The World’s Spinning Around You

A Hurt Head, a Healed Heart



…’Tis a crazy world… always spinnin round…


The living room was so silent, you’d never think anyone was in it. Still, all of Super Junior was there, even Kibum, who made room in his busy schedule to visit.


It wasn’t just the absolute nonsense Kyuhyun was saying.


More astonishing was the fact Yesung seemed to find some kind of meaning in it.


…Tis crazy…world …


Something flickered in the older man’s mind. Like a light being . A lit window on a dark skyscraper. A calm place, somewhere far away, above all the world.


…Don’t worry. I’ll get you somewhere beautiful…


In that place, there was this both gorgeous and very caring person, right beside him, tenderly his hair…Yesung struggled to remember. Could that have been…?


The older man never fully understood why his dongsaeng seemed to hate him so much. Over and over, he whacked his head, desperate to find a reason.


But looking down at the maknae now, Yesung saw no trace of hate in those pleading, tearful eyes.


Maybe the person Kyuhyun hated was never really his hyung. Maybe it was Kyuhyun himself.


Another, more recent memory, popped up out of the blue. Yesung gasped out loud.


Every single thing I did in my life was wrong… except…


In the bathroom the day before… Is it possible Kyu meant to mention that night???


Somehow, though it was very hard to believe, Yesung felt he was right.


All of a sudden, Yesung’s face transformed back into the person they all knew – the both strange and kind singer who stopped at nothing to help his hyungs and dongsaengs. He reflected Kyu’s smile.


“…It’s spinning around you.”, Yesung whispered softly to Kyu.


Yesung offered his hand to a completely speechless Kyuhyun.





When you know a person for a long time, you don’t need words to tell how they feel.


And soon, you know how they walk, and think, and breathe.


But sometimes, it goes deeper than that.


As if the two of you used to be a whole, a being made of two parts, which can only fully functionise when put together.



That’s what taking Yesung’s hand felt like. Free from the forbidding thoughts that had been planted in his head, it was such a natural thing to do.


His hyung helped him up, although Kyuhyun could very well walk on his own. Not that the younger minded – on the contrary, Yesung’s hand around him was warm and comforting.


Their eyes met, and then there were no secrets anymore. The raw, truth was finally exposed.


Like all thuths, it was very simple, and very deep.


“I love you.”, they both said, at the same time. They smiled at each other, in unison too.


The Super Junior members watched, absolutely dumbfounded, their jaws wide open as though they were about to bite a Big Mac.




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Chapter 10: Kyu's promise in the last sentence is so heart fluttering.
Thank God they finally open to each other
Chapter 10: *_*
I was so moved. Your Kyusung is just so beautiful. It gave me a very warm feeling and I thank you for that.
Goemas12 #3
Chapter 10: love it rereading it again
I just love kyusung couple
Goemas12 #4
Chapter 10: So beautiful wonderful and loving ^-^
Chapter 10: Awww!!!! That was beautiful!!!! I love it!! <3
just how awesome can this fic be??
aww...I loved the ending :3
*painting rainbows* Upload more stories! Please~! I too love your writing style~
ClockwiseStir #9
The emotions were so intense. I really liked the concept and I think you write very well (not to mention this is my favourite pairing). Please continue writing! I enjoy reading author's works that explore a lot of the emotions rather than just the plot. Thank you :)
carolina #10
nice story... you are really good author... I love it..