
My Love Waltz


Chapter 18


Chapter 18

“You fooled me!!” Yunho pushes his hand off him harshly. “No ~” Jaejoong whispered barely audible to Yunho. He just hid the truth that Yoonmin is Yunho’s son, he didn’t lied to him.

“I didn’t tell you any lies!! I was afraid of your rejection if we told you the truth, to see you giving us disgusted look like we’re desperate for your attentions when all we want is to tell you that you have a family… a home to go back to if you feel alone,” Jaejoong cried miserably defending himself and whispering the last part of his sentence.

Repeating the oath they made when they proposed to each other. Never cross his mind that Yunho would react like this to the truth. Where are all those comforting words he had told him? Is it a lie? It would be different if he’s the one in the situation, is it?

He said he would be a happy man if he has a beautiful spouse like Jaejoong and a cute son like Yoonmin. Those words have given Jaejoong courage to tell the other the truth about them, moment that Yunho had missed with them…with him.

And yet, now Yunho calling him a liar, Jaejoong closes his teary doe eyes as pearls of tears slowly slides down his porcelain cheeks. He heard a regretful sigh from Yunho. “You know what? I wished that both of us never met…everything was a mistake… we’re a mistake.” Jaejoong’s eyes shots open as more tears slides down his cheek. “W-what?” Jaejoong stammered. His eye brows knitted showing his confusion as he could not comprehend immediately of what Yunho has just said. Did Yunho just tell him that they’re a mistake? He and Yoonmin shouldn’t have existed in his life.

“We cannot be together but I will take my responsibility as Yoonmin’s father, so I decided to take his custody from you,” Yunho turns his back to Jaejoong. The moment Jaejoong heard the word ‘custody’ his world crash into darkness. He shook his head “No! You can’t take Yoonminnie away from me! No!!!!”


“Nnnno~!!” Jaejoong sprung himself on his bed, his shirts drenched by his sweat. His pupil scans his surroundings with full of fear, then realization hit him, it’s just a dream… the worst nightmare he could ever imagine. His chest rapidly heaves up and down taking in sufficient oxygen. He gently touches his forehead. Opposite of what he just dreamt he feels his body refreshed and lighter than it was in the afternoon. He let out a relieved sigh after he took the final deep breath and closes his eyes to calm himself down.

He opens his eyes again, recalling back the dream he dreamt. Could his dream be a bad omen or it’s just his excessive imagination that is being carried away into a dream.

He shook his head as he couldn’t imagine if this dream of his become true… a reality. If the situation becomes real, he doesn’t think he could handle it. Losing Yunho is one thing but losing Yoonmin, his son would mean pulling away the only string of sanity he holds on. He will lose the reason to continue his life. Jaejoong tighten the hold on his bed sheet, showing the tense he’s feeling.

His room’s door suddenly creaked opens revealing a little figure emerged from behind the door. Yoonmin rubs his eyes sleepily, “Umma~ can I sleep with you?” Jaejoong breathed in when he heard his son. “Nightmare again sweetie?” Jaejoong pats the empty side of his bed.

Yoonmin walks in his tiny step towards his mother and nods with huge pout on his lips. “I hate nightmare umma, why there must be nightmares?” he climbed onto the bed obviously higher than him. “I don’t know baby, umma don’t like nightmares too.” He his son’s hair while feeling his temperature. “Do you feel better Yoonminnie?”

Yoonmin shows his toothy smile and nods. “Emm!! Yunho ajusshi gave me pudding and we played together, I beat Yunho ajusshi in stacking block game!!” Yoonmin tells his mom his little adventure with Yunho, both hands rose up in the air earning Jaejoong’s laugh.

“You did? Aww my clever baby,” Jaejoong slightly pinch his son’s fluffy cheek. “It seems that you had so much fun with Yunho ajusshi,” comment Jaejoong. “Emm!!” Yoonmin agreed with his mom’s statement.

“Umma, do you feel better now?” the little innocent eyes blinking at his mom waiting for Jaejoong to answer. He must be worried of Jaejoong because he never seen Jaejoong in such weak state since his birth.

“Aww~ Yoonminnie, did umma scared you?” Jaejoong pull his son to sit on his lap. He the little head and kisses the top of his crown head. Yoonmin’s lips form into a grim line. “Emm~ Yoonminnie scared but Yunho ajusshi said umma gonna be okay after umma get enough sleep,” said Yoonmin breathily while holding Jaejoong’s index finger in his little hands, as if not willing to let his mom go far beyond his reach. 

