The Odd Guy With The Clocks

The Odd Guy With The Clocks

Tick.. Tock.. Tick.. Tock.. Tick.. Tock.. Tick.. Tock.. Tick.. Tick.. Tick.. Tick..

Chanyeol lifted his gaze from the book he had been reading; his attention capsulated by the sound of an off beat clock. Right, which one is it this time...
Over the years, his ears had become sensitive to the ticking, the swinging pendulums, the dulcet tones every hour reminding him how much time had passed. He got to his feet and gently, almost silently crept out of the backroom and into the main part of the shop. His foot steps close to noiseless, so not to distract him. He checked row after row of clocks, different shapes and sizes; some small, delicate watches; some too big to even fit on the shelves. All of them ticking in perfect harmony.

Then he found it.
Tick.. Tick.. Tick.. Tick.. Tick..
"There you are! Don't worry little guy, I'll have you ticking perfectly in no time." he said softly, his deep voice comforting. He picked up the small, ornamental clock and turned it in his hands. He undid the small latch on the back, and opened the back of the clock up. After fishing a small key from his trouser pocket, he pushed it into the hole in the clocks mechanism. He turned it once.. twice.. three and a half times.

Tick.. tock.. tick.. tock..
"There you go, good as new." he said proudly. This particular clock had been on the shelves for a while, and it seemed nobody had taken any interest in it. Still, Chanyeol refused to throw out any of the clocks he made. Somebody will want it, and he took pride in keeping them in such good condition for as long as it took for the right person to walk through the door.

He placed the clock back on it's high shelf; one of the good things about being naturally tall, no need for those pesky step ladders. They'd only make him fall anyway, unstable things. He was about to return to his book in the back room, when the door at the front of the shop was pushed open. The small bell positioned above the door rang loudly, deafening in the otherwise quiet environment. Chanyeol cringed at sound, then smiled and turned to greet the customer. When their eyes met, he was a little startled.
He's nothing short of beautiful...

He had flawless milky skin, and a slender physique; he was a little shorter than Chanyeol, but a majority of people were. His dark hair was subtly styled to frame his face perfectly; not a hair out of place. His eyes sparkled, full of bright, bubbly energy that made him look like an excited child. His perfectly formed pink lips were parted in awe, as he took in his surroundings. He made Chanyeol feel like an infatuated young girl, he was hopeless, and he knew it. He was already falling for a man he'd set eyes on merely seconds ago.

 Get a grip, he's just a customer, and you're just the odd guy with the clocks.
He sighed a little at the self-reminder, and at the noise, the beautiful man turned to look at him. Well, turned to where he expected him to be, then had to raise his head higher to take in Chanyeol's full height.
"Umm.. Hi" he squeaked out, seeming a little intimidated. It was so adorable.. No, focus!
"Hello, can I help you with anything sir?" he asked, amazed that he'd managed to speak while his brain was melting.

The man relaxed after hearing Chanyeol speak, his slow, deep tones calming his momentary nerves.
"Yes, actually. I'm looking for a small-ish clock, something that would fit on a shelf or a bedside table." he said, smiling. "However, it must be special," he added, "Do you think you can find something like that for me?" he said in a teasing tone.

"Well sir, all the clocks in here are special. But, I do believe I have just what you're looking for." he said cheerfully. The mans smile was infectious. It lit up his beautiful face, he seemed to shine in the dull, stuffy shop. Chanyeol led him along the shelves until he reached the clock he'd fixed just moments ago, he took it down and handed in to the shorter man.

"Gosh, it's perfect!" he exclaimed, his smile growing in size. His pale fingers gentled the dark wood of the the clock, grazing the intricate details with his fingertips. "But why is this one special?" he asked, lifting his gaze back up to Chanyeol's face.

"Well sir, I make all of these clocks, and I remember making this one. It was a while ago, and the whole time it's been sat on that shelf, it's been over-looked by other people. It's not the biggest, the prettiest, the most expensive looking. But as you said, it's perfect for it's purpose." Chanyeol said, avoiding the beautiful man's eyes while he spoke. His words came from his heart, they were true, and though he wouldn't admit it, the clock reminded him a little of himself.

"Yeah, it is perfect." the man said slowly, moving slightly so Chanyeol was looking in his eyes. "I'll take it." he stated, his smile softening as he studied Chanyeol's face. He began to blush at the feeling of those eyes roaming over his features, but smiled and nodded, walking over to the cash register. His gentle hands wrapped the clock in layers of paper to protect it, before he placed it in a bag and gave the man a reciept.
"Thank you, sir. I hope to see you again soon."

"Well, that may happen sooner than you think. When you finished your shift, would you like to get some coffee with me?" the man asked, his eyes shining hopefully. Chanyeol's heart leapt, his palms began sweating and his brain felt like it was squealing at him through a megaphone.
"I'd love to! I have a break scheduled in ten minutes."

"Perfect, we'll go then! My name's Baekhyun by the way, Byun Baekhyun." he said, bowing slightly before sticking out his hand.
"I'm Park Chanyeol" he replied, bowing back before shaking his hand. He commended himself for not fainting at the contact.

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hey guys, chapter 2 of The Odd Guy With The Clocks is in progress! :D


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Chapter 1: Awww! This is too adorableeeee!! ♥♥
Chapter 1: This is so awesome I've already read it four times!
And it made me feel like I was in a clock shop on the English countryside:3
And it made me feel like I was in a clock shop on the English countryside:3
Chapter 1: I love this!
Chapter 2: hmmmm well, since this fanfic revolves around clocks and coffee(?),how about you write about you make a sequel about their developing relationship? maybe write about their process of falling in love with each other until the moment they confess.ugh whutt am i saying.idk i don't make sense,do i? XD aigoo hehe sorry i'm not any kind of help to you ><"
Chapter 1: Cute. I like your writing style too, and how you incorporated a clock theme in this. I love Baekyeol so much; the way you described their first meeting together is sweet <3
The fluffy feels came out to play! This was adorbs and too cute! You really should continue on with it. I like the 'clocks'. Very original and the star-struck play between Baekyeol made this very sweet.

Update soon! And good job ;)
derpyawkwardsnowflak #9
I mean, well done, my dearest Pikachen, a top quality Baekyeol fluff <3 ^^
omgomgomg <3 *reading while listening to exo-beautiful (i know,ironic/cheesy huh? xD )* hope you'll update more! totally looking forward to it :D <3