Secret Feelings


It's our Math Class. I always hated math. The same goes for Sehun who is snorring beside me. I shook my head as I look at him. But when I shifted my gaze to Kai, a smile crept into my face. Well, Kai doesnt seem to like Math too. I can see that his eyelids are starting to feel heavy as he was looking at the board with his eyes half open. It's so cute seeing him like that. He rubbed his eyes letting out a yawn. That made me giggle. From my point of view, he's the cutest when he's sleepy.
Despite of his "manly" appearance, he's actually cute. The others may not be aware of it, but behind those "cool" image of him is actually a cuddly cute guy. Just by simply watching him everyday makes me know more alot about him. I can see how he loves to dance. He would sometimes dance randomly on the corridor while walking. I swear, he couldnt even live without his iPod and earphones. I never saw him without those, even once. 
I also found out things like his favorite fruit which is a Banana. I often see him eating it at the cafeteria. Favorite colors? That would be black and blue. Favorite song? It used to be Taeyang's Wedding Dress then it became Ne-Yo's Part of the list. His way of studying before the exam is writing down notes in his palm. I dont know why he should study if he should just cheat anyway. That proves how good he is. <3
Well I might sound creepy but sometimes I can see his calvin klein boxers showing. kekekeke~ Well it's not my fault! I think it's a trend for the guys with the boxers slightly shown. I kinda like it though >:D HOHO. Hmmm, I guess I shall buy him Calvin Klein on his birthday. Wait, that'll make me a ert. Nervermind.
Okay enough with the boxers thingy.
Kai is also a funny guy. He would act all giddy infront of his friends. *sigh* But why dont he show it to me then? Am I not a friend to him? Thinking of those is making me disappointed of myself. Sometimes I would see him tease other girls especially Krystal. They were close because they were seatmates. There are rumors that they were dating but it wasn't true at all.
I admit. I was jealous. I envy her for being so close with the guy that I adore. But what am I doing anyway? All I could do is watch him from afar.
I sighed as I wrote down the notes from the board to my notebook. Wait, why am I sighing? Yesterday was actually an improvement. 
How's yesterday? It was great. It was an unexpectedly awesome day. While teaching him the steps, I had the chance to touch his hand and arms. He's incredibly good. No doubt that Taemin oppa made him join us.
During breaks, we would talk about ourselves. He told me stories about his funny experiences. It was priceless seeing him laugh with me. It was like a dream. He even told me how him and Sehun became friends. It was when Sehun gave him a bottle of water during the basketbacll try out. He told me that he didnt know how to talk to Sehun properly back then. He said that Sehun's smile made him kinda nervous since it was too cute. I laughed with that. It somehow reminds me of Shounen Ai or animes. Uhmm.... Errr. That sounds kinda wrong. Im shipping my crush to my best friend.
But Kai is mine! ASDFGHJKL.
I suddenly banged my head too hard on the table that made the whole class to turn their attention to me.
"Ms. Nam. You are free to go out. You can bang your head outside as many as you like. You're interrupting my lesson", Mr. Kim said with his eyes still glued on his book. I rubbed the back of my head. That was hella embarassing. >.<
I heard Sehun snickering beside me. I guess he has woken up due to the noise. I sighed before taking a glimpse of Kai. He was looking at me. The moment I met eyes with him, he chuckled before mouthing, "Are you okay?". I nodded as a response. He was seriously perfect. I still could'nt believe that we've gotten closer in just a day. Hope the same goes for today.

Time flew by so fast. Without knowing, it was already dismissal time. I havent even gotten the chance to eat with Kai and Sehun today. Mr. Kim called me out to the faculty room to check papers. Next time, remind me to never bang my head during that old man's class.
I stood up from my sit as I slung my bag to my shoulder. I never expected for this day to end so fast. We dont have have rehearsals today since it's friday. Taemin told us that fridays are for us to have fun with our classmates.
How am I supposed to make a move if Kai and I wont be able to hang out today? 
I heaved a deep sigh before completely leaving the room. I guess this is it. Im going to waste a day.
"HAE IN!!!", I was stopped with my tracks hearing Sehun calling out my name. Turning around, I saw him with Kai.
Suddenly, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Wait. Is my day not going to end like I expected? Would it be great like yesterday's?
"Did you forget? You promised to hang out with me after school", Sehun said with his arms crossed. 
Bam! I forgot about that. But what about Kai?
I looked at Kai who is smiling at me. I couldnt help but to smile back.
"I decided to drag Kai along. So whaddaya think? Let's go?", Sehun beamed. I love you Sehunnie! You're really my best friend after all! It's going to be another great day! 
"Uhn!", I nodded with a big smile on my face.

