now but the wide more bigger part knows that this would end as a disaster.

He closes his swollen eyes for a second. Then he turns around and just when he is about to walk away he hears the familiar sound of an opening door in his back.


He whirls around wide-eyed and there she is.

The girl he loves more than anything in the world, the girl he wants by his side forever, his girlfriend. His breathing gets faster and he looks at her speechless.


It's been a long time since he last saw her and she looks pretty. She was always beautiful in his eyes though. But something is different.. she watches him with an unknown coldness in her eyes.


Without him realising he stretches out his hand for her to grab it. But of course she doesn't. She just tilts her head and with a hatred filled voice she begins speaking.

“What do you want?“


He comes closer with small steps and she backs away.

“Don't come close to me.“


“Baby..“ She cuts him off, anger in her eyes.

“Don't dare to call me that, Daesung! I am not your baby anymore.“

What is he supposed to say now? His girlfriend hates him. Obviously.


“Do you really think I did that?“ he whispers, unable to hide the sadness and a little he can see guilt in her eyes.

“How can I not think that? Everything counts against you.“ She avoids looking at him but he hears the low sob.


“I.. I would never do that.“ He speaks louder now, hoping that she will believe him.

“Well, I thought so too.. I really did. But..“ Her voice trails off and he comforting takes her small hand. He definetely regrets it afterwards.


With total panic in her eyes she shakes off his hands and steps back quickly.

“Don't touch me. DON'T TOUCH ME!“ She trembles and he looks at his hand which seems to be burning from the contact with her warm skin.


“I didn't her.. how can you really think that? I didn't her!“ She looks away and ignores the sincerity in his words while hugging herself.

“I wish I could believe you. But I can't. Daesung.. You are a monster.


It is hitting him hard and unexpected. It feels like his heart is cut into pieces and he starts tearing up. So that's how it is.. Pain, pain, pain is rushing through his body, making him fall apart inside. Now he knows how a broken heart feels like.


“You think I am a monster?“ he asks, his sight blurry because of tears and his voice shaking.

“Y-yes. I do. Because you are one.. my poor little sister!“ She is crying now too and sinking down to her knees.


“I didn't her! She wanted to play with me and somehow.. somehow-“ She cuts off his shouting.

“I don't want to hear that. Leave, Daesung. Leave now.“ She quickly stands up and is about to go but he grabs her shoulders, making her watery eyes widen in panic again.


“Let go of me. You scare me.“ However, he isn't willing to give up easily now.

“You know me. You know the old me. Why are you like this? Aren't you the one that said we should be together forever? Why can't you trust me?“


She closes her eyes and for a minute the only sound heard is his hurried breathing. Then she opens them again and he lets go of her immediately, surprised by the hate in them.

“Yes. I know the old you. But I don't want to know the new you. A you.. a you that does things that are more than terrible. Forget what I've ever said.. It's the past.“


The wind ruffles his blonde hair and he can feel every single of the raindrops that is drumming down on his head. His broken heart beats and beats until he thinks it is going to explode soon.


She takes a deep breath and then she slaps him. With all the power she has. He falls down and the tears are running down his face without no grace.


It reminds him of former punches. Punches against his head, his arms, his legs, his chest, punches against his whole body. Punches that he doesn't want to be reminded of.


He never thought she would ever do that to him. That she would actually slap him and he starts loudly sobbing.


“Don't be like this“ she mutters and waves of pain are making their way through his body. He can only see her hands shaking from cold and anger and he yearns to kiss her fingertips but he knows it would only make everything worse.


“I am going now, Daesung.“ Why does she sound so cold and heartless? Why sounds his name so evil when she calls him?


With his last energy he stands up and hinders her from walking by saying what is in his mind.

“I love you. I am not a monster! I.. I need you. Don't leave like this.. because if you do, I'll die.“


He puts all of his emotions into these words and for a moment it seems like she is actually thinking about it. She looks at him, standing there. Wet and shivering from the cold rain and sadness, tears rolling down his beautiful face and his lips bloody. But then she remembers her sister and the hate comes back.


“I don't care if you are alive or not. I hate you. With all my might and with all my heart I hate you. You, Daesung, are a monster.


With that she walks off, leaving him behind and not looking back.


He breaks down. The world is turning around and he can't feel the ground anymore. His whole body is numb, just his cheeks are burning. Blood drops are falling from his lips and he can taste a mix between them and the tears in his mouth. The pain in his heart is taking control over his whole body and he uncontrollably shakes.

“Don't go.. don't do this.“ Is this him saying this? He doesn't know. He can only hear one thing, it is replaying itself in his head.



You, Daesung, are a monster.








Ok, my first time writing a story without a happy ending! *drumroll* feels weird actually, haha!

As you can see, I included a lot of the lyrics in the story. At first I wanted to somehow mark them but I decided against it because it would be quite irritating. I hope you're fine with it!


I totally love the song, I actually cried the first time I heard it.. I hope I could "transmit" that :)


Please comment and feel free to say anything you like! I would like to hear your honest opinion so if you thought this was total , tell me and give me (constructive!) advice how I could do better. It can only help me, right?

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Thank you!


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dat WAS AmAzInG!!!!!!!
Amal2hope #2
to tell you the truth i cried too when hearing monster for the first time... and i still feel the pain in this song, anyway ur short story is amazing it captured the pain in both characters, i felt the pain too, and yeah i scrolled down the page really slow just not wanting to know the end... really sad ending>>>> by the way i was listening to MONSTER while reading...
omnomnomcereal #3
jokeronthetrack #4
i just love him. don't call him monster :/
lileewd #5
Daesung dont worry...we all love you very much..Your not a monster in our eyes ever!! Fellow VIPs and I will take very good care of you^_^
NO DAESUNG!!!!!!!!!

I <3 monster too!!!!
o m f g ehm willst du damit sagen es wird behauptet dass er jmnd vergewaltigt hat ?!

omg omg omg ich kann nicht warten ! :D
Amal2hope #9
looking forward to this... seems fun :D