The Payment

Prelude to The Chaser

                The male stood before the entrance to the forbidden cave with the frail boy in his arms. His father had always warned him of staying away and for the longest time Myungsoo had obeyed, but not now. The monster hidden deep within the caves depths was perhaps the only one in existence that could help, that could save the cold boy in his arms. Myungsoo peered down into the seemingly sleeping boys face despite the slow burning ache in his chest and it saddened him at what he saw. The boy, so frail and cold, had died and Myungsoo blamed himself for being weak, for not being able to protect the love of his life.

             Sungyeol's arm lay limply around Myungsoo's neck, his head falling back against strong, scarred arms. Myungsoo felt the tears prick away at his eyes, and adjusted Sungyeol in his arms to where his fingers could touch the smooth skin of his plump, dirt speckled cheek. He brushed the back of his hand against Sungyeol's face, saddened by the lack of warmth that had been present moments ago.

"Everything will be alright Yeollie, I promise you." With the words leaving his tongue, Myungsoo left all regrets behind and ventured into the darkness, only one goal in mind. He would beg the witch to save his Sungyeol, no matter the cost. His walk never faltered, his fear unknown. Myungsoo walked on, keeping Sungyeol cradled to his chest and looked for a form of light anywhere.

"Witch," he called, only to have his echo be the only reply. He tried again, his voice becoming louder and louder with the urgency building in his chest.

"It is Prince Myungsoo, I'm begging you! If your here, please, p-please help me!" The moment he stated his name, the cave suddenly filled with light, globes materializing all around him. He pulled Sungyeol closer and looked around, on guard for when the witch made her presence known. Not a second later, a figure shrouded in darkness inked up from the ground in a flurry of cloud, twisting in and out of focus until it finally stabilized into the outline of a person.

"And what does the famed Prince Myungsoo want with me?" A rather feminine voice hissed in delight, " And Its Sungjong, not witch!" Myungsoo flinched at the mistake and realized he was in face talking to a male instead of a girl.

"Sungjong, I need a favor."

"And what would you be willing to give up for this favor?" Sungjong whispered, whipping back his cloaked head to reveal the face of a beautiful young boy. Myungsoo knew for a fact the Sungjong liked to appear before others as much younger than his real age, as with most magical beings.

"Anything," He said, his voice reverberating across the damp cave, filled to the brim with sorrow and emptiness. Sungjong gave a wry smile of knowing and malice and drifted closer.

"Anything you say?"

"Anything." The young looking boy felt his insides erupt with triumph as the prince begged him with his eyes. This seemed too easy, but the wizard liked it that way. He cackled inwardly as he came closer to inspect the prince's face.

"I will return him back to life Prince, but I'm afraid you will never be able to see him again. Are you willing to sacrifice your love, your soul for him?" Myungsoo glanced at Sungyeol's face and felt the gravity of the situation crash against him, but he would not change his mind. He would rather be dead than live with Sungyeol gone. He would forfeit it all if it would allow Sungyeol to breath once again. He graced his eyes across those plush cheeks he would miss kissing and pinching between two fingers, his blue lips that still looked beautiful, the pale tint of his skin. Oh how he would miss it all. When he had taken in all that he could, Myungsoo looked back to Sungjong with determination burning in his feline like eyes.

"I'm willing to do anything for him." Sungjong nodded his head in understanding and lifted up his hand. A bottle holding a golden liquid appeared out of a puff of black smoke, and Sungjong played around with the bottle.

"Blood from a phoenix. Its the only thing that can bring your precious one back and it is very hard to come by. If I save this boy, you are in my debt." It curdled Myungsoo's stomach to hear the word "debt." His father Woohyun had always stressed that being in debt with a magical being known for evil acts would always end in death, but Myungsoo could care less now. Sungjong pulled the cork from the bottle, and the smell of roses permeated the atmosphere. He brought the bottle over Sungyeol and tilted it until the gooey elixir spilled over. It spilled thick like a bee's honey and the moment a drop touched the pale male's face, the entire bottle quickly emptied itself, melting into his skin.

"W-What did you do to him!?" Sungjong watched with fascination, ignoring the frantic prince. It never ceased to fascinate him how magic could bring as well as destroy life. He almost felt bad for what he was about to do next.

