How about, a DUET someday?

We are called, KEYBER

How about, a DUET someday?

F(x) was been invited to the show "KJE Chocolate" to reveal their secrets. When f(x) was talking about their abillities, the host let the 3 SHINee boys, Taemin, Onew and Key to say some secrets about the girls. Taemin and key reveals ambers girlyness inside by showing some girly pictures of her. Taemin also talks about luna's wave dance. Key also revealed sulli's cruelty by telling her impatientness and showing her diary telling about her cuteness. After the conversation, SHINee and f(x) sang the song of black eyed peas, " Where is the love " . After the show, Key walks to amber and said.

"Yah, sis. Thanks for helping me with the lyrics." Key hugged amber from the back.

"Hey, that's ok. At least I help someone." Amber smiled.

"Well, to be honest, i'm not really expert at speaking english though, i'm just learning it on my own."

"I see. That's what you call, hardwork."

"Hehehehe." They both laughed. Krystal saw them on the room together.

"Hmmmm... I guess Key oppa and Amber unnie perfectly match each other."Krystal thinks.

"Ahhhh!!!! I know what to do now!!!" Krystal runs and calls the 2 SHINee boys and the 3 girls.

"Unnie, is there something wrong?" Sulli asked.

"No!"krystal answered.

"Then what is this for soojung." Onew said.

"Well, have you noticed key oppa and amber unnie being close to each other lately?"

"Yeah!" Everybody said.

"So, I just think of making a dinner date for them both!"

"Ahhh..... WHAT?!!!"

"Come on guys, they suit each other, a girly boyand boyish girl!"

"You got a point. I do also see them talking, laughing, eating, walking together."Luna said.

"Hmmm.... So are we going to start now?" Taemin wondered.

"Not yet now. We still don't have much idea on how to"

"I GOT AN IDEA!!!" Victoria shouted.

"really?" everybody replied.

"Boys, you go talk to key like this." Victoria whispered to the boys.

"Girl, follow me!!" The girls and the boys waved each others hands with a goodbye. The girls searched for amber and they saw her with key on hallway laughing.

"Uhmmm, amber!! Key!!" Victoria interupt their happiness.

"Oh, hi victoria." The two said.

"Uhm, key, the boys are calling you out."

"Ahhh, is that so? Ok, uhm... See you around bro!!" Key hugged amber.

The girls was shocked.

"Ok sis!!" Amber laughed.

"Yah!! Bro not sis!!" Key smiled.

"hehehe..." Amber smiled widely.

Key walks out of the hallway to see the boys. The girls surround amber and that makes her wonder.

"Why are you looking at me like that guys?" Amber said.

"Well, on saturday, were free. So I suggested If we go shopping!!" Krystal said.



"Well, amber unnie don't worry. Chairman knows it already." Luna hugged her.

"Ok... what time?"


"f(x)!! Let's GO!!!!" Victoria yelled.


"Hyung, come on!!!! Were free that day!!!" Taemin said.

"Well, how about the two? Minho and jong. Does they know about this already?" Key asked.

"Yeah." Onew talked at the back while his mouth has chicken in it.

"What's that? Chicken again hyung? ahhhh... Is there no day where your not eating chicken?" taemin argued.

"Ok, ok... What time on saturday?"

"2pm hyung, 2PM!!!" Taemin marked his words.

"Ok!!!" The SHINee boys continued their chat.

When saturday came,

"Unnie!!! Unnie!!! Wake Up!!! It's SATURDAY ALREADY!!!!" Sulli wokes the girls up.

"uhhh, isn't it still early to wake up sull?" krystal murmurred.


"Oh come on!!! Remember. It's your idea to set the two on a surprise date."

"huh? OHHH YEAH!!!! Thank you for remembering." Krystal hurridly wakes up the 3 girls.

"Do we have breakfast?" Luna asked.

The girls eat their breakfast and soon finished it quickly.

After 4 hours, f(x) and SHINee meets at the hallway on the ground floor of SMent building.

"Minho, Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun oppa.... Are you ready to go now?" Krystal told the 4 boys.

"Huh, how about me?" Key asked.

"Let's GO!!!" Victoria pushed amber towards key and left them two alone.

"YAH!!!! Where are you going?" Amber shouted.

"What's wrong with them?" Key pouted.

"Vic, how are we going to put them on a date?" Onew asked victoria.

"Don't worry, I will handle it." Vic smiled.


~Phone rings~

"Hello?" Amber answered.

"Yo, amber... Are you ok there?"

"Do you think i will be ok if you guys are hanging out while me and key are just here?"

"Pishhh... Don't worry, you two can still hang out?"

"Where do you think we will go?"

"Oh come on. You two are now good friends."

"Wait, Is it just me or, I can see that your letting me and key to be together on purpose?"

"See!!! You are the one saying it!!! I knew it.... I didn't even say anything.. HAHAHAA!!!!"

