
Love is Pain


{Love is Pain; a sequel of ‘My Kitten Can Talk! What the F-!’}


“Myungsoo oppa, please get the orders for me since you didn’t have any schedule today.” Pilsoon placed a small notebook on Myungsoo’s palm. He frowned and gazed at Pilsoon.

“Me?” Pilsoon nodded her head.

“Yeah, it’s you.” Myungsoo lost his words. He let out a heavy sigh and walked to the table.

“Don’t forget to smile!” she yelled from far.

“May I take your orders?” he asked politely without a smile on his face. The girls giggled and chuckled. Myungsoo blinked his eyes and tilted his head.

“Can I have you?” she asked teasingly. Myungsoo rounded his eyes. Suddenly, Pilsoon pushed him to the side.

“Take the male’s orders.” she said and stared at the girls. Myungsoo nodded his head in agreement and walked to a table. He saw his usual costumer, Lee Sungyeol.

“Hey, hyung, you came again today.” he said and sat in front of Sungyeol. Sungyeol smiled and made a ‘peace’ sign.

“Well, I love her bakes and coffees. There are delicious!” he made a thumb up in the air and giggled. Myungsoo smiled at him.

“So, usual orders again today?” Sungyeol shook his head and waved his hand.

“I want something different today.” he said and tapped his finger on his chin. He glanced at the menu.

“Ah, I want mocha and chocolate chips cookies, please.” he said and put down his finger on the table. Myungsoo nodded his head and jotted down the orders.

“Okay, the orders will be there in a blink of an eye.” Myungsoo said and dashed to the coffee maker. Sungyeol smiled and took a glance at Pilsoon. He stared at her for a second.

*I wish she’s mine.* he thought and at the same, he shook his head. Pilsoon walked to the radio and the radio. Infinite latest ballad song was played on the radio.

“Omo, Sungyeol and Myungsoo oppa! It’s your song, Only Tears!” she jumped in excitement. Myungsoo smiled at Pilsoon and pecked her cheek. Her face went red.

“Oppa, this is a public place. Kiss me went no one sees us.” she said and tickled Myungsoo. Myungsoo laughed and poked Pilsoon’s neck.

“Yah, the two of you! Where’s my order?” Sungyeol ruined the sweet moment of Myungsoo and Pilsoon.

“Ops, Sungyeol oppa is jealous.” she chuckled.

“Yah, Myungsoo oppa, where’s my orders.” Sungyeol asked teasingly. Pilsoon chuckled and put a plate of chocolate chips cookies and a cup of mocha on the tray.

“Coming right up!” he said and took the tray to his table. He put down the orders and smiled at Sungyeol. Sungyeol looked up and frowned.

“Why are you smiling at me like that?” he asked. Myungsoo shook his head and chuckled. He went back to the counter.

*Myungsoo looks different since he met Pilsoon. But, how did he meet her? He’s gone for one month and suddenly brought Pilsoon to our dorm.* Sungyeol stirred his drink and stared at it with a sad expression.

The chimneys at the door rang. Sunggyu went inside the café and waved at Sungyeol.

“Ah, there you are!” he said.

“Omo, Sunggyu oppa!” some of the girls screamed and ran to Sunggyu. They wanted a photo with him and an autograph. Sunggyu smiled and took photos with them and then, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya and Sungjong entered the air-conditioner café. The girls began to scream and run to them. Pilsoon was really happy since she met Myungsoo. Her business became more popular among celebrities and the citizens. She was pleased and happy with her business. Seokhyun? He resigned due to his new girlfriend.

“Pilsoon-ah, I want latte and macaroon, please.” Dongwoo said as he waved his hand to Pilsoon. He sat beside Sungyeol and the others sat at the same table. Pilsoon nodded her head and grabbed Myungsoo’s arm.

“Please take your brothers ‘orders.” she said as she went to the oven and chuckled at the same time. Myungsoo, with his poker face, walked to their table.

“Oh, it’s Myungsoo! Luckily you! You have a girlfriend now.” said Woohyun teasingly. Myungsoo smiled shyly and covered his face.

“Yah, stop it you guys. It’s embarrassing.” he said. Myungsoo took their orders and went back to the counter.

“4 plates of macaroons and a plate of cheese cake. 5 cups of latte.” he said to Pilsoon and put down the notebook beside the cash register. He walked back to his friends.

“So, what are you guys planning for today?” Myungsoo asked as he pulled a chair.

“We suggested going to Inha River tonight.” said Sungjong while playing with his fingers.

“That sound great.” said Myungsoo and clasped his hands together.

“Why don’t you invite Pilsoon, too?” Pilsoon arrived with their orders.

“Here you go. 4 plates of macaroons and a plate of cheese cake, 5 cups of latte.” she said and plastered a smile on her beautiful face.

“Pilsoon noona, do you want to come to Inha River tonight?” Sungjong asked as he took a sip of his latte. Pilsoon tapped her chin and pouted.

“Count me in!” she said and smiled widely.


That night, Myungsoo went to pick her up. He drove his car and stopped in front of her big house.

*I miss this house.* he thought and smiled as he saw Pilsoon walked towards his car and waved at him.

*Pilsoon-ah, you look beautiful tonight. You’re always beautiful in my eyes.* he smiled and scanned her from top to bottom. Pilsoon frowned.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked and hugged her body. Myungsoo burst into laugh. Then, he shook his head.