"Shhh, just watch." The golden honey could be seen under Sungyeol's flesh, moving, spreading throughout his body. His skin formed waters of peachy color, his lips pinkening to rival a rose. His eye lashes darkened and his scars vanished, every blemish gone. Soon enough, his chest began to rise and fall like a tide. The warmth spread to Myungsoo and he cradled the boy in his arms, nuzzling his crown with his nose and breathing in his wonderful scent.

"He lives once again," Sungjong hissed, "and now it is time for you to repay the favor.

"What is it you want from me? My love? My heart?"

"Love is too uncontrollable. It can bring about the ending of time and the beginning all in one. It causes pain that people accept and is too unstable for my taste. Human hearts are fragmented and meaningless to me. I want your true self as payment."

"M-My true self?"

"Yes, the very essence that makes you able to feel, experience, live. It is your true self that I crave." Myungsoo closed his eyes and felt Sungyeol's breathing. This was more than enough to make him happy and he would give his payment. He placed Sungyeol against the cold stone floor and flinched as the taller male whined in annoyance at the temperature change. The prince then removed his satchel from around his neck and knelt down to place it under Sungyeol's head. The boy stirred and his doe eyes fluttered. He could see Myungsoo peeking down at him and all he wanted was his lovers warmth to keep away how cold he felt.

"M-Myungsoo?" Sungyeol croaked and tried to reach up and touch his face.

"No Yeollie, go back to sleep and I'll be here when you wake." Sungyeol couldn't understand what Myungsoo meant and tried again to touch him.

"S-Stay. Stay with me." Myungsoo's eyes filled with warm tears of love for the child like male curling into a ball on the floor.

"Shh, " Myungsoo murmured, wiping away the tears dribbling across his cheeks before they could fall," I love you so very much."

"Love . . . You too." When Myungsoo was sure Sungyeol had fallen back into a slumber, he pressed a chaste kiss to the taller male's forehead and stood again, face empty.

"I'm ready to give you payment." Sungjong smiled and beckoned the prince forward, conjuring his Pandora Box with which he would hold the precious essence. He gave Myungsoo a coy look before reaching a clawed hand through a small portal in the center of Myungsoo's chest. He felt around, enjoying the pained expression Myungsoo wore, until he felt the solid stone. He ripped it from Myungsoo's chest and let the male fall to his knees, his eyes dead.

"Why thank you for this beautiful self your majesty," Sungjong sneered, "I'll be sure to keep it safe." He placed the brightly pulsating stone inside of the rather medium sized box and closed it, using the key around his neck to push into the lock of the box. He tried to lock the box, but the key refused to bend to his will and flew from his grasp. The wizard growled in annoyance but soon smiled with pride. Finally the prince's inner being belonged to him, and soon the kingdom would fall, as foretold. He opened his cloak and tossed the box inside. Sparing the separated couple a glance, Sungjong shook his head. It was the first time he felt pity in such a long time. Turning his back to the two, he dove into the shadows and out of sight.

           The abandoned key lay against Sungyeol's hand, blending with his touch until it morphed into his skin, a small tattoo taking its place. His brow furrowed as his hand burned hot in that time and he opened his eyes quickly, remembering what had happened just before he had passed out. He remembered the attack in the dank forest by the trolls and how Myungsoo had protected him. He had been busy battling one when another came out of the trees and took Sungyeol by the upper arm, lifting him into the air and throwing him into a tree. Sungyeol knew that he had died, it was impossible to live through that, but then how had he survived? Sungyeol pressed a hand to his throbbing head and looked around. The globes of light had yet to leave and still illuminated the cave. Sungyeol's stomach dropped as he quickly assumed where he was. The Forbidden Cave. Why? His head sank with the fear and curiosity of why he was there until he caught sight of Myungsoo lying a few feet away. Mustering up some strength, Sungyeol crawled over to his lover and shook him. Nothing happened. Sungyeol tried again to awaken his prince by shaking him harder and saying "Myungie, wake up!" There was no effect. Prince Myungsoo still had breath in his body, but there was no warmth, no love, no life. Sungyeol began crying out of habit as he leaned over Myungsoo, begging him to open his eyes and look at him. He buried his head in the younger's chest and hugged him close.

"You m-made a deal with t-that witch, d-didn't you!!" Sungyeol called for Sungjong, and when his throat became dry, he continued still. But there was no one. Sungjong had left the world of the living with Myungsoo's soul in tow, and he had no plans on giving it back.

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Oooh, this sounds good :) Of course, I've always been one for fantasy. I can't wait for more.