"And I wath like baby baby baby oh~
Like baby baby baby ohhhh!!
I facepalmed myself seeing Sehun being a dork. Why does my best friend have to be a Belieber?
We were at a noraebang because Sehun suggested to. It's been awhile since the last time I sang so I think this is great. In my opinion, my voice doesnt . It wasn't that good either. It was just okay. I can sing perfectly fine so I wasn't nervous on singing infront of Kai. Infact, I can show him my abilities, right?
I looked at Kai who is laughing whole-heartedly at my best friend's sillyness. My heart couldnt stop beating right now. My crush is just sitting beside me. Arent I lucky? 
I snapped out of my thoughts when Kai tapped my shoulder. My heart is getting excited for a reason. It's an incredibly good feeling.
"Let's take a picture", he beamed, showing his phone to me.
ASDFGHJKL. WHAT? Me. Him. Taking a picture together. In his phone. ASDFGHJKL. Can somebody please slap me right now? Im so happy right now. My feels. HUHUHU!!
"S-sure!", I managed to reply. 
Kai went closer to me. He held his phone in front of us. I was kinda shy. I had this "feeling" towards him so Im kinda nervous. My heart was beating even faster. He moved his face close to mine. Our cheeks are now touching. I SWEAR. IM GOING TO FREAK OUT.
Unexpectedly, he slung an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. AJHKHFJHJGHJFGJHDGFJHF. Kim Jong In. YOU'RE MAKING ME GO INSANE!! What's with the skinship? Im... Im.. Loving it!
He puckered his lips so I did the same. Somehow, I felt like we were a couple. <3 Im so happy right now! I've never experienced such things with my crushes EVER before.
The moment his phone made a camera shutter sound, we both looked at the picture.
The picture was taken out very well. We looked cute together. Yes Indeed! We really looked alot like a couple right now! To Kai's fangirls... TAKE THAT! BWAHAHAHAHA!
WAH! My face kinda feels hot right now. I think Im already blushing. I just cant take this so much closeness. Wait, I shall take this opportunity!
I took out my phone from my pocket. I heaved a deep sigh as I tried to gain some courage.
"Hey Kai~ Let's take a picture in my phone too!", I tried to let out a smile. YES! I did it!!
"SURE!!", he replied. 
I held out my phone infront of us. Once again, he slung an arm around my shoulders. I held out a peace sign and he did the same. Then, he putted his head on my shoulder.
What the heck is happening? Please tell me this isn't true. Im seriously going to faint with all his actions. Kai, your actions are freaking my out. You dont know how I enjoy this moment with you<3
After taking pictures, Sehun was finally done fanboying on Justin Bieber. Now, it's Kai's turn to sing. As I was expecting, he chose Ne-Yo's Part of the list.
Style of your hair
Shape of your eyes and your nose
The way you stare... 
As if you see, right through to my soul
God. Thank you for sending this Angel to earth. He's so perfect. No words can describe how perfect he is.
It's your left hand and the way
That it's not quite as big as your right
The way you stand in the mirror... 
Before we go out at night
Our quiet time... your beautiful mind... 
Kim Jong In. Your voice. It's so beautiful. This is the first time to hear you sing. I did hear you rap one time but I wasnt expecting for you to have such a great voice. You're making me fall for you even more.
They're a part of the list
Things that I miss... 
Things like your, funny little laugh
And the way you smile or the way we kiss
What I noticed is this... 
I come up with
Something new, every single time
That I sit and reminisce
Yesterday was great, today was better. I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow?

