Chapter One

I Hate You - Koh Jid Mal

The past - Feburary 14th, 2012

"Ga Eul!" Yi Jung called, walking into the prorrige house.
"What?" ask Ga Eul, walking out from the back.
"Let's go" Yi Jung grabbed Ga Eul's hand.
"Wait." Ga Eul took off her apron. "Master, Im leaving" called Ga Eul.

Ga Eul was already out the door when Master came out.
"This is like the gajillionth time she left!" sighed Master.
"Aigoo, let her be Master." laughed Jan Di.

"Are you doing anything for Valentines Day?" ask Ga Eul. Yi Jung shrugged. The two were sitting in front of a fountain eating ice cream.

"Ga Eul." said Yi Jung.
"Yes?" answered Ga Eul.
"Uh, Will you be my girlfriend?" ask Yi Jung.
"HUH?!" ask Ga Eul. She thought she was hearing things.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Yi Jung repeated.
Ga Eul stared at Yi Jung and he stared back. Then she hugged her.

"Is that a yes?" Yi Jung laughed. He felt Ga Eul nodded. He then hugged her back.

"The best day ever. Its Valentines day, and I got a boyfriend" Ga Eul sighed dreamily. Yi Jung laughed again,
"You're such a dork."

Ga Eul slapped his sholder.
"What?!" whined Yi Jung. Ga Eul stuck her tounge out at Yi Jung.

"Kah ja." Yi Jung grabbed Ga Eul's hand and they hoped into his black mercedes.

The present - Feburary 12th, 2013

F4, Jan Di and Ga Eul were all hanging out.
"Woah, in two days its your 1 year anniversary!" yelled Jan Di.

Ga Eul smiled but Yi Jung stayed emotionless.
"Yah, Yi Jung, are you okay? Your spacing off." said Joon Pyo.
"Huh? What?" ask Yi Jung, looking around.

"Are you okay?" ask a worried Ga Eul.
"Im fine. What were we talking about?" ask Yi Jung.

"Were you even listening?" ask Woo Bin.
"Not really..." answered Yi Jung.
"Do we need a doctor?" ask Ji Hoo.
Yi Jung shook his head.

"You can go home if you want to..." said Ga Eul.
"Anio." Yi Jung shook his head.
"Are you sure?" ask Jan Di.
"Yes, I am" answered Yi Jung.

The guys sighed, they new something was bothering Yi Jung.
"Well, im going to take Jan Di home." sighed Joon Pyo. Joon Pyo got up and grabbed Jan Di, and led her to the garage.
"Bye~" Jan Di waved and smiled. Everyone waved back.

"Ga Eul, you should get going, come on" Yi Jung and Ga Eul walked outside and got into the same mercedes.

They didn't talk all the way home. Yi Jung parked infront of the Chu's residence.

"Are you sure you are okay?" ask Ga Eul, worry in her eyes.
"Ga Eul, im fine." sighed Yi Jung. Ga Eul also sighed. Yi Jung kissed her on the cheek and walked Ga Eul to the front door.



singing out,

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Great story
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 2: update pleaseeeee
JennyPark2ne1 #5
yay Love it
gotler #6
*begins singing Lies*
mudkip118 #7
Cool story!
Chapter 2: Update please? TT.TT
OMG, I swear! So interesting, but I f they don't end up together in the end this is what will happen:
I track down Kim Beom all the way to Seoul and slap him. He won't understand why a stranger did that. He'll ask, "What's your problem?!" I'll snap at him and say he should've never broken up with So Eun. He'll say thet were never dating. And I'll say, on Asianfanfics, you always are...
I'm waiting for you to update!
You left me all curious ><