Your Lucky..


I always at one to one, serious talks. When my mom talked about to me, all I said was blargh. Literally.

I walked up to him, my hands behind my back, he was leaning in to kiss me ,but I turned away. 'Whats wrong?'

'I want a commitment.' I told him straight out. no blargh.

'Like marriage!?' he stared at me with his eyes wide, I started to laugh at him.

'No! Like going out, you know boyfriend, girlfriend.' I looked away, then I was pulled into a hug.

'Are you asking me out Minji?' he started to laugh, leaning his forehead on mine.

'I guess, I am the man in this.' I started to giggle.

'Sure, treat me like a lady okay?' He started laugh even more and he kissed me so softly and sweetly. Not as hard as I thought, till his phone rang. He looked at his Blue Cyon cover, Cho Hee. 'It's my sister I have to get this, be right back.'

I know it's weird ,but I am jealous of his sister. She was so pretty and attention grabbing. Soon he was hugging me behind and we went to the coach to watch tv. 'How long are you staying?'

'Only the summer, then I have to go back home.' I was kinda depressed, to realize I only can be here for two months. Two months to be with the girls and guys, and to be with Daesung.

'Oh well where is your brother and your friend?'

'A club.' He started to kiss my cheek, I turned to kiss him on the lips. 'Yah, what if Jiyong walks in.'

'He is at SeungHyun's to play DDR.' I turned my head to laugh at the mentally image of Jiyong and SeungHyun playing DDR. He took the open to kiss my neck and then pulled me on his lap.

'You still smell like the diner.' I started to laugh and I got off him, he pulled me into a hug.

'Don't cha like it.' he chuckled.

'I'm not really for American food.' I told him giving him a face. 'You should take a shower, you have some sauce on you.'

'Take one with me.' My eyes widen, and my face went really red!

'Yah!' I hid in his shirt. He pulled away and ruffled my hair.

'I was just playing, and besides why would you be so shy. You have before.' He started to laugh shaking his head and closed the door. Dork. I was hiding from my mom. I went to the room and laid on the bed reading a magazine, Chic Girl. I looked through to my favorite part, the quizzes. How does he see you in his eyes.

1. Does he always kiss you when he sees you?

A. 0

B 25%

C 50%

D 75%+



The ridicules ual questions went on and on, gross. I looked at the score, like a child, dah fuh! I rolled over, that was a stupid quiz anyway. I got up and looked in the mirror, I had a rather round chubby face, hair that framed it making it rounder. Soon my door opened to Daesung with his hair went and a towel around his shoulder. 'Yah get out.' I stuck my tongue out at him as he sat on the bed. He shook his hair and I got a lot of water on me. I gave him a face. He laid on the bed with his hands behind his head. I climbed on top of him, and tickled him. Revenge for making me shy earlier, yes. Soon I ended up under him, I was so tired, my ponytail was out and my hair was sprawled everywhere.

He stared to lean down to kiss me when the door swung open to a Taemin. We got up really fast, and gave him a strange look. 'Uh, your brother is drunk. What do I do?'

I walked out to the living room to my brother on the couch, dead looking, I looked at the clock, three a.m. already. I walked over to him, he was asleep. I smirk, grabbed a bucket and put it beside him and got a light cover over him. I patted Taemin on the shoulders. 'He'll be alright.' Taemin just sighed and left to his room. I went back to my room and layed in the covers on my bed, when I felt kisses on the back of my neck. I started to giggle. I'm such a child. Soon we were drifting to sleep.


When I woke up the sun shone through the curtains making me squint. I felt the bed breath, wait what. I looked down I was asleep on his chest, he had a goofy smile on his face. I looked at the clock, almost seven. Only four hours of sleep great. I rolled my eyes and went to get up when I heard something. 'Don't, it's to early.'

'How'd did you even wake up I was quiet.' I sighed when an arm wrapped around me and tugged me down. I smiled at him and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

'Go to sleep.' I sighed, I can't after I wake up.

'I can't.' I stuck my tongue out and he just laughed. He leaned in and kissed my lips, I tugged on his shirt and he was on top of me. He started to tug at my shirt and then I put my hands on his,stopping him. 'I'm sleepy now. Night,' I gave him a wink and a kiss on the lips and hid in the covers. He rolled over, went under the covers and fell asleep with his arms around me. Before he fell asleep he told me something that made me not want to go to sleep.

'Your lucky I love you.'

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Chapter 2: Starts singing psy and snoop dog 'hangover' im so glad someone did a maknae line fic, daemin are my fave couple from 2ne1 bang maknae lines.
Chapter 12: how can i passed this was great!really.would you like to update soon authornim?thank you¡
Plz update soon. I can understand if ur busy but still. I'd love an update :) work hard!! Fighting!! :D
Sorry, I've been in a MAJOR school wide project, but all my stories will be updated twice I promise!!:D
SDAOFVQW:EFKSD I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR AGES! >.< Please update soon! Your story is really awesome! :D:D
Update pwease <3
Oooooh cliffy hehehe can't wait till next chapter
Woah this is different 0.o <br />
lool still an awesome story
-please update soon xx