In the end I didnt sang at all. My throat hurted fangirling over Kai. I was screaming like a total fangirl. On the other hand, Sehun was making me laugh all the time. It was really fun! I was able to show Kai how hyper I am. We keep on teasing each other. Finally, I, myself, had the moment to tease Kai. 
I may not know his feelings but all I know is that, I'm deeply inlove with him. The more I get closer with him, the more I wanted to love him more. What could I ask for? He's handsome, kind, smart & talented. He's everything! I just hope this love thingy wont end too soon.
"Hae In~ Can I get your number?", I snapped out of my thoughts when Kai poked my right cheek. I tried my best not to blush. Why does he have to do that? <3
I nodded then he gave me his phone. I key in my number and gave t back to him.
"Oh! Give me yours too!", I exclaimed as I took out my phone and handed it to him.
We just exchanged numbers and he's the first one to ask mine. GAH! This will be the start of everything! Exchanging numbers, texting, calling, hanging out, then BAM! :"> My heart is going to explode due to so much happiness. 
"Guys..", Sehun coughed. I rolled my eyes at him. He's spoiling the mood. "Enough with the lovey-dovey moment. Let's go home~", he complained. What a party pooper. ;____;
"Yeaaahh", I mocked. I looked at Kai and gave him a smile. He smiled back. This is the greatest feeling I've ever feel <3

When I got home, I immediately grabbed my laptop to open up Facebook. Like usual, I would look if he's already online.
Call me a stalker or anything else. I dont care. I'm just an inlove girl. I'm dying to know on what he's doing. No im not obsessed. Probably just curious.
Im so happy that I want to sing a song right now!! If you're happy and you know it clap your hands! <3 Kekekeke~
I grabbed my phone and quickly looked at the picture we took together. I giggled seeing the two of us doing a peace sign. With no hesitations, I made it my phone's wallpaper.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! We'll get to see each other again. I wonder what would happen next? Maybe he'll confess? I hope so.
I putted my phone at the table as I clicked on Facebook's Chatbox.  Unfortunately, he wasnt online. I scrolled down my newsfeed to look for any updates from him.
Ta-dah! Found one!





            Kim Jong-In
               Im inlove.♥ I've known you for a long time now. I know you too well.
               I wonder if you're aware of it. But.... I've fallen for you ♥ 
Reading that, it somehow made my heart sink. Who is he inlove with? I'm sure it's not me since we've only gotten closer yesterday. I felt broken. In just a short time, all my happiness was taken away.
God. Isn't it too soon? 
Little did I know, my tears are starting to fall one by one. Suddenly, im weeping. In just a flash, Im broken once again. My fantasies... it was all gone. I'm hopeless. 
Then another post of him showed up. He changed his profile picture. He was with a girl. It's Krystal.
Seeing that, I knew all of my hopes were gone. I hurriedly jumped to my bed and burried my face into a pillow. I started sobbing heavily.
Why do I always get my heart broken? I dont get it. Why? What's not to like about me?
I hate myself.



Cry with me. LOL JK. :)

For my Hello, Im Thehun readers.. I'll update tomorrow xDD It's already 8AM here and I still havent gotten any sleep

Kindly forgive me for my mistakes. 

If you are wondering, this is basically on your POV only. :) Im going to create an alternate version of this. And it will be on Kai's POV. :D


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YAY! It's finally finished! Hope you like it! Dont forget to upvote!


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09mion #1
Chapter 3: cute cute cute fluffy fluffy fluffy
yolandakim #2
Chapter 3: My comment got cut :3 I definitely like it... Kim JongIn just sweet like hell
yolandakim #3
Chapter 3: Aaaaaw such a sweetyheart Jongin become... I do imagine that I was Hae In
Chapter 3: this is too sweet.. i'll have cavities :////3!
Chapter 3: How come this three shot confession made me cry after Kai "faked" confessed infront of me. <///////3 I was supposed to be happy but I think Hae In was really me. I wish this would also happen to me. But.. <///////3 I love you author. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Thanks for making ny heart flutter this much! *^* kdhakagaksgajgahsdfghjkl. I hate you! <///////3
Chapter 3: I found this in Random section and just read it .And guess what the tittle ALMOST same with mine. It's just 'Lucky' instead of 'Secret'..haha what a coincidence.. Anyway your oneshot was great! I really get THAT feeling of having a crush..even I don't have one.lol. Good job!
Chapter 3: That was great author nim .. I actually have the same crush story it been almost 6 years T_T but it's still a secret so ur story remind me of mine
hanyanhae #8
Chapter 3: I love the part when kai confessed~
Chapter 3: so cuteeeeeeeeee
Exotic_Jm #10
Chapter 3: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~
this story happens for real..!!!!!!!!!!
actually it happens to me.. XD
I love the story author-nim..!!!!!!