
It Can't Be Too Awkward, Right?



EXO-K ended promotions last week and I finally get to continue my schoolwork. I feel horrible, not having gone to university in over two months because of my schedule. Well, at least I’m finally going after so long!

Plunking my stuff onto my desk, I sit down in the back row. I can already hear girls whispering and pointing to me. Ugh. I was hoping they wouldn’t recognize me with my glasses.

Though I probably should have worn sunglasses instead of eye glasses... oops.

A short but pretty girl approaches me shyly, not meeting my eyes.

“E-Excuse me, uh…” She turns around and a few girls a couple rows away nod encouragingly. She looks back at me and blushes. “Um, You’re Chanyeol… right? From EXO?”

I nod and smile at her. “Yep, happy virus at your service.” I repeat the line I’d say occasionally at fan meets. Baekhyun dared me to say that during fanmeets, and I only agreed if he’d say “Crispy pig meat at your service.” The responses he’d get from that were the funniest things ever. One girl even said “I’d you eat you for breakfast any day,” just to sprint off a second after. You should have seen Baekhyun’s beet-red face. Oh my god, so hilarious.

The girl giggles and covers . “Uh, could I get an autograph?” She holds out a piece of paper.

I nod and sign it for her, waving goodbye after she leaves. She rushes back to her friends and they all erupt into small cheers, fighting over ownership of the piece of paper.

Wow. Dedicated fans.

The lecture rolls by, and half way through I take off my glasses and slam my head against my desk, snoozing away. Man, I need to sleep more. Last night I was all set on actually sleeping more than five hours for once, since we don’t have a big schedule anymore, but Kai challenged me to some video games… and though I consistently lose, I can’t turn down a challenge. I swear, one day I will beat that annoying little dancer… It’s hard to when D.O’s shouting instructions at me.
Chanyeol, speed up! You’re losing! Use the bomb right… NOW! No, not now, back then-ugh, you’re so helpless.

I love my groupmates but some days I want to squeeze the living hell out of them.

Good thing I’m in the back row. The professor’s pretty focused on the slide show so he doesn’t notice me, and I start passing out.

Ah, sleep, how I’ve missed you so…

My phone vibrates in my pocket waking me up, and I lift my head groggily. New message from Baekhyun. Stupid Baekhyun. This text better be worth waking me up.


Hyung, stop leaving your underwear on the floor>< and buy ramen before you come home, the bottomless magnae ate it all


I’ll be murdering him later today.

I look around and notice everyone packing up. Did the professor release us early? I guess, since it’s the first day or something, maybe he decided to go easy. I shove my stuff in my backpack and swing it over my shoulders, heading out.

I don’t have another class for about an hour and Kai told me to meet him for coffee when I get out of that class. I enter the coffee shop on campus and see him sitting at a table, focused on something on his phone.

“Yah Kkamjongie!” I yell his nickname loudly. He immediately looks up as well as everyone else in the coffee shop and I can almost see the fire in his eyes.

“Don’t call me that! It’s embarrassing,” He mutters as I sit at the table.

I shrug. “You called me “Derp Tower” in the middle of the mall.”

“That’s because it’s true!”

“So is Kkamjong!”

Kai rolls his eyes and punches my arm. “Shut up.”

I grin from my success and grab his menu, scanning over it, just to see a consistent blur of jumbled nonsense. Stupid eyesight.

I fish through my backpack, my hand grabbing at my phone, a pack of gum, some pens, a binder, everything except my glasses.

Where the-


Maybe I am the Derp Tower.

I lean back in my chair, groaning. Kai eyes me, raising an eyebrow.

“What’s up with you?”

I sigh, rubbing my eyes. “I left my glasses in my last class.”

Kai smirks. “Go get them, Derp Tower. Don’t ditch me here though.”

I nod and swing my backpack over my shoulders, dejectedly walking back.

I reach the building and lean against it, waiting for the current lecture to end. Hopefully he’ll let them out early like he did for us, so I can get my glasses and get back to Kai before he ditches me. Though he told me not to ditch him, it’s more likely that he’ll just decide to leave the coffee shop than me just walk away right now.