“Nothing at all.” he opened the door for Pilsoon.

“Aw, thank you. Such a cutie.” she said and hopped on Myungsoo’s car.

“I missed that.” he said. Pilsoon tilted her head.

“What? What do you mean?”

“I mean, I miss how you say ‘such a cutie’.” he said and winked at Pilsoon. Pilsoon poked his cheek.

“You want me to call you Kitty again?” she asked teasingly. Myungsoo smiled and nodded his head. Pilsoon giggled and kissed his cheek.

“Okay, I’ll call you Kitty again but I’ll add Mr in front of your nickname. Mr Kitty!” she yelled and hugged Myungsoo. Myungsoo smiled and drove his car to Inha River.


“What took you so long?” Sungyeol asked and clasped his arms. Myungsoo held Pilsoon’s hand. Sungyeol saw Myungsoo was holding her hand tightly. He made a fist behind him and bit his bottom lip. Seriously, he was really jealous of Myungsoo. All he wanted was her, Jung Pilsoon.

“We’re sorry. There’s a traffic jam.” Pilsoon waved at Infinite and jumped in excitement.

“Yah, yah! What about me?” Myungsoo pinched Pilsoon.

“You still in my heart. Don’t worry. I’ll forever loving you.” she said and poked his cheek. Myungsoo smiled. Sungyeol looked at them in furious. He glanced over the light.

“Come on, let’s go to the nearest place to eat.” said Sunggyu. They walked along the beautiful river. The scene was really beautiful that night. The stars were twinkling on the dark sky. Myungsoo held Pilsoon’s hand and swayed their hands. Pilsoon was happy and she kept talking with her boyfriend and other members.

Inspirits were really jealous of Pilsoon because she was so lucky to have Myungsoo as her boyfriend but at the same time, they agreed with Myungsoo’s choice. Pilsoon was pretty, kind-hearted, and jovial. Everyone loved her, including Sungyeol.

They arrived at the nearest restaurant. They entered the air-conditioner restaurant and searched for a table.

“Pilsoon-ah, I want to go to the toilet first. Go with them.” said Myungsoo and let go of his grip. Pilsoon nodded her head and followed the others to a table. She sat beside Sungyeol and let the seat beside her empty, it’s for Myungsoo. The others were ordering for their dinner except Sungyeol. He kept gazing at Pilsoon.

3 minutes later, Myungsoo arrived at the table. He sat beside Pilsoon and took the menu book from her hand.

“Hey, I’m still using it.” she said and pouted. Myungsoo chuckled and stuck out his tongue.

“Myungsoo, don’t bully your girlfriend.” said Woohyun as he put down the menu book.

*He’s totally a different person since he met Pilsoon.* he mentally said. They ordered their food variously. The restaurant was an affordable place to eat and there were so many varieties of food. That restaurant was the most popular restaurant in their country.

After having their dinner, they went to a park where the lovebirds always walked at there at night time. Myungsoo was still holding Pilsoon hand tightly. He’ll never let go of his grip except when emergency came. Myungsoo had a stomach aches again, he quickly went to the nearest public toilet. Before that, he told Pilsoon to walk with the others.

“Oppa, please buy me that.” Pilsoon pointed at a cotton candy stall. Sungyeol winked at Pilsoon and took her to the stall.

“Welcome! Which flavour do you want?” the seller asked between his smiles.

“There are vanilla, strawberry, pineapple, orange and more!” Sungyeol glanced at the list.

“Which one of these are the most popular?” he asked politely.

“I recommend this for you.” the seller pointed at a heart shaped cotton candy.

“This is a strawberry flavoured cotton candy and it’s a heart shaped. You should buy this since many lovebirds bought this. I think you should buy this.” Pilsoon’s face went red as well as Sungyeol. Sungyeol waved his hand.

“Aniya, we’re not a lovebird. We’re just a friend.” the seller smiled at Sungyeol and slapped his hand on Sungyeol’s shoulder. Sungyeol startled at his sudden encounter. He blinked his eyes couple of times.

“You’re lucky to have her in your life. I can tell you that she’s a wonderful girl that will lighten your life.” Pilsoon cupped her face.

“Aniya.” he said and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Okay, I’ll give you this heart shaped. It is free for you guys because I can tell that you’re meant together.” he gave Sungyeol the heart shaped cotton candy.

“Ah, thank you so much.” said Sungyeol as both of them left the stall. As both of them disappeared from his gaze, the cotton candy seller smirked evilly.

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Chapter 3: wteff!!!!!!!!!! Pilsoon-ah! >< She can't die!!!!!!! SHIRO!!! She can't! can't wait to read the trilogy!
Chapter 2: Did pilsoon died?? Uwaaaaaa :'( or maybe not.. XD
Chapter 1: What the gyu.... *speechlees*
Chapter 2: OMGOMGOMG. Your writing is brilliant! I love it! :)
@iBABYz - Kmk meyh. hahaha. :D n more!
uik..da org srwk ctok?? haha..
@Shiningstarstruck -- XD Bc sequel nya... Dr sarawak duhal...XD TQ!~
Wah ! sapa ya ? sunggyu ka Seokhyun ? knak ompuan ya mati ?? anyway, i'll be waiting for more update ! ^O^
@Hanbyul07 -- Main angel2...Maksud ko?