“Sorry for making you worry ne~ now umma feels better just that umma a bit stinky and want to take my bath. Have Yoonminnie had your bath?” Jaejoong asks his little child. “Emm!! Yoonmin already had Yoonmin’s bath with Yunho ajusshi!” Yoonmin exclaimed happily.

Jaejoong widens his eyes, “with Yunho ajusshi?” he reemphasized Yoonmin’s statement. Does that mean Yunho had been spending his entire day there accompanying Yoonmin? “How was your day with Yunho ajusshi then?” Jaejoong curious how the father and son spent their time together, Yoonmin happily tells Jaejoong the rest of his story until he feels tired and slowly drift off in his sleep.

A beautiful smile slowly creeps decorating his beautiful feature. He hummed a lullaby until his son completely asleep. He quietly makes his way to the bathroom. He twisted the door knob and closes the door as quiet as possible.

He undress himself, the sticky feeling on his skin makes him feels uncomfortable. All he wants at the moment is to wash away all the dirt on his skin before he could comfortably continue his rest. He had a quick warm shower, just scrubbing off dead cells and dirt off his skin.

Jaejoong let out a refreshing sigh. He went to his closet and wears something comfortable for his sleep. Jaejoong went back on his bed, hugging securing his child in his embrace until the next morning.


Krrrrrriiiiiiiiinngggggg!!!!!!! The ear piercing sound slicing through the beautiful Saturday morning, an annoyed groan under the duvet in reacts to the alarm. His hand reaches out from his comfortable warm cocoon looking for the source of sound pollution.

He switched off the alarm clock and brought it closer, Yunho peeked at the clock with one eyed opened. He jumps off the bed when he realized it’s 8 in the morning and he has something in plan for today. “I’m late I’m late I’m late,” he chanted like Mr. Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.

He rushes into the bathroom, had a quick shower and dash out within minutes. He put on the clothes that he had prepared last night, which also the main reason why he slept like a log that morning.

He rushed out of his bedroom but not before checking on his appearance. He ran down the stairs and greets his quite stunned parents. Mr. Jung and Mrs. Jung sent each other signals raising their eyebrow at each other wondering what makes their son to be in hurry when today is Saturday.

“Err son, today is Saturday if you’re very much awake at the moment,” said Mr. Jung slowly just in case his son is not aware of what day today is. “I know…” Yunho answered with his mouthful. Yunho eats his omelette in fast speed and gulps down the orange juice in one gulp. “I’m done, thank you for the breakfast,” Yunho hurriedly leave the dining room and went to the garage where his car was parked. The luxurious car drove through the drive and out of the mansion’s compound. 

“Well if he says so…” Mrs. Jung talks to her husband. “Yeah, he did say that…” the father continues. Then the father voiced out again “Darling, I think one son is not enough…how about…” Mrs. Jung cut Mr. Jung’s word before he could continue, “I’m so not gonna get pregnant again and I’m what? I’m near to my fifties, wasn’t that too old to have another baby?” Mrs. Jung protested. “Darling, what I want to say is why don’t we adopt another son or daughter?” Mr. Jung calmly accepts his wife scolding. Mrs. Jung paused as she just misinterpreted her husband meaning.

“Maybe no… we’re too old to take care of kids, why don’t we wait for Yunho to give us baby,” Mrs. Jung rejects her husband ideas, “Hmm~, you’re right…” he continues reading his papers.



Jaejoong woke up earlier than usual, he had too much rest. He had been sleeping since yesterday afternoon after meeting with Yunho until today’s morning and now he can’t sleep anymore.

He got off his bed and walks into the bathroom for a refreshing bath, he then walks into the closet and found a brown sleeveless turtle neck and beige khakis to wear. He’s thinking of preparing breakfast for everyone since it was a long time he entered the kitchen.

He prepared a typical Korean breakfast consist of warm steamed rice, seaweed soup, pickled radish, kimchi and smoked fish. “Young master Jaejoong, you’re early…and you have prepared breakfast,” the maids shocked by his sudden appearance in the kitchen when they was about to start their daily chores, one of them went to look for the chief maid as they clueless of what to do.

“Oh young master, you shouldn’t have done these jobs. It is ours to do,” the chief maid took the heated pot of seaweed soup from Jaejoong’s hand, place it aside. She spun the other around trying to remove his apron but Jaejoong protested.

