
The Pool Cleaner

To: Zico <3

Hey Zico ^^

From: Zico <3

Hey! Do u wanna hang out 2morrow?

To: Zico <3

Yeah! What time???

From: Zico <3

After work. Sound good?

To: Zico <3

Yup! Cya then :)

I click out of the text window and dial the only number I know by heart. It takes three rings before he finally picks up. "Hello...?" He mumbles, voice thick with sleep. I immediately smile at the familiar voice. "Hey, Minhyuk."

"Oh! Hey, Yukwon! Ah, it feels so nice to be able to speak in Korean...So, what are you up to?" I smile and bite my lip. "I met someone."

Minhyuk hums thoughtfully into the phone. "A girl or a guy?"

"A guy."

Minhyuk's quiet for a few seconds. "Does your dad know?" He asks.

"No, and I don't plan on telling him. It's the guy that my dad hired to work on the backyard."


"I know."

"Have you guys had yet?" He casually asks.

My cheeks turn bright red. "What? No! we haven't even had our first date yet!" I shriek into the phone, my voice an octave higher than usual.

I can practically see Minhyuk shrugging his shoulders. "Well, whatever. There's no rush." I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I know there isn't." There's a muffled noise on the other line, which I assume is Minhyuk's laughter. I giggle along with him and flip over onto my stomach. "We're going on a date tomorrow," I inform him.

"Oh, really? Where are you going?" I have to think about this for a second. Did Zico say where we're going?

"I'm not sure. He didn't say."

"Hmm. Well isn't it late there? It's like, 5 AM here."

"Yeah, it is, actually." I stifle a yawn, putting my hand over my mouth.

"Then you'd better go to bed! I know you well enough to know that you don't sleep when you're excited about something, but just try to sleep before it gets too late," he instructs. I scoff and roll my eyes again. "okay, mom."

Minhyuk laughs loudly, the static of the phone blocking out some of the noise. "Well, have fun tomorrow. And...I miss you." The hint of sadness in Minhyuk's voice makes me want to cry all over again. "Thanks. I miss you too, Minhyuk. Goodnight," I softly tell him, pressing the end button.


That night, I can't sleep at all. I'm too excited to even try. I end up falling asleep early in the morning.


"Hey. Hey." Someone shakes my shoulder lightly. I groan and swat them away, confused as to why someone would try to interrupt my sleep.

The person laughs and I recognize the voice instantly. My eyes snap open and the first thing I see is Zico's smiling face invading my personal space. I let out a surprised yelp and kick out of reflex, hitting Zico in the stomach. He grabs me tightly by legs and I stop squirming. "That ing hurt, Yukwon," he complains, dropping my legs in favor of clutching his stomach.

I point at myself, confused. "Well, I..." Then I point at him. "You! What are you doing?" Zico huffs and flops down on my bed, staring at me with a dramatically pained expression. "Well, I was here to wake you up for our date, but then you punched me."

"I kicked you."

"Same thing."

I roll over and get out of bed, throwing the covers over Zico's head. "Don't you have work to do first?" I yawn, stretching my arms over my head. Zico pops his head up from under the blankets. "I just finished. Look at the time, Yukwon. You slept in late." Before he's even finished with his sentence, I'm already walking to the bathroom with a pile of clothes, ready to take a shower.


A few minutes into my shower, the bathroom door opens. I poke my head through the shower curtain and see Zico positioning himself on the edge of the sink. He smiles at me and folds his legs up on the counter. "I was bored, so I figured I'd come in here to talk," he explains with a shrug.

I laugh at his cuteness and close the curtain. "Okay. So, where are we going today?" I inquire, squeezing a dollop of shampoo into my hands. Zico makes a clicking noise with his tongue. "It's a surprise," he giddily answers.

I an eyebrow even though Zico can't see it. "A surprise? Can I have a hint?" I peek my head out again and notice Zico's writing something on my foggy mirror with his finger. I strain to see what he's writing, but give up once I realize I'm at the wrong angle. Zico finishes his writing with a satisfied smirk and looks at me. "We're going somewhere fun," he beams. I pout down at him. "That's really vague."

He laughs and makes a dismissive hand gesture. "Don't worry about it." I stick my tongue out at him and close the curtain again.


"Okay, I'm done," I state, reaching blindly through the shower curtain for my towel. After a few seconds of futile searching, Zico takes pity on me and hands the towel to me. "Thanks," I giggle.

After I finish drying off, I tentatively call Zico's name. When he answers, I peek my head out to look at him again. "Could you...wait in my room for a while? I need to get dressed."

Zico's cheeks turn pink, and he nervously his lips. "Uh, sure," he responds, hopping off of the counter and opening the door. "I'll be in here," he says, pointing to my room and closing the door behind him.

I wrap my towel around my waist and step onto the cold tile floor. I notice something in the mirror out of the corner of my eye and remember Zico's writing from earlier. I lean closer to examine it. The steam's fogged it over for the most part, but I can still see it.

Cutie Yukwonnie, I like you a lot!

I snort and roll my eyes. Zico's such a dork.


Whew! Sorry, I kept getting distracted while writing this chapter. Where do you think Zico's gonna take Yukwon?

P.S. Oh, and thanks for all the lovely comments! Even if I don't respond, I always read them. They make me sooo happy~


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Kyattchan #1
Chapter 13: Zikwon can be so damn cute! Damn them! XD I'm really liking the story so far. Like a modern Romeo & Juliet indeed! (I almost wrote Romeo & Romeo. But Ukwon is so pretty.. that Juliet kind of suits him... heh)
I can't wait to read more! :)
koizumi95 #2
Chapter 13: Omg this fic made me spazz a lot and i think i had few heart attacks because of how cute zikwon are!!! Hfifdihrihdkhdiufiuh happy that i found your story, and will be waiting for the next update.
Chapter 13: Aw I imagine bap wear their warior era outfits when they meet yukwon XD
Sandraa #4
Chapter 13: Why is it so difficult for them?? >:(
Chapter 13: BlockBap <3 Yayyy. Omg Yayyyyy. Zico finally stuck up for Yukwon <3
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 13: kekeke I'll wait because I really love this couple. And you added BAP!!!!! waaaa:X
Chapter 13: Geesh. Hanhae is being so spiteful. First it's Kwon's dad, now they have to deal with Hanhae. ugh. They make everything difficult.