Mr. and Mrs. Shin

Sweet but Bitter, Bitter but Sweet

Dongho's POV

I came home after work and checked the mail. I saw only one envelope in there and grabbed it out, hoping that it won't be bills.

To: Dongho

From: Mr. and Mrs. Shin

I opened it quickly and took the letter out and read it.

Dear Dongho, we would like to invite you and Soohyun to dinner tonight at six o'clock. We are very sorry about what happened a couple of days ago and would love to serve a meal. Please come.

                                                                                                                                        Thank you.

                                                                                                                                    Mr. and Mrs. Shin

YES! They finally accepted our relationship! I was so happy, jumping around, and celebrating. This wasn' t as hard as I thought. I called Soohyun hyung and asked if he knew about it.

"What? Really?" he asked.

"Yep. Your parents didn't tell you?"

"Nope...all they told me was that a girl was coming over today for dinner.."

"A girl?"

"Yeah...she's the daughter of the SamSung company. My parents tried to hook me up with her so we can get the money."

"And what did you say?" I asked.

"Of course I said no...Oh Dongho I gotta go, my parents are calling." he hung up and I started to get dressed. It was already five.

I don't have a car, so I had to ride the bus to his house. When I got there, Soohyun was waiting for me at the door.

"Dongho~" He yelled, waving his arms high up in the air. I yelled back and ran, hyung taking me in his arms. He was so big or I was so tiny that I fit right into his arms. I love it when he hugs me.

He bent down and kissed my forehead.

"How are you today?" he asked.

"Oh i'm great~" He took my hand and we walked in, Mr. Shin was sitting on the couch with a disgusted look on his face. Mrs. Shin paid no attention to me and she was talking to a very pretty girl and I infered that that, was the girl. When Soohyun left to go and get something in his room, Mr. Shin came over to me.

"Hello Dongho.." he whispered in my ear. That creeped me out..

"H-hello Mr. Shin..."

" are going to sit away from my son..and don't act like you even know him. Cause you see that lady sitting on the couch?" He asked.


"Well that lady is Soohyun's fiance." My mouth fell open in shock.


"See, my son is not gay and you know that. A filthy beast like you just made him like that. And if you go away, everything would be fine. He deserves a rich and pretty girl, not a gay poor guy that doesn't even have parents." he said smiling.  That just broke my heart.

Soohyun came down and Mr. Shin walked away.

"What did he say to you?" he asked.

"Nothing...he just thanked me for coming." So that's what they were planning. They didn't accept us..they were planning to split us. They wanted me to see that Soohyun fits best with that girl...

When dinner was ready, I sat on the other side of hyung as the girl sat next to him. To be honest, I was jealous. No, angry. That Soohyunnie's fiance?? I sighed as I began to eat. I was isolated from the rest of the group, the rich ones were talking and laughing, while I, the poor one, just watched. 

That went on and on until theys tarted talking about Soohyun's marriage. Then Soohyun suddenly slammed his spoon down, walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Marriage?" he asked. "No. I already have a boyfriend, and he is going to be my fiance, not her." The girl was in shock, and I knew what she was thinking.

Soohyun knew what she was thinking too and said, "Yes. I'm sorry to say, but i'm gay. " He told me to get up and the both of us walked out of the house.

Author's POV

Meanwhile at Soohyun's house.....

"Yeobo. We need to do something about this!" Mrs. Shin yelled.

"Don't worry, I have my plans..."

"What is it?" She asked, curiously.

"Soohyun is supposed to go on a business trip with me, so that means Dongho will be easy to target...If Dongho disappears, Soohyun can't do anything." He smiled as he rubbed his hands together.

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XxLeeTaeminxX #1
Chapter 9: i liked this
sad story i hope u can make the continue from this story
if u want, to^^
kissme_2shin #3
deabakk xD
Poor baby~~~~~! GREAT job on the story!
SmileCandy #5
This story is so sad but I'm glad dongho didn't die but i really want to see what happens next pls
so sad...*sniffle sniffle* great story! PLZ make a sequel!
Oh he's alive I'm so frickin happy :D
But he's blind! :'(
If you made him died i would of
Probably die of depression xD
kimelly #8
dongho becomes blind?? *tears* i feel bad for soohyun and him. *wipe tears*
princesssarah78 #9
om he still alive !
princesssarah78 #10
want to see what happen next ><