“Mdm. Song just let me prepare today breakfast okay?” Jaejoong turn around and hold on her hand stopping her. “How about all of you help me with the breakfast then you all have something to do right? Besides I still need to get the charcoal stove ready to smoke the fish and prepare the table,” Jae persuades her. “I will help you smoke the fish and other maid will prepare the table,” she sighed and gently slaps on Jaejoong’s shoulder and ordered the rest to prepare the table. “I don’t know you have grown up into a stubborn child like your mom,” she murmured but immediately covers her careless big mouth after that, regretting of what she just said.

Jaejoong stopped his track when Mdm. Song mentioned about his mom. His lips formed into a grim line, he knew that the old lady has no intention to mention about his mom in front of him. It was a case sensitive topic for him BUT now not anymore, he himself now a mother to a two years old son. Now he understands his mom’s feeling when she protected him using her own life. He also willing to do the same if he and Yoonmin trapped into the same situation.

“I’m fine Mdm. Song, there’s nothing to worried about me anymore. I understand my mom’s feeling now, because I will do the same if Yoonmin get into danger and I want him to live happily even though I couldn’t stay by his side anymore. Besides, I have you, appa, Junsu, Younha, Changmin and everyone with me so I’m not alone like I thought before,” he continues with slicing the pickled radish and places it into four small plates. 

The old maid’s eyes glistening with tears, the little child that shattered by his mom death now have grown up so tall and healthy plus with the fact he is a parent now. She sniffed and sighed as she feels she is getting older.

As the morning gets later, more and more members of the house are awaked. “Umma!!! Uncle Min is trying to eat me!!” his son giggled cheerfully running toward Jaejoong, followed by Changmin acting like a monster trying to eat him. He ran into Jaejoong’s embrace and Jaejoong lifted him up to his chest.

“Garrrr!!” Changmin grab on Yoonmin’s arm and acted like he was trying to eat it. “No!!!” Yoonmin trying to pull his arm from Changmin’s grab. “Nyum nyum, the meat is tender, juicy and young NYAHAHAHAHAHA” Changmin laughed horribly as if he’s really a monster.

“Good morning Changminnie,” Jaejoong greets his younger cousin. “Oh good morning Jaejoong hyung, what’s for breakfast?” he suddenly changes his character. “Well, see it by yourself, I don’t guarantee that you’ll like it though,” Jaejoong pointed at the table.

Changmin approach to  the table and uncover the large bowl of soup in beautifully carved blue china plus nine set of tiny version of it, custom made by his father friend who is a pottery. “Seaweed soup? Now that’s classic, it has been ages since I had a proper white rice meal as breakfast,” said Changmin who had been living in Canada since age of 12, most of his servant are local people of Canada so they aren’t used with Asian concept of white rice as breakfast, plus he didn’t bother as long as food is served on table.

“Mdm. Song, where did you put my brown scarf? I can’t find it in my closet,” Junsu walks into the dining room, dressed handsomely in his red and white chequered collared tee-shirt with white inner, paired with black slim khakis and his black-rimmed nerdy glasses.

“Suie, you’re going out? You not gonna have your breakfast with us?” Jaejoong scans Junsu with an elevator look. “Probably no, Yoochun said he will fetch me to have breakfast with him.” For the first time, Junsu mentioned the name of his date in front of Jaejoong.

“Yoochun?” Jaejoong repeats the name with mixed expression, surprised and puzzled. “The guy he’s currently dating with, that guy has been wooing him since two years ago and Junsu hyung still play hard to get,” Changmin whispered to Jaejoong from behind while Jaejoong eyes still fixed at Junsu. “Oh~ I see…” Jaejoong purposely pulls his tone into a long one.

“So how’s the progress?” Jaejoong whispered back to Changmin but eye still fix at Junsu. Changmin shook his head, “No progress at all.” But he received a smack on his head after finishing his word. “Yah! What do you mean by ‘No progress at all’?” Junsu squeaked, disliking Changmin’s choice of word describing his and Yoochun relationship.

Changmin and Junsu started their morning war ignoring Jaejoong’s presence. “Good morning oppa,” Younha walks sleepily and gives a light peck on Jaejoong’s cheek, habit that she had for her eldest brother except for Junsu because the other refused any form of skin ship from her. “Good morning Hannie,” Jaejoong replied to his little sister’s morning greetings.

Unlike her cousin Changmin and brother Junsu, Younha is a quiet girl. She only talks when it is important and need to express her thought. Sometimes, Jaejoong wondered where Younha gets that quiet personality of hers when their parents, Junsu and even their cousin Changmin chirping like birds.

