Meeting the Family Part 2


It''s scary to meet a mother who gave birth to, Cho Hee. She must be twice, maybe ten times as worse!! What did I get myself into!? We were soon in the suburbs, infront of a beautiful white house with a beautiful garden front. White picket fences, cute trees. What a perfect place to grow up!

'Here it is,' he stopped the car in the driveway, I opened the door, and followed him. We were at the front steps, I was messing with the end of my tube top, nervous. Soon the door opened to a lady my height, with the smile Cho Hee has. So pretty. She wore a white spring dress and yellow cardigan.

'Come in!' she pulled us in happily and hugged Daesung, then me. I was frighten in my spot.

We took off our shoes and followed her to a bright beautiful living room with Cho Hee and an older gentleman that is most likely Daesung's father. I smiled and bowed, but all I got was a dirty look from Cho Hee then a smile and nod from the older gentleman.

'Well dinner isn't til around five, so why doesn't Daesung show you around?' she went into a doorway, where I assume the kitchen is with Cho Hee following. Soon Daesung tugged my wrist and led me stairs, we went down a hallway and into a boy's room. He closed the door behind me and kissed my head.

'See it's not that bad.'

'Your mom is really nice.' I looked around the room and saw a book shelf and went to it, comics and mangas then actually books. 'You like reading? You never have books at the apartment.'

'Well, they are in a box under my bed.' He a tv, and plugged in a GameCube,

'YaH! You have one?' I sat on the bed with him.

'Yeah?' he looked at me weird.

'Well I thought you'd have a NES.'

'I'm not that OLD!?' I started to laugh, while he handed me a controller, we started to play Smash Bros.  Soon it was really competitive and we were pushing eachother or messing with the others remote. He kissed me, really slowly and sweet. Innocent. After that we pulled apart and started another round, I was Link and he was Mario. I think this is why I fell for him, his cheeriness.

The door opened to his mom, 'Awh, you two look like how Daesung and Nina looked in high school. What happened to her?'

Daesung got up off the bed.'Really?'

His mom smiled and told us the food was done, I guess I'm not as welcome as I thought. We walked down stairs and his dad pulled me aside before I went into the kitchen/dining room. 'You should know I won't be mean like my wife and daughter to you. I never liked that other girl, you, you seem better.'

Finally, someone who doesn't hate me!

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Chapter 2: Starts singing psy and snoop dog 'hangover' im so glad someone did a maknae line fic, daemin are my fave couple from 2ne1 bang maknae lines.
Chapter 12: how can i passed this was great!really.would you like to update soon authornim?thank you¡
Plz update soon. I can understand if ur busy but still. I'd love an update :) work hard!! Fighting!! :D
Sorry, I've been in a MAJOR school wide project, but all my stories will be updated twice I promise!!:D
SDAOFVQW:EFKSD I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR AGES! >.< Please update soon! Your story is really awesome! :D:D
Update pwease <3
Oooooh cliffy hehehe can't wait till next chapter
Woah this is different 0.o <br />
lool still an awesome story
-please update soon xx