...IS Meant To Be

...IS Meant To Be


… IS Meant To Be


The minute the girls arrived home they instantly went to sleep, quickly falling into dream land. The next morning both girls woke up to a sunny day. “Time to get ready” Amy said as she got out of her bed. She walked to Mei's door, “Mei are you awake?” she asked as she knocked on her best friend's door. “Yes I am!” Mei exclaimed as she opened her door. “How long have you been up?” Amy said as she rubbed her eyes, still feeling slightly drowsy. Mei turned to her clock on her white nightstand, “For about an hour now.” “Explains why your so full of energy.” Amy said as she went to sit down on her best friends bed, turning she saw the group photo from Splash Mountain in a nice glass frame on her nightstand. “I take it you have been organizing your stuff, since you woke up. Because last time I came in here, I know this photo wasn't here.” Amy said as she picked up the frame and showed it to her friend. “Yeah, I didn't get to fix my stuff last night since I was so tired. I just changed, plopped on my bed, and knocked out. What about you?” Mei answered taking the frame and placing it back on the nightstand. “I just woke up so everything is where ever I left it last night.” Amy replied getting up and looking around her best friends room. It was so bright, and... white. Her room was the complete opposite, her room was full of black metal like furniture, while this room was full of white wooden like furniture. “You should probably go fix your things, that way your not wondering where you left everything. And while you do that I will cook us breakfast, deal.” Mei said turning to Amy, grabbing her by her shoulders, and lightly pushed her out of the room. “PANCAKES!” Amy said as she walked across the hall to her room. “That is the only way to fully wake you up.” Mei muttered as she passed by Amy on her way to the kitchen. “I heard that!” Amy screamed as she entered her room. All the bags from the previous day were strewn around the floor where she dropped them last night.


Amy began to picking up the bags and placing them on her bed. She began taking things out and placing them where she believed they would belong. The last thing she grabbed was her purse, she took out her camera, the photo from Splash Mountain, and the gift. She took them to her desk, and started up her laptop. Looking in one of the drawers she found a small metal frame to place the picture in. She quickly placed it on her nightstand next to her clock. She then proceeded to connect her camera to her laptop, she decided to back up her pictures, so that she would be able to erase them to take new pictures that night. She then grabbed the gift and opened it, she couldn't help but to admire the ring, she could not believe that all that happened just the day previous. “I see your on cloud nine.” Mei said, startling Amy out of her thoughts, “by the way food is ready now.” Amy placed the ring back in the box, and left her room. She went to the kitchen to find Mei sitting at the table waiting for her. “For a minute this morning I thought I had dreamt all of it.” Amy said sitting down and grabbing a couple of pancakes and placing them on her plate. “I did too, until I saw the picture and the necklace.” Mei answered as she poured syrup on her pancakes. “So what was the deal behind the necklace, you seemed near tears when you saw it.” Amy asked after taking a bite from her pancakes. “Stop exaggerating, but you know how I told you our hands touched, well after that I was so embarrassed that I looked away and that necklace took my attention, I grabbed it so that I could see it better. I guess he took notice that I put it back. He then left to go look at things, I had no idea that he would return to grab the necklace.” Mei answered after chewing on her food. Both girls became quiet, all you could hear was the clink of the table wear against each other. Once the girls finished, Amy picked up the plates and placed them on the sink. “I'll take care of the dishes, so you can shower first.” she said as she grabbed the last plates on the table. Mei only nodded her head and walked in the direction to the bathroom.


Once Amy finished washing the dishes she left to her room to check on the pictures. Since they were done she unplugged her camera and placed it back in her purse. She then sat down and began surfing the web. She happened to glance and noticed the note with the ring. “Where should I put you?” Amy asked the note, as if the note could respond. She then turned an noticed the frame. She picked up the frame, and stuck the note on the back of it. “That way I won't lose you.” She said to herself and went back to her laptop. “Knock, knock, the restroom is open now.” Mei said as she knocked on Amy's door, which was open. “OK thanks.” Amy responded, as she stood up. She quickly shut off her laptop and went straight to the restroom. Once she finished her routine, she went to knock on Mei's door. “Come in” she heard her best friend said. “So I have a question, should I bother dressing up for tonight.” she asked as she entered her room. “OK we are casually dressing, nothing over board, but nothing to plain either.” Mei answered as she went to look at her closet. “OK, what ever you say.” Amy replied going to sit on her bed. “I need your opinion on either this locks-look.jpg or this Outfit_1.jpg .” “Dress suits you better, so I would advice to wear that.” Amy answered as she stood up and grabbed the clothes out of her hand. Placing the chosen clothes on her bed, and placing the rest in the closet. “What are you going to wear?” Mei asked Amy as she began to walk out of the room. “Not sure yet, but I am pretty sure I will find something.” Amy said as she walked out of the door. She went into her room, and looked in her closet, she decided to wear this Classic-and-Comfortable.jpg . (Assume that the dress and the necklace in the pictures are the gifts given to them by the guys.) She went and showed Mei the attire, Mei just nodded her head in approval. She then returned to her room to change. After both girls had changed and finished getting ready, they both decided to go out. “We should probably head out early, it is going to get packed quickly.” Mei said as she grabbed her coat. “Where did I leave my panda hoody?” Amy said running around the apartment, looking for it. “It's on the couch AGAIN.” Mei answered emphasizing the last word. “Oh, xie xie” Amy said as she grabbed her hoody and put it on. “Who's car are we taking?” Mei said as she walked towards the door. “Mine, I guess.” Amy answered picking up her keys. “YAY CONVERTIBLE” Mei exclaimed as she walked out the door. Amy going after her and locking the door. “OK since it still a bit early why don't we go get something to give them backstage.” Amy said as she started the car. “To the mall!” Mei said as Amy drove out the parking lot. Amy handed her phone to Mei while driving. “I'm expecting a call from our boss, he said he wanted to speak to us about something.” Amy said before Mei even asked the question on her mind. “Why can't he wait for tomorrow when we go to work.” “I have no idea he sent me an email apparently last night saying he wanted to speak to both of us, but he would only be able to call us.” Mei only nodded her head and placed the phone on her lap. They quickly arrived at the mall and both girls got out of the car and entered it.