It’s really pretty around this building, tall trees casting long shadows over it. There’s a small gated off garden next to the building and I walk over to it, looking at the flowers. Such a pretty scenery.

Might as well take some selcas while I’m here.

I don’t usually take that many selcas, but being around Tao has gotten me taking more. That boy sure loves his selcas.

I pull out my phone and snap a few pictures of myself, sticking out my tongue, holding out the peace sign, all that usual picture stuff. I’m about to do some aegyo when students begin filing out of the classroom. Yay, now I can get my glasses!

I wait as students pour out, one after the other as they chat with their friends. Come on, pick up the pace, I gotta get my glasses before one of you hooligans steals them…

I approach the door and wait for the last few people to leave. Woo! Silly slow freshmen, taking their time wherever they go. I always thought freshmen were only slow in high school. I guess they are in college too.

Wait a second!

I spin around and watch one girl leave the area, stopping to look around the campus. She’s wearing a summery floral dress, a white cardigan, glasses and ballet flats. She’s pretty cute, though I’m more distracted by the fact that I think she’s wearing my glasses.

She looks to the left and I catch a glimpse of the glasses. Yep, those are mine. They fit her face well, though. But they’re my glasses!

I approach the girl and tap her shoulder lightly. “Er, excuse me?”

“Hi,” she says tentatively, eyeing me suspiciously. What, does it look like I’ll her? I’ve never met her.

She does look familiar, though.

“Um, I think those are my glasses,” I hesitate and point to the ones sitting on her nose.

She takes of the glasses and looks at them. “These?”

I nod. “I mean, they might be yours! I don’t know. But they look like mine, and I dropped mine in this classroom earlier, so I kind of was wondering…” I gesture nonsense with my hands.

The girl sighs and hands me the glasses.

“They probably are yours.”


Wait huh?

“Uh, why did you have them?” I slide the glasses on.

“I kind of left my glasses at home, and I needed to take notes in class, and I saw those on the ground…”  She trails off awkwardly.

I can’t help but smile. “So you decided to use a random pair of glasses?”

“Kind of?”

I chuckle. “Alright. See ya around.”

I wave and turn around, still smiling to myself.

 She was cute, but I swear I’ve seen her before.

“Bye Chanyeol!” She calls after me.


How does she know my name?

I rack my brain, scanning through faces from high school, middle school, neighbors…

I don’t know. She was probably at a fan meet or concert or something.

I make a stop at the small on-campus store and buy some ramen since Baekhyun told me to, and it’s halfway between the building and the coffee shop. I stuff the ramen packages into my backpack and continue walking, glad to have my glasses back.

I swear to god though, if Kai ditched the coffee shop, that boy’ll wake up tomorrow bald.

I push through the door and sure enough he’s there still, but a girl’s taken the seat I was sitting at. Her back is facing me, but Kai’s face is elated and he’s smiling widely. Is she his girlfriend? Didn’t know Kkamjong was brave enough to talk to girls. His charismatic stage presence covers his sufficiently shy personality, very, very well. I remember the first time I met him a few years back, I thought he’d be one of those unbelievably handsome douchebags, but he was one of the kindest and sweetest kids I met. Still is.

I approach the table and Kai waves me over when he sees me.

“Hey, got your glasses? Take that seat.” He points to a seat at an empty nearby table and I slide it over, plopping down into it.

“Yah Yeollie, this is Eunji,” He nods his head towards the girl and I lift my head up, smiling.

“Hi, I’m Ch- Oh hello again,” I say to the girl.

“Hi Chanyeol,” She replies, not surprised to see me.

“You here to take my glasses again?” I raise one eyebrow, and her eyes widen even more.

“No, I just needed them for that one class!”

I smile. “Whatever you say.”

Kai raises his eyebrows at me. “You’ve met already?”

I shrug. “Kinda.” I turn towards the girl. “How do you know Kai?”

“He’s my brother,” She says, a little confused, wondering why I don’t already know.

Smirking, I reply, “Haha, that’s funny. Kai’s sister is like three two years younger.”

“One and a half years, actually,” She corrects me, “And I am his sister. Don’t you remember me?” She looks at me and I stare into her soft brown eyes.

