
Beaten Because I Love You (OneShot)

Your POV

I look at my phone worried because my boyfriend hasn’t text me or called me back like he always does within an hour because he is busy with work just like me with school and work. Kevin always tells me that I don’t' need to, but I answer the same way every time.

"Baby just cause I'm dating you and your famous doesn't mean I'll give up on the life that i planned out for myself. Kevin I love you but I want to help people with medicine well you save them with music."

"Still that's a long way away."

"I know but once I'm done with my schooling I promise we'll do whatever you want but just let me do this one thing."

"Alright only because I love you and want you to be happy."

I smile as I remember everything he ever done for me.

I stare at my phone and decide to call Eli and he answers since I never call him, "Yoboseyo."

"Ja, Eli is Kevin with you?"

"No, we dropped him off at your place an hour ago."


"Yeah, but there were a few guys that made him really nervous though, but we don't know why. Do you?"

Yeah my dad's henchmen, but instead I say, "No, but I'll go look for Kevin."

"Are you sure that you want to that alone?"

"I'll be fine if I run into any problems I'll run away and call you."

"Good now go find your man," he tells me as he hangs up.

An Hour Later

I'm in front of an empty building that is my father's goonies hangout. Taking a deep calming breath I walk in with my metal bat, not that i really need it.

I walk up to all familiar stairs that I once played on when they were in charge of watching me.

As I walk into what would be a dinning room I see the main guy, Goonie (no joke real name), smiling like a fool.

"Oh the princess is here," I hear Goonie say.

"Don't call me that I renounced my father's name and took my mother's," I yell and hold my breathe on how I was going to finish the sentence where I was going to mention I know what Kevin's going to ask me soon.

They glare at me, "You may do that in the eyes of the law but you're still connected to your father by blood."

I take a knife and cut my hand, "then here take my blood for I can purge myself from being related to a monster."

Kevin's eyes are like saucers he scream out to me, "____ stop please just stop you're hurting yourself."

He tries to fight his restraints but he falls back into the chair sighing not realizing that they were becoming looser. I smile over at him to see his bruises and a few cuts.

One of the guys run over to me and grabs my hand that's holding the knife. Swinging my foot up I kick him in the head.

I start to walk towards Kevin but a bunch of guys jump in my way. So i start to fight to Kevin. When I reach him I cut the ropes.

He pats his pocket to find his phone. Ignoring what he's saying and put the knife close and back into my pocket.

I grab my bat and get ready to swing who comes up to me next not caring that some of these guys use to be my friends when I was still in highschool and I ran away from home changing my name as soon as I could.

After a while, they seem to forget I'm the boss's daughter and I become someone that must be taken down because they are attacking them.

I'm starting to get tired and don’t' know what to do. I just want to lay down and close my eyes for a little bit.

Before a clear blow can be landed, I hear Eli shouting about stupid friends not keeping their promises. When I turn around I see the five other U-Kiss members I'm surprised that they are here, but also that they are ready for a fight. It’s hard to tell what's going on because I run over to Kevin to check that he's alright.

By the time I check out to see how bad Kevin is hurt. I check for the extant of the damage. Its a few minutes later I turn round to see that the fights are already over and the goonies are the ground and U-Kiss is barely even hurt.

They give me a look that tells me to explain myself. I start to trip over my words and fail to make sense of anything I said so how could they.

Kevin wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder. "_____'s family is lets just say dangerous and she's trying to leave that life in the shadows far behind her, but her dad found her and is trying to bring her back. He doesn't like that she's dating me because of how much attention there is on us."

The guys all give me a look that said they were sorry because they won't really say it out loud for some unknown reason.

I still shake my head and smile at them to wanting their sympathy no matter how deep inside I truly do.

"Can all of you just keep this a secret or easier pretend this didn’t' happen?"

They nod as my boyfriend smiles at me he pulls me into his chest even though he winces in pain.

"We need to get you to a hospital and call the police."

"We're not."

I give a look that said do what I tell you to.

They do what I said except we wait for the ambulance and police to get here.

We tell them the story we made up about the guys deciding to kidnap Kevin and we didn't really know why they would do that. They ate it up like children given candy.

Slowly the emergency response teams shows up and starts to help Kevin after wincing a few times he passes out scaring me. They load him into the ambulance and I sit in back with Eli and Hoon. They both have to hold me back to make sure that I didn't do anything stupid.

When we reach the hospital they rush Kevin into the ER and the members of U-Kiss and I'm stuck in the waiting room for the doctor to come out to tell us how Kevin is.

When he comes out, he tells me that Kevin is fine that it was nothing major and we can see him.

I run past the doctor and the members sit back and wait since they know he's alright.

I sit at his bedside for what were probably minutes or maybe hours until he wakes up and it takes all my strength not to jump into his arms and hug him as hard as I can.

He looks up and smiles at me, "Why are you just standing there can't I get a kiss and hug from my girlfriend after waking up?'

I lean over and slap his shoulder lightly as look at him, "What makes you think that now is a good time to start joking around? Kevin you could have died or something worse could have happened and you sit here in a hospital bed lucky that nothing didn’t happen and lucky to be alive. If I didn’t show up they probably would have killed you."

He sighs and looks at me as he lifts his arms as if he saws come on just give me a hug we both want.

I cave in because I can't hold it anymore.

I climb onto his bed and hug him wrapping my arms around him as lightly as I can to make sure that I don’t hurt him anymore than he already is.

I start to cry into his chest, "I was so worried. Kevin never let anything like that happen again do you understand me? Don’t' ever scare me like that again?"

He gives me a look that says he has something to say so I look him straight in the eye, "Yes? Kevin what is it?"

"_____ can you go into my jacket pocket and grab something for me?"

"Yea," I get off the bed slowly and walk over to where they put his clothes I find a pocket that has a bump in it and pull out a small black box.

"Open it," he tells me.

I open the box to see a beautiful diamond ring that I recall is an heirloom of Kevin's family.

I look back to see Kevin out of bed even though he's wincing he's on one knee in front of me.

I put a hand to my mouth as he says, "_____ will you do me the honor of being my wife and staying by my side forever?"

"Yes," I jump into his arms forgetting that he's hurt, "Of course I'll marry you."

He smiles taking the box from my hand, places it on my ring finger, and kisses me, "I'm glad now no matter what we'll be together forever, because I love you."

"I love you to Kevin."

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Chapter 2: Sequel , yes ! I want that ! Oh , Kevin will be a very good appa ! I love this story of yours , authornim ! ^^
moonlover23 #2
I'm jealous Kevin is so cute xD
Cute ^^