Then Mr. Kim makes his entrance into the dining room, “What a wonderful morning, good morning Jaejoong.” He ignored the bickering two and sat on the chair at the dining table with Younha. Jaejoong went into the kitchen to get everything done as everyone already at the dining table waiting for food to be served.

Mr. Kim gives his blessing and says a few gratitude words before they start eating their food. “Emm~~ it’s tasted different than the usual seaweed soup I had before. Did Mdm. Song change the recipe?” Mr. Kim wondered as he took a few additional spoon of the concoction into his mouth.

“Of course it’s different, young master Jaejoong was the one who cooked it,” Mdm. Song came serving him a cup of green tea. “Jaejoong did?” Mr. Kim’s eyes widen, he took slurp the soup “This taste wonderful,” he gives his compliments. The dining room full of laughter just like the old days when their mother still alive.

Jaejoong feels happy, delighted and he could never ask anything more precious than family moments. All of the sudden their front door bell rings, Mdm. Song quickly fetch the door. “Who’s that might be?” Jaejoong wondered. “Is that your Yoochun?” Changmin continue teasing Junsu.

“Definitely not him, I told him that I will have my breakfast with family so I postponed our date to afternoon.” Junsu slides his finger over his phone screen checking messages. Changmin scrunches his nose, “He will leave you if you continue to make him just like your slave.” He expresses his opinion on Junsu’s treatment to Yoochun “He is my slave,” Junsu as retort matter factly. “Uggh!! Someone please cure this sick cousin of mine!” Changmin rolled his eyes upwards.

“Young master Jaejoong, it’s him…” Mdm. Song re-entered the dining room winking at Jaejoong telling that he has company. Jaejoong wondered who does Mdm. Song meant by “him”. He leaves his seat “Where is he now?” he asks Mdm. Song where she let the guest waiting.

“Still at the front door, just go… don’t make him wait,” Mdm. Song gives him a push. Jaejoong walks toward the front door with confusedly. “What makes her acted like that?” Jaejoong then spotted a familiar tall and handsome figure kicking on imaginary dust on the floor, “Yun…ho?” Jaejoong surprised by his presence especially in this early morning, quite early to have a guest.

Yunho immediately react by turning his body around towards the owner of the melodious voice. “Hi~!” he let out a quite breathy greeting due to his nervousness “Good morning…” Yunho continues.

“Good morning, Yunho. Come in we’re in middle of breakfast at the moment.” Jaejoong invites Yunho. “You are?” Yunho mentally slaps his own forehead for being such a stupid plus idiot. He feels sorry, awkward and embarrassed at the moment for disturbing Jaejoong’s and family breakfast.

“Yes, would you like to have some with us?” Jaejoong invited him. “N-no…I had my breakfast before I came here,” Yunho kindly rejects. “Oh~… then maybe you’ll like to have some seaweed soup to warm up your body, it’s quite cold outside today.” Jaejoong tries another approach.

“O-okay… if you don’t mind and I’m not troubling you,” Yunho sheepishly smiled. Jaejoong brought him to join them at the dining room. The Kim’s and Changmin of course surprised by Jung’s heir sudden appearance at their door step.

“Good morning… I hope that I’m not troubling you all, please continue and enjoy your meal,” he sheepishly smile, never had he felt in his life that he wish the ground could just swallow him up. “Yunho ajusshi!” Yoonmin happily greets Yunho from his baby chair. Both hand up in the air trying to reach his father. “Hey little guy, having your breakfast?” Yunho slightly relieved by Yoonmin’s warm welcome. “Emm!!” Yoonmin nods happily in response.


“Yunho, what have brought you here early in the morning? How’s your father doing?” Mr. Kim happily greets the young man. “Hello Uncle Kim, my father is doing great. He’s just a little bit bored because he has no one to play golf with,” announced Yunho, Mr. Kim replied by laughing. “Hahaha, sorry I’m quite busy recently as you can see my family grew bigger,” he refers to his grandson Yoonmin.

“Yes I can see that and this mansion has become merrier,” Yunho replied as he could sense the change of aura in the mansion, it seems lively with additional presence of Jaejoong and Yoonmin into the mansion.

“Don’t just stand there, take your seat,” Jaejoong brought another bowl of soup for Yunho. “I’m sorry, forgotten that I’m supposed to sit,” Yunho took his seat beside Yoonmin. Jaejoong serve the bowl of soup in front of him. “Drink, it will warm your body,” Jaejoong smiled at him.

