COINCIDENCE (Everything You Do, I Do) : The Trouble With Love is


This is a story about an average 18 years old girl who is deeply in love with this one guy who was your classmate during your primary school times. "We're IN LOVE." That's what you thought.


After getting your heart broken, you met your soon-to-be best friend or your most precious dongseng who's secretly in love with you for about a half year since he met you. Somehow, everytime he confessed to you, you just ignored him and never take everything he said seriously until one day, he done something that truly pissed you off just to prove to you that he can be a man who you will love and protect you dearly.


At the same time, you met someone who just love to annoyed you like it's his new hobby. You hated him like crazy. Yeah he's your sweet enemy who got transfered from States to your school as a new student. The thing is, even both of you hated each other at first, it turned out everything you like to do or more like everything about you is everything about him.


Will you fall in love with your best friend/dongseng? Or you will never forget about him who broke your heart into pieces? Or will you fall in love to your sweet enemy who slowly heal your heart and make you happy again?


Let's take a look at 3 different teaser about my 3 different stories here :) Shall we?


(While On The Phone*)


"Hey" you said it smiling, glad you talk to him today."Hey" He replied you as simple as that make your smile go wider."I've been waiting for you to missed call me so I can call you back. I miss your voice and... you." you said it while pouted cutely. (Yeah. You the one who called him. Never he the one who called you first.) "Oh. Sorry. I'm just.... busy watching football on TV. You know, boys and fotball." he said with no interest at all. "Nah, I understand. So how's your day?" you said while thinking ; "Pftt. What? So football more important than me? Doesn't he love me?" Your heart frowning. Then you caught on guard when he's said "I'm a little tired now. Can we talk tommor.. next time? I'll give you a call, okay?" You feel dissapointed but you don't want to show it because you want to show him that you can be understandable when it comes to small things like this. No matter how mad are you to him right now, you just have to bear with this because you love him so much. "Okayy. I'm sorry. Go. Sleep tight." you said sweetly. "Uhm" then he hanged up. "I love you." you whispered and sigh heavyly. "It's okay Mai! You'll take to him time!" ______._______


"Mai-yah! ~" he called you. "Yahh! brat! Who told you to call me by my name?" you said it while pouted your cute lips. He looked at you, quickly chuckles because he find it how cute you're right now despite how you hated doing aegyo or cute things but there's an exception to someone who you'll truly love. He then pinched your cheeks and said, "Aigoo! my cute Mai! How much I love...AHH!" you suddenly cut him and said, "Yahh! you! call me noona! NOONA! I'm a year older than you brat! Show some respect! Tchh." you pinched his nose HARD. When you finished punishing him and about to walked away since you're already late to school, he pulled you and pinned you on the wall. He leaned closer and about an inch away from your face, being a COOL NOONA you just stared at him. "What? You want to tell me you love me again? You want me to see you as a real man and not just a friend or dongseng?" He froze. sigh* you push him away. "Let's go. We're late." He stared blankly. He clenched his fists and said, "I'll make sure you'll fall  for me and see me as a man. One day! I swear! You'll love me and I don't care if it's gonna happen by FORCE!" He then walked away to different direction from you. _______._______


At school. Your P.O.V. You walked weakly and stared at the floor blankly while thinking about everything last few days. A tear flow to your left cheek and you quickly wipe it off. Suddenly, you bumped into someone HARD. You fell on the ground ( first) but just ignored it and walked away. Then a hand grab a hold on your wrist and turned you around and your face just an inch from his chest since you just kept your head down low. "Huh? When did we get so close? He just turned me and now we're this close? Aughh. Nevermind. I didn't have the strength to yell or mad right now. W..wait, what is this smell? You closed your eyes and slightly smile and somehow your heart felt at ease again. Like you're forgetting about everything that's happened these few days. Then suddenly..... You're pushed again and fell hard on your (again). "Yahhh." ________.________ 


Hey! :) Annyonghasaeyo! bow* Hmmm ~ I'm a new writer here. I'm trying right now so please just support me okayy? :3 (hmmm ~ what else) Ahhh! I hope you like my description! My freakin' teasers? Do guys like it? KEKE! I hope you do. Now now! Stop chit chating. I'm gonna introduce you the characters! Here we go! (^_____^)(y)


*Anyway. I'm sorry. I didn't have their pictures because I don't know how to do it. -,- (pouted) 



~You're an average teen high school girl (3rd year senior) who's very in love to your own classmate in your primary school. You had a best friend which is a year younger dongseng who is in love with you about half of a year since he first saw you. You're hot tempered girl and hated to do cute or aegyo stuff but unconciously you're actually doing it from time to time but always do the cutest things or aegyo to your love one all the time. Everyone seems head over heels to you when you do this kinda stuff. You had fans and most of it from half of it from Junior/Senior and your own classmate but didn't have the guts since they all know you're hard-to-reach-out girl and most fearly hot tempered girl. Girls also find you attractive since you had this 'COOL' aura. So yeah. Boys and Girls, both are your fans. You didn't even pretty like the Queenka in your school but seems like you're more popular. You also good with your studies. Had a passion and loves english so much. Mostly you like to wrote quotes to expressed your inner feeling. 



~ A high school student (#rd year senior) transfered from states to Korea (his hometown and transfered to your school). He's family is rich and currently stayed at California to manage their company there. Cool, good-looking, hard-headed, hot-tempered guy. Didn't believe in love anymore since he got ditched by his girlfriend for another man. So basically he come to Korea to forget about her ex. He's actually can't stand to cute things/aegyo. Even his cold personality will eventually gave in if someone do aegyo to him. He prefers cute girls rather that hot and pretty type of girls. (Wanting to know more about him? His secret will be reveal eventually.)


SUNGJAE (Since i didn't know his real/full name so let's just stick with Sungjae okay?)

~ An average high school student (2nd year senior) who goes to the same school as you. Secretly in love with YuMi/Mai for a half of a year already and his feelings will be known to you sooner or later. He's popular with girls especially to 1st year junior still you is all he wants. He'll do anything for you and he'll do anything for you to fall in love and see him as a man. He trust that one day both of you will be together. He'll do anything. Even by FORCE if that's what it takes to make you his. (Want to see how Sungjae turns evil? keke! Read! Read! Read!)



~ An average high school student (3rd year senior) who goes to different school from you. Currently in relationship. He likes you and that's what you thought. Very handsome and cold mysterious looking guy. One of the Kingka from his school but he's someone who'll be faithful to her girlfriend only sometimes he need to find some to release his tension and someone to accompanied him. He'll brake your heart and left for some times and then he'll be back to you. (Wanna why he's back? READ baby!) HAHA! (y)


Author-nim moment :

#I'll probably add some characters to fit into my story. Let us just see okay? Hopefully this story will be complete and turn into one of a great stories! Peace (y) <3

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