Another day!.

YOU catch ME by SurpRise. *)

It was on a sunday afternoon when Barbara woke up, and saw that it was 3:30pm, she jump out of bed, went to the shower and brush her teeth.

" la la today is sunday, i am going to relax, and take a walk around the park."  when she finish brush her tooth, she went downstairs make herself a cup of coffe, sat on the soffa, she opens the tv, and start watching the  news. she said while arranging herself to a good position " i wonder what they have on tv today, i bet it's another crime, thats what they always have  nothing different." It doesn't matter anyway i have other things to do. she close the tv, go to her room, looking for some close to put on. she find a black dress she said " nothing would really hurt if i put that dress on" she get herself ready put on some make-up , and heating for the park. She went downstairs close her door, put the key on her purse ,and walking down the street. Whe she arrived at the park they was that friendly breeze of air that was passing , the flower were moving from side to side. she said to herself " how beautiful are those flower, i wish i was one of them, moving like there is no tomorrow" she saw a porch she sat  looking every single activity that was going around her. And their was that cute little girl that was ridding a bike, and she was calling " mama look at me i am doing it, look mama i'm good at it" she suddenly remember her first time riding the bike. Her face changed  to black and smoke coming out of her ears she saifd  with a creepy voice " If only i was that excited, i was a corward to ride a bike, worse of all my mama was pushing me, i am a scary cat, well it doesn't matter now it's not like i needed the skills anyway, If i was going on a cercast i'll probably need that but nah". she finally stop thinking and decided to  go home, it was getting a little chillli, she didn't bring any sweater. She was on the stop bus waiting for one to pass, but that wasn't happening. Then she said" somehow this black dress hate me, howcome everytime i wear it something like that have to happen, Ahhh, this day is going to be my worse nightmare" It was pas five, no bus has come yet, and she been standing in the stop bus since 4:19pm. she was really feeling the cold now, that it was getting very late. she was freezing.

"BRZZZZZZ" HEr teeth was grinding with each other brzzzz.  Then their was that boy coming to the stop bus, dressing very warm like he knew it was going to be that cold outside. He stood next to her, waiting for the same bus. Barbara was shaking and turning purple. And thanks to the kidness of the boy that was just standing waiting for a bus, he landed her his jacket.  ' Here you can used my jacket to warm up, you'll gave it to me when we ge on the bus" Barbara was very cold she couldn't move a bone, and the boy decided to to do it for her, " He wrap his arm around her in order to put Barbara arms in each, by accident The boy from the stop bus hand suddently touched her in the neck brushing her hair away,  then Barbara feel that electrify feeling coming from her neck she said "w-what is going on suddenly i get that feeling" The he introduce himself to her. " My name is Micheal". then Barbara turned to face him to introduced herself as well, then their was that sudden blush from Barbara's face, that makes her couldn't speak. " I-im Barbara" she quickly turned around after she said it. Micheal said to her " You have a beautiful voice" Barbara's eyes was wide open , surprise to hear that coming from a cute boy that she was blushing too. "Thank you" Barbara respond. Finally the bus arrived, and they both got in. Barbara remembered to gave him the jacket that he gave her back to him, " thank you for letting me used your jacket" to her surprise Micheal respond " you can have it if you want, beside it looks good on you" Now Barbara was breathing blood, with this hot face she don't know what to say. She then think and she said to herself " wait a minute is he trying to play game with me, or he noticed that i was blushing , and want me to blush more" . She turned around and she said " Thank you" ," no problem Micheal answer back".

"Well this is my stop" , he said , he stand up waiting for the bus to stop so he can get off.

" A-ahh Barbara couldn't find a word to say, it's either saying goodbye or don't respond back" she decided to say Goodbye. Micheal left ,and go. She start thinking this just now was akward, he gave me his jacket, i don't even know him,  i accepted the jacket, and the only thing i knew is that his name was Micheal.It was Barbara turn to get off, while she was getting off she saw where Micheal was seating, their is a wallet, she said " this must be his, he probably drop it without knowing  she go back to get it, and she get off the bus. Well he have to have a phone number so i can call him to picked up his wallet, but they wasn't any. she said "well i guess the next time i see him, i'll gave it to him." Barbara open her door gets her shoe  off, walk to the chicken finding something to eat. "AHH i forget to shop for groceries, what i'm going to eat. i am very hungry, ahhh i don't want to go outside again, it's too cold", well i guess if i want to eat i have to go get something to eat. She went outside again,  she went to a corner store ,and buy a sandwich. While she was heating back home, she saw a guy walking infront of him. she said to herself" his shape looks like someone i've seen before, she tried to walk faster to see hs face. she managed to by pass him, to her surprise she  saw that was him, "Micheal" she said in surprise, and he respond hi Barbara. she said to him " what are you doing here, walking alone" he said well i was looking for my wallet that i lost" Then she remembered " Oh yeah i pick it up for you when i saw that it was on your seat. He said with an happy voice " thank you very much"  she respond back" it was nothing.  All of a sudden a storm was coming their way, and Micheal said" WELL I GUESS I'LL LEAVE NOW" he turned around to leave but he couldn't move any further, Barbara's hand was holding him as tightly, as she can.

"Don't leave" she said in a shaky voice.

Micheal turn around  and say, "well  if i don't go now, the storm might get worst.

"she respond, stay with me just for today". She know better not to let a stranger enter her house, but she was desperate to know that feeling she have for him the first time she saw him was true. He agreed with her and they walk away, while they were walking  side by side, she touched his hand ,and hold it. But Micheal didn't reject her hand, he hold her hand as well. Well she arrived home with him they was socking wet, Barbara told him to go to the bathroom, and changed. He asked for direction to the bathroom. from downstairs Barbara shouted " straight, amke a left,  and the door with the flower portret is the bathroom.




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lol, and thank you for reading. they just come out fast... im up to another one.....
wow haha you make stories fast. One day you have one then a week later you have four! Which is good for me because I read all of them! haha Update soon!