I met Kai’s sister a lot when we were training. His little sister would always come by and drop lunch off for him, and she’d stay and root him on when he’d dance. We all loved her, she was so sweet and cute. She was one of those little girls who you just want to hug and pat her head and give her a candy because she’s just too freaking adorable to live.

But this girl in front of me doesn’t look like the little girl from my memories.

This girl has long, wavy hair that flows down her back like a waterfall. She has big, innocent eyes and high cheekbones, and a cute smile. She looks mature yet young, as if she’ll be starting high school soon but also be graduating college as valedictorian, giving a speech that’ll impress everyone with her surprising maturity.

“Eunji?” I ask stupidly. She nods her head, smirking.

She looks at Kai. “Does he not remember me? I remember him well,”

“No, I remember you,” I say, shaking my head. “You just look grown up now compared to the little Eunji I remember.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

Kai stands up. “I’m getting a drink. What do you want?”

Eunji gives her order, and I stare at Kai, attempting aegyo.

“Yah, wonderful Jongin, you’re so great, the best dancer, kyaa…” I trail off, widening my eyes and smiling at him.

Kai steps back a little. “I’ll get you a drink if you stop staring at me like that.”

He quickly runs away and I turn to look at Eunji.

Seriously, she looks so grown up now. This Eunji’s wearing makeup, a dress, her hair long and sleek, while the little Eunji I knew wore butterfly clips and had a big cheeky grin everywhere she went. She used to look so cute, now she’s straight up beautiful.

“So… what classes are you taking Chanyeol?”

“Uh, public speaking, architecture, English… yeah. You?”

“I’m taking fashion, English too, and literature.”

“What’s your major?”

“Fashion. I want to design clothes.” She raises her eyebrows. “Who knows, maybe I’ll be dressing up EXO one day.”

“As long as we don’t go onstage wearing tutus, I’m fine with that.”

She slumps a little. “Dammit.”

“Yah you were actually going to make us tutu’s?”

“Just as gullible as I remember.” She laughs.

I frown. “I’m not gullible.”

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not!”
“No you’re not.”

“Yes I- wait what?”

Eunji starts cracking up, and I sit there, dumbfounded.

I can’t help but stare at her. She’s grown up so much. Where the hell did the cute little giggling Eunji go? I feel like I’m overanalyzing this, which I probably am, but I can’t get over it. That was only like two years ago, yet she’s grown up so fast. Wow, I sound like my parents.

Kai returns with the drinks. Eunji tells me that it’s her first year in college and how she seriously wants to be a hair stylist or designer for some big company or magazine. Soo Man knows that she’s Kai’s sister and has even been giving her small opportunities to do hair at different photo shoots. I ask her if she’s done anything big, and she says that she did Kai, Sehun and Luhan’s hairstyle for a W Live photo shoot. She shows me pictures of Kai’s hairstyle from the photoshoot on her phone, and I have to admit, Kai’s hair looks pretty good.

“You should do EXO’s hair for a performance one day,” I tell her.

She sighs. “I wish, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do something that publicized for a while. I don’t think it’d be fair either, if I got to do hair or clothes because I’m Jongin’s sister. I want to work hard by myself to get to that point, not by having connections.”

Kai pokes her arm. “That’s my hard working little sister.”

Eunji pokes him back. “That’s my irritating older brother.”

Eunji looks at her watch and finishes off her drink. “I have to go, I have a class starting in ten minutes. See ya Jongie.”

I chortle. “Jongie?” Kai blushes.
“Eunji, don’t calm me that in public!”

Eunji rolls her eyes and smiles at me. “Nice seeing you again, Chanyeol.” She waves at us and leaves the coffee shop.

I watch her disappear and turn to Kai. “Do you have another class today?”
“Yeah, English in an hour or so. I don’t know what to do for so long, though,” He rests his head on the table dramatically. I start jabbing his head with my finger.

“Yah, wake up Jongie!”

Kai immediately looks up, fire blazing in his eyes.


“Don’t call me that you annoying giraffe!”

“Giraffe? That’s the only insult you can think of?”

“Shut up.”

I grab my phone off the table and turn it on.

Wait a second. My phone never used to have Winnie the Pooh as the background. I turn the phone around and yep, Kim Eunji is engraved on the back of the phone.