“It’s Jae hyung’s special recipe, you should try it,” Changmin winked at Yunho before continue digging into his food. “Is it?” Yunho took a sip and his eyes widen as the taste of the soup spreads inside his mouth. “Emmm~ I don’t know that seaweed soup could be such delicious,” he commented and turns to Jaejoong. He didn’t show much on his facial expression but deep in his heart, this soup has nostalgic taste as if he tasted this somewhere before but he can’t remember the details.

“Thank you…” Jaejoong murmured shyly in response to the compliments. “Then have some more…” Mr. Kim welcomes him. Mr. Kim then silently eyeing on Yunho and Jaejoong, the sparks in that young man’s eye when he is looking at Jaejoong tells him the reason why Yunho was there.

He feels happy for Jaejoong even though he still tied to his wedding vow, but if Yunho willing to give the protection as a husband and father to Jaejoong and Yoonmin. If that is the case, he is more than happy to bless the two relationships, as he’s not young like he was in the past. He couldn’t protect Jaejoong under his wings forever.

Yoonmin clumsily eat his meal making it scattered all over the place. He refused his mom’s and Yunho’s aid to feed him but want to do it by himself. But the results are quite “stunning” especially with few additional decorations on his hair.

“You really need to get your bath after this,” Yunho wipes the remaining food on Yoonmin’s cheek and hairs. Yoonmin shows his toothy smile at Yunho “Wif ajusshi?” Yoonmin eyes sparkling with excitement. “No, ajusshi already had my bath,” the sparkling excitement dimmed immediately changed with a pout, that makes Yunho feels guilty.

“Ajusshi was planning to bring you and your umma to Aqua World today but if Yoonminnie don’t want to have his bath without ajusshi then I think I need to cancel the plan,” Yunho pouts sadly at Yoonmin.

“Umma! Yoonmin want bath after this okay?” Yoonmin turns to his mom as a pair of innocent doe eyes twinkling. Jaejoong glanced at Yunho, this daddy sure know how to make his son follows “The Yunho” way. Yunho wiggled his eyebrows at Jaejoong but Jaejoong shows a confused expression in reply.

“Yes, you may have your bath but one hour later, you don’t want to get your little tummy sick do you?” Jaejoong pats his son’s abdomen gently. “Okay…” Yoonmin follows his mom’s word obediently.

“Now that’s a miracle, Yoonmin actually asks for a bath,” Changmin remarked as if it a miracle. Actually every time he tries to get the little monster to clean himself, they spent another three hours of hide and seek. What more to say he always the one do the hard job, which is getting Yoonmin cleaned.

They laughed at Changmin’s funny comment while Changmin seriously don’t understand where the funny point is. This kid actually enjoying himself torturing him, making his life miserable, a total hell…yeah he did get exaggerated.

Jaejoong helped the maids clean the table and bowls after they finished their breakfast. Junsu had sudden change of plan as he decided to go in his own car instead of Yoochun coming there fetching him. He actually recognizes Yunho as Yoochun’s best friend but he never really talked to him.

He still remembers the day Yoochun suddenly cried in happiness telling him that his best friend is still alive. Coincidently, he just learnt that his Jae hyung’s husband went disappeared and a few days after Yoochun suddenly jumped happily telling him that’s Yunho still alive. He couldn’t share the happiness with Yoochun as he worried of his brother well-being and acceptance. Junsu just bowed at Yunho and leaved after that.

Yunho on the other hand keeping Yoonmin busy at the living while waiting for Jaejoong to finish in the kitchen. “Yoonminnie let’s have bath together,” Jaejoong reaches out for his son’s little hand. “Go to Uncle Changmin first, I still have something to talk with Yunho ajusshi ne~” he let go of his son hand, letting him go to Changmin’s. “Hyung~…” Changmin whined.

“Don’t worry, I will shower him. I just want you to play with him for a while,” Jaejoong shooed them. “Yunho…” Jaejoong pinch on the other long sleeves and brought him to somewhere private enough to speak.

“Yunho, you should have told me that you’re planning to bring Yoonmin to Aqua World,” Jaejoong whispered while eyeing at Changmin and Yoonmin on their way climbing the stairs.

“I promised him yesterday because he doesn’t want me to leave and I’m not a person who doesn’t keep my promise even though Yoonmin is just a child,” Yunho whispered back to him. “B-but you’re making decision without consulting with me first,” Jaejoong partially complained.