"Yah, unnie!!"

"Bye bye llama!!!"

"YAH!!!" Victoria cut the line.

"What did she say?" Key asked.

"Well, they leave us both."

"Hmm.... So, do you wanna walk outside?"

"huh? But i'm not even familiar outside."

"Oh come on.. I live here. I can roam you around, uhmm, do you wanna go out with me?"

"Huh? Uhm, how about your work?"

"This day is free. Come on, You'll love the places that I will show you!" Key grabs ambers hands and walks outside. They roam around, key talked amber about the buildings, schools, streetvendors, foods, and more. Amber was entertained because key was also making her laugh while walking. They stop on a foodcart which key was feeling hungry.

"Wanna eat some kimchi?" Key asked amber.

"Isn't that really spicy?"

"Koreans taste are hot." Key smiled.

"hahaha!!! Your such a joker, Ok!!" Key gets a kimchi and placed it on ambers mouth.

"AhhhH!!! SO HOT!!!" Amber screamed.

"HAHAHA!!! Your face is becoming red!!" They both laugh.

"Sir, maam, you two must be a happy couple." The vendor told the two and makes them laugh more.

"Were not a couple, were friends." Key smiled.

"Yeah, We only meet few weeks ago." Amber talked while was burning from spicyness of the kimchi that she ates.

"Want some water?" Key pointed the bottle to amber.

"Definetily!!!" Amber hurridly drink. After they eat, key brought amber to an art museum.

"I heard that you like things about arts."

"Well, yeah, When i was in states, I always draw things that comes out on my mind."

"So, If your mad then you think about a bad drawing, your going to draw a devil?"

"LOL NO!!! Well, something not good like killing a people."

"Ehhh!!! So that means, If your ert, you'll draw something ?"

"YAH!!! Why are you talking like that 'laughs' Of course not!!"

"Hehehe, just joking."

Key roamed amber around the museum and amber was superly amazed on the drawings, and paintings. After almost a half an hour, key brought amber to a cafe. Key ordered a classic coffee while he ordered a creamy one for amber, which he thought that amber isn't drinking a coffee.

"Hey, why is this creamy?" Amber tasted the coffee.

"Huh? You don't like creamy coffee's?"

"I do like oppa. But I drink the original."

"Oh, sorry."

"That's ok."

They both chit chat and laughed again.

"Hehehe, UHm... So luna, sulli, krystal told me that, you want to have a duet with me, Is that true?"

"Well, yeah...."

"I knew you will say that. I can believe everybody is believed at me. Im so HANDSOME!!" Amber laughed loudly when key said that.

"Yeah, 'laughs louder' You are handsome!!!" Amber cheeks got red.

"Ok, ok.. hehehe. Your going to die from laughter. So, you really want?"

"Of course. Who else doesn't want to have duet with you? of course, NO ONE!"

"So, How about a duet some day?"

"HUh?! Really?"


"Oh my gosh, thank you so much key oppa, it'll be an honor for me to have duet with you!!" Amber stood up and hugged key tightly.

"Uhem... Ahh.. Ok...kay...'t...bre....atthhh..." Keys face turned violet.

"Oh!!! Sorry oppa." Amber releases her arms away. Key breaths in hardly and laughed.

When it was already night, the two was still walking and looking at stores.

"Feels, like im still living at L.A."

"really? Told you the place are nice."


"Where are they?" Sulli wondered.

"It's almost 9pm. Key must be sleeping at this time already but he's not home yet." Jonghyun panicked.


"Key oppa, thanks for everything. I really, really had fun with you. So, see you soon? And see you soon on the stage?" Amber told key.

"All i can say is YES!!! See you tomorrow amber!! BYE BYE!!" Key walks and waves his hands on amber.

Amber calls krystal on the phone and told her that she's on their dorm already.


"See, she's home already. She said that key brought her home." krystal pouted and raised her right eyebrow.

"HUH!! WHAT!!! COME AGAIN?" Luna asked.

"I said....... Key oppa...brought unnie............home... AHHHHH!!!" Krystal shouted and hugs luna.

"Woah, woah. Krystal!!!" Minho calms krystal down but he fail.

"GUYS!!! Key is coming." Onew act normal when key cames.

"Guys, sorry if im late. So, let's go home now. Girls bye bye." Key walks away again and got to the car.

"AHHHH!!! SUCCESS!!!!" The boys and the girls made a group hug.

To be continued...

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Good one 8 people! LooooL
I just love their parts here!
And Amber and Key too!
Keep updating!
hahaha. Good one. Keep update.
llamahappyviruswufan #3
what days are u going to update...?
llamahappyviruswufan #4
waiting for other chapters...
LOL!!! Those girls and boys! EXcept for KeyBer, are so funny!
I love the last sentence "AHHHH!!! SUCCESS!!!!" Haha xD
Can't wait for the next update! :)