“Kai, your sister left her phone here,” I say, waving her phone in his face. He slumps down again, laying his head on his arms.

“Can you go give it to her? I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tirreeeeeed.” He whines into his arm.

“But she’s your sist-“

Kai starts snoring, people in the coffee shop starting to stare at him.

“Why is EXO’s Kai snoring in public?”I hear someone say a couple tables away, and I shoot them a look. They immediately hide behind a menu.

“Alright, I’ll go, just stop it, people are staring!” I hiss at him.

“Thank you!” He lifts his head up and grins.

I roll my eyes and leave the coffee shop, holding onto the iPhone. Looking left and right, I scan the crowds for any sign of Eunji.

I spot her not too far away, walking off towards one of the taller buildings on campus. I jog towards her, gripping her phone so I don’t drop it. I call her name, feeling like I’m in a drama where a long lost lover has just spotted the love of their life, walking towards an airplane terminal to fly to the other side of the world.

She finally stops and turns after I’ve called her for the fifth time, and I slow down as I approach her.

“Hey Chanyeol,” She greets me, slightly suspicious.

“Hey, uh, you left your phone,” I say, handing her the iPhone. She slightly gasps and takes it gratefully.

“Omo, thank you so much!”

“So, er, bye,” I grin and wave, slowly walking backwards.

She waves back, and suddenly takes a few steps towards me, “Oh, I almost forgot, tell Jongin to make a copy of the dorm key for me.”


Wait, what?

Dorm key?

“Uh, why does he need to make a copy of the dorm key? Did D.O lose his again?” I ask her.

She shakes her head slowly. “No, I need it. I can’t just steal your key or something,” She laughs once, awkwardly.

“But…” How do I say this without sounding rude? “Why do you need a key to our dorm?”

She tilts her head, eyeing me. “Did Jongin not tell you? I’m staying in your guys’s dorm.” She looks back at the building behind her and turns back towards me. “Uh, my class is going to start soon, so… bye Chanyeol, see ya later,” She waves and walks off.




I rush back towards the coffee shop and plunk down in my seat, staring at Kai. He seems to finally notice my presence after two minutes and looks up from his phone. “Oh, hi.”


I stare at him a little longer, and he looks up at me again, confused.

“Something wrong?”

Yes, I didn’t know your cute sister was going to be living with us, that’s not very awkward, is it?

“Your sister’s going to be living with us?”
Kai sits up. “Oh yeah, I was going to tell you. Yeah, my mom wants her to live with me so she’s not living alone in an apartment or something. It’s fine though, right? It’s not like you’ve never met her before.”

It’s not like I have a crush on her either, is it?

This won’t be too bad though, right?

I mean, it can’t be too awkward.

Just that I sorta kinda really like her.

Nothing bad’ll happen, right?


Please say right.

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maryumizme #1
hold your horses ! how does this relate to the 'living with the derp squad' ?? did chanyeol met eunji before ?? i'm confused O.O
sofina11 #2
wait, so is this the last chapter or is there one more chapter?
@sofina11 i actually kind of continued this into a full on story... it's a little different from this oneshot but it's still a girl named eunji who's kai's sister, and she's living with exo :] if you want to read it, it's called "Living With The Derp Squad" :D
sofina11 #5
Don't make this a one shot!
It's too good to be so short!!
UWAAAAH. This is sooo good! I hope this isn't just a oneshot but it'll have more chapters. ^^ heheheh~

Like what yoshido said on her comment, I always imagine Eunji from A-pink as the Eunji here and for your fanfic LIVING WITH THE DERP SQUAD. I think that's because she's my bias :D

Please update this soon! :-)
yoshido #7
@author-nim Hehehe yes lol. There is a Eunji in Apink and she is also a happy virus with amazing vocals..

But ya.. U should dwfinitely make it into a fill fic.. I will be super excited if u r goona make a full fic out of it.. Yayyyy
@yoshido lol I didn't know there was an eunji in apink haha, i don't listen to apink ><
i was actually thinking about making it into a full fic... i don't know yet though o_O
yoshido #9
I love happy virus couple!!!!

Sorry I couldn't help but think Eunji as Eunji from A Pink... Hehehehe

Please make it into a fic....