What is Love?

What is Love?


       The winds rustled by as the white moon settled in the sky. The fallen leaves swayed away as the wind picked it up. The dogs in the apartment buildings were always barking. The stars twinkled away as they created constellations. The light posts flickered on and off once in a while. In a distance, one would hear a helicopter zoom by. At night, the city would become alive with its many bright lights peering into the sky. The swings in the playground would creak back and forth. The metallic slide would have a slight glare due to the beautiful moon up there. The park was always empty but sometimes there would be one or two people walking through it.


      Late at night, one particular woman could be seen walking passed the park to get home from work. It was a nightly routine for her. Work, home. Work, home. Nothing ever changed her routine and she liked it that way. It made her calm and at ease. However, for the past few days, she can feel a pair of eyes following her around. It gave her the shivers and the creeps. She would shudder at one point whenever she passed by an oak tree near the park.


      She would always be briskly walking by that one particular tree. This girl would always see a silhouette near by and it didn't do her justice. She thought he was a stalker, a gangster or perhaps even a . However, this man never did anything to her. He had blonde hair from what she can see from the corner of her eyes. She felt that this guy had piercing eyes. He was tall and quite built for a man. This man was always hovering over that tree. She was always curious about his eyes though. She wondered about how they truly looked like. Were they big, small, beautiful or even ugly? However, after getting used to him being there, she didn't mind him anymore.


     You’re perfect to me, I imagined
      How would it be if we were together?
     If only you say okay, everything is perfect, oh baby


      The man behind the tree always watched over her every night. Not in a creepy way, but in a comforting yet protective way. Her long curly brunette locks would always sway back and forth in the wind. Her curves were in the right spots. She was a tad shorter than him but in his eyes, she was the most beautiful being in the whole universe. He never bothered showing himself due to his insecurities.


      He believed he was not handsome at all. For quite a tall man, he believed he was a monster in many eyes and his low self esteem didn't help him at all. His heart would always yearn for her. Heat would rush into his cheeks as she walks by him. She was so close and yet, so far. He wondered everyday, will she ever love him the way he loves her? Sadly, this blonde man would think negatively and believed that no woman, not even her, would ever love a monster like him. His heart and mind would always be torn apart due to this thought of his.


       Today would be the day. Today would be the night, the lady will have her curiosity answered. Her heartbeat was racing in anticipation. She was quite nervous to take the first move. What if he scurried away from her? What if he never came back? She clenched her fist and whispered to herself, “No need for the negative thoughts. Positive thoughts are needed.” She took one huge breath. She inhaled and exhaled deeply.


       I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
       Except you, everything get in slow motion
       Tell me, if this is love
       Sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you
       Fighting, crying and hugging
       Tell me, if this is love


       She walked right next to the oak tree. She placed one hand on the bark. The bark felt rough and hard under her skin. The lady bit her lower lip and softly said, “Hello.” Silence was the only reply she got. She gulped quite a bit as she was quite nervous. She hummed, “I know you're there. May I see you?”


       The only answer she got was shuffling of the man's feet. The man's heart was accelerating quite fast. This wasn't supposed to happen, he thought, she is supposed pass by this tree like all the other days. In his ears, however, her voice was angelic and filled with grace. He sighed in frustration.


      “Please,” the woman pleaded kindly, “I would love to see your eyes.” The man, on the other side of the tree, covered his eyes with the back of his hands. He shook his head even though, she couldn't see him. His eyes was his unattractive trait of his. This is what the man believed.


      He heard a footstep or two getting closer to his side of the tree. “Hello, my name is Lee Eunji. What's yours?” asked the female who was now in front of him. He still had his eyes covered but he could feel her body in front of his own. He hitched a breath and his heart started to throb.


      He could feel the woman placing her own soft hands on his hands and pull them down. He blinked a bit to get a focus on her. Eunji gasped. He lowered his gaze as he felt that his ugliness was oozing out of him.


      However, in her eyes, he was the most beautiful man on Earth. His eyes were soft, delicate and filled with such care. They were truly eyes that you could stare into and get lost forever. His eyes glowed with a depth of universal love which had an undefinable spark within them. The man turned to leave but Eunji grabbed his hand. She said, “Don't leave.”


      If you wish and wish earnestly
      Will it come true, like the fairytales?
      A never-ending happy ending, happily ever after
      I will trust you, protect you and comfort you
     I will be on your side
     I will never leave your side


       The direction of his eyes were staring at the ground as if the grass was much more interesting and she stated once more, “I'm Lee Eunji. What is your name?”


       He stuttered softly, “K-Kris or or Wu Fan.”


That night was the start of something new. And that was love.

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Chapter 1: Cute and sweet :3 you write nice stories *~*
Chapter 1: Awwh Krisus being shy is so cuteeeeeee
Chapter 1: Aww man this was so cute<3 I love it!
shmur_itskurry #4
Chapter 1: Awe sequel???
Chapter 1: seriously the greatest one-shot ever!! it's awesome and CUTE!!! >_<
pinkaddict #6
Chapter 1: great and nice from yoU!
nanakissme #7
Chapter 1: Wowww. . . Awesome..
Chapter 1: Ahh. So cute!
Nice. :)
cherish_dreamer #9
Chapter 1: Sequel! I love this story!
Thank you! ^°^