“I’m sorry but I didn’t want to disturb your rest yesterday, you slept like a log you know,” Yunho did his best puppy eyes begging for Jaejoong’s forgiveness. “Besides it’s the best way to release your tensions,” said Yunho suggestively. Jaejoong sighed admitting his defeat, Yoonmin will whine at him if he cancelled Yunho’s “BRILLIANT” plan.

“Just wait for us to get ready,” Jaejoong followed up with Changmin and Yoonmin. “Okay! Don’t worry, take your time,” Yunho waved at Jaejoong. Suddenly his phone vibrated, he took it out from his pocket and have glance at the caller id.

“Hyulrin,” he read out the name, he press reject call button and turned off his phone. He puts his hand into his pants pocket, walking around the living and takes his seat.



“So…tell me more about this Yunho guy?” Changmin threw Jaejoong a question. Something smelled fishy here and Changmin had smelled it. Based on Jaejoong’s medical history and personality, his hyung never easily opened to strangers, not even to say allowing him to touch his precious son.

“He’s just a client of my company,” Jaejoong simply answer. “…and you trusted this client of yours to play with Yoonminnie?” Changmin frowns. “Come on Jae hyung spill more, I know it’s not as simple as ABC,” Changmin starts to sound frustrated.

“He saved Yoonminnie when he lost at the amusement park last time we got there,” Jaejoong quickly answered. “WHAT!? You lost Yoonminnie in middle of amusement park!? Why didn’t you tell us!?” Changmin partially yelped with eyes widen.

“Yunho brought him to me after that...” Jaejoong answered in fast speed again. “So he upgraded from a client to a savior? And now?” Changmin retort with obvious suspicion in his tone.

“What do you mean by now?” Jaejoong couldn’t catch the hidden meaning behind Changmin’s question. “Well now? Jaejoong hyung, do you think I am innocent like Junsu hyung? A simple answer like “he’s a client” “he is a savior” won’t satisfy me,” Changmin continues.

Jaejoong sighed in defeat, why on earth he need to be surrounded by geniuses!? Junsu was like emotional antenna, reading his emotions like seismographic device and Changmin like detectives, he even could find out who ate his brownies just by the teeth print.

“Yoonminnie, go to Yunho ajusshi will you?” he told his already well dressed son. “Okay,” Yoonmin answered and dash out of Jaejoong’s room. “Don’t run! You will trip yourself again,” Jaejoong yelled to Yoonmin.

He turns around and make sure there’s no one at the corridor before closing the door. He gets closer to Changmin. “Woow…what’s with this level of secrecy?” Changmin alert with sudden change of Jaejoong’s behaviour.

“Well… you remember about I said that I will send you all the video of my wedding but I didn’t after that because I’m forgotten and then I burned them together with Yoonmin’s appa picture. You were planning to come for a visit but didn’t after that…” Changmin continues Jaejoong’s sentences “…because I was busy with the new company openings here in Korea, yes I still remember all the details so cut the story short,” Changmin get frustrated.

“Yunho is Yoonmin’s real father,” Jaejoong whispered the sentence loud enough for only Changmin to hear. “Oh he upgraded to the father now…” said Changmin as the sentence haven’t fully registered into his mind. Suddenly Changmin's jaw dropped and he stared at Jaejoong with wide opened eyes that could roll out from their sockets any minute.

“WHAT!!!!!!!!???????” Changmin yelled.



To Be Continued. 



A/N: Beta-ed version is uploaded (^ ^)/

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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 22: Please,, if u have the time.. please update this story again ne ^^ please ?
huhuhuhuhuhu update?
liiloo #3
Chapter 22: Seems there won't be a happy ending :D
Kosame04 #4
I wish an update huhuhuhuhu T.T
Chapter 22: I worry also about jaejoongs condition, i hope he was not sick or anything...i really will appreciate if you update soon :-D
Chapter 22: Omg....phew...oh no....yunho...hhhnmm i wish hyulrin will stop pestering you in the future...and i just hope yunho can sort everything soon or he will hurt jaejoong again
Im afraid if jae will hurt again he will break down..i love this fic so much i hope one day author-san you'll update this...i hope yunho will fullfill his promise to protect jae not to hurt him again
Chapter 19: Ahahaha yunho doesnt remember but his heart will only love i wish jae will tell him the truth...they are still married
Chapter 17: Oh my...yunho taking good care of him like that im so touch...i wish jae will tell him
Chapter 16: Oh my...i kinda feel crying...i cried with the reunion...i wish yunho will remember huhuhuhu T.T