“OK what store do we go to?” Amy asked as they stood near the entrance of the mall. “ALL OF THEM!” Mei said as she was about to enter the closest store to them, but Amy prevented her by grabbing her from the should. “We only have about 2 hours before we head to the venue, we need to focus on what we are here for.” Amy quickly said, Mei only pouted at this, making Amy chuckle. They quickly went through the stores looking for the “right” gift for the guys. After words they quickly headed to the venue. “Are we super early or something?” Amy asked as she parked the car. There wasn't many cars around, and only a few people were waiting. Mei quickly rummaged in her bag for her ticket, looking at the information. “Well it starts at 7:00pm, and it is 5:00pm right now.” Mei said looking at Amy, just then a phone rang. “Hello, this is Amy Zhou speaking” Amy said as she answered her phone. “OK, yeah she is here with me, yeah give me on second.” Amy said responding, she then placed her phone on speaker. “OK she can hear you know, say hi Mei.” “Hello” Mei said. “Hello girls this is Jin, so I would like to speak to both of you girls about your schedule with me. I assume both of you are done with school, correct?” “YES!” Both girls answered. “Well then ladies once you get home pack your bags because you two have been chosen by me to work for a huge company out of state, you will be coming to work with me out of the country.” Jin said, both girls could only really turn to each other in shock. “Are you serious?” Amy asked, “Where are we going?” Mei asked not a second after. “That girls is a secret but I would like both of you girls to meet me 8:00am sharp at LAX, understand?” Jin answered chuckling at the girls. “Yes.” both girls answered. “Well girls enjoy your last night here in LA, because it may be while before you return.” Jin said and clicked. “WERE GOING OUT OF THE COUNTRY!” both girls yelled happily. They worked in a fashion company due to the fact that they were getting their degrees in fashion.


“This has to be the best weekend ever, first we got to bump into EXO at Disneyland. We are going to watch them perform later tonight, and we are leaving California for work tomorrow.” Mei said dreamily. “Yeah I know what you mean, awesome!” Amy said as she got out of the car. “Oh, it looks like more people have arrived.” Mei said as she turned to the venue. “We should probably go wait now, even if it is going to be for like 2 hours.” Amy said and walked towards the entrance of the venue. As they got in line to wait a security guard came out to check people's tickets. He would start picking people out of line, and placing them in a separate line. “You two girls also go into that line.” the security guard told both girls once he checked their tickets. Both girls nodded their head and switched lines. “Wonder what this line is for.” Amy asked as she stood there waiting for any further directions. Mei could only shrug, she didn't know either. “OK this line, follow me.” the security guard said as he began to guide the line around the venue. He then entered a side door, and lead everyone in. “We are going to get killed here.” Amy said as she grabbed Mei's arms. “You watch to many horror films, and let go.” Mei said as she lightly smacked Amy's arm, causing the girl to let go. “Don't say I didn't warn you.” Amy muttered to herself, Mei only rolled her eyes. Another security guard came from inside and whispered in the first one's ear, the first security guard nodded his head and walked out from where the group had came in. “OK welcome everyone this was a special surprise for all who purchased the VIP tickets, you get to roam around and meet with the artists you came to see.” the security guard announced, causing the whole group to begin shouting in excitement. “Please be mindful that the artists may be busy getting ready for the show, now all of you have fun.” the security guard said and left. The group ended up in confusion. Regardless people began to break away and walk around the venue. “Let's go scaredy cat.” Mei said pulling Amy along. “I wasn't scared” Amy muttered. They began to look around and noticed f(x) was on stage practicing. A couple of the members from Super Junior were talking with fans by the stage. Both girls quickly pulled out their cameras and began to take pictures.


“We should go look around backstage.” Amy said as she began walking around the stage. Mei only followed. They took pictures with a couple of artists that were hanging around backstage. While walking they ended up bumping into Luhan and Sehun. Both girls immediately remembered what had happened the previous day and began to blush. “Annyongsaeyo” both girls said as they bowed and greeted the two males. They smiled and also greeted them. “Aren't you two the girls Kris-hyung and Suho-hyung were talking about?” Sehun answered, both girls only turned to each other, they didn't expect for them to remember them clearly. “Yeah it is them.” Luhan said, he then looked around him, and whispered something into Sehun's ear. The two girls could only stay there and wonder what they were up to. Before either of them could say anything, they grabbed the girls and pulled them towards a dressing room. When the doors opened both girls saw...

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Really loved reading Destiny and now you have IS Meant To Be up which just made me really happy. Can't wait for the next chapter.