Chapter 20”summer camp with SHINee” (Part 3)

Living with Block B .~!



“_______” POV

“YAH you WAKE UP” I heard I voice calling me? I’m I dreaming?

“Wake up PPALLI, were are gonna miss the morning workout the leader is gonna kill us” Minzy waked me up

“Uh, Oh, arraso” I said and went to wash up immediately, I grabbed a one piece shorts with me to the bathroom after I washed up, I wore it stylishly with a hat

(The clothes pic)

This clothes works, it’s nice and it helps a lot because its hot out there, the clothes will help with this hot weather and the hat will protect me from the sun

Anyway, after 2NE1 and I got ready we got out from the hut and headed to the canteen area to eat breakfast, thank got the workouts didn’t start, we went towards the big table and saw everyone sitting there, “Good morning” Me and 2NE1 greeted

“Good morning beautiful ladies” They replied, we just smiled back and started eating

“Did you guys hear the noise yesterday, around 2:00AM?” P.O asked

“Yeah we couldn’t sleep” Zelo commented

“WHAT? No we didn’t hear anything” I said and looked at Minho and Taemin, we smiled like fools

“What are you smiling at?” Youngguk asked

“Nothing oppa” I replied, the word’ Oppa’ made him smile and shut up

you you are a deep sleeper, you can’t hear anything, even if a rocket ship landed on earth you will not wake up” Kyung commented, everybody burst into laughter

“Come on people enough eating it’s time for; MORNING WORK OUT” No min woo said using the microphone, everybody pouted, I decided to not let it affect my day, let’s have fun and make it fun

“Come on people it’s gonna be fun!” I said

“Shut up, everything is fun with you” zico said

“Oppa don’t be like that, you can make anything fun if you wanted” I said while walking to the workout area

“Wow, you become so wise” Key commented, I flashed him a super smile, then we lined up and started the workout in front of the leader no min woo

“Come on people don’t be lazy, 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4” he said, I got bored so I started to poke Jong Up waist, he was next to me, first he didn’t say anything, but then he started to poke me back, we started to poke each other and laugh like fools

you-ssi and Jong Up-ssi, pleas pay attention” he said

“Yes sir” we nodded, I got bored once again and started to chat with CL about eyeliner and make up products, when we done working out

“Okay, listen up people, this camp is gonna be on TV, as you see MTV will be here in seconds and will be doing couple competitions, as you can see they came this morning and putted cameras everywhere it’s gonna be a verity show, they went back to get more cameras and they will be back in a second” the leader said, we all nodded

*Humm... Couple competitions? I hope I end up being a couple with U-Kwon… he’s fun, funny, adorable, wait? Why I can’t aware this feelings? I really don’t know what they are? I’m confused, why every time I come near U-Kwon I feel happy, comfortable and I feel butterflies in my stomach... it can’t be love right? Uhh I don’t know what love is science I never felt it once, I should really ask an expert!* I though

“Yah, what are you thinking of?” U-Kwon broke my train of thoughts

“Uh, nothing” I replied

“You really look good today, like always” he commented while slightly rubbing the back of his head

“Gomawo, you too” I shyly smiled at him

“I hope I become a couple with you” he shyly said

“NADO, I was thinking about it a second ago” I accidently said, when I realized what I said, my eyes winded like it was gonna pop out

“So, you were thinking about me huh?” he smirked

“Whatever” I slightly punched his arm and walked away towards the boys, he followed me

“Act like normal in front of the camera, don’t do embarrassing things arraso?” we listed to the manager directions carefully and nodded

“Oh they came, MTV IS HERE” B-Bomb yelled so everyone can hear and get ready, soon everyone got out from their hut all dressed up, for me I didn’t care about changing my look I knew I look good, then U-Kwon, Youngjae and Key ran to MTV van and each one of them grape a camera and started shooting, Youngjae headed towards the boys with Key, but U-Kwon came towards me

“Hey” he started shooting me carefully

“Hey” I gave him a big smile

“Come on, talk” he asked

“Ummm, Hi I’m you, I’m 17 years old, so yeah! Today we are in the idol summer camp, there are so many idols here” I started

“Like who? “He asked

“Umm, like Block b, Me, SHINee, 2NE1, BAP, JJ projects, Big bang, and others” I replied

“So, are you enjoying the camp?” he asked

“Oh, Yeah!” I smiled

“Come on lets walk towards the boys” he said, and I followed, He went to shoot block b silliness while Zico, kyung and P.O were doing silly stuff while I was standing and laughing at them

“Come on people on you positions, I’m gonna be your MC” T.O.P said with his deep voice

“Awesome” I whispered, we lined and the cameras started shooting

“Annyeonghaseyo everybody, it’s the …….” T.O.P started

“IDOL SUMMER CAMP” all of us shouted and clapped

“Today we are going to show you some couple competitions, now we are going to do Stone, paper, scissors game to decide the couples” T.O.P said, we nodded, then so many idols gathered to do the game here are the couples who one :-

#1; Onew& Dara

#2: B-Bomb& Boom

#3: CL& Taeil

#4: Minzy& Daehyun

#5: Key& Jonghyun

#6: Minho& Taemin

#7: Zico& youngguk

#8: P.O& Zelo

#9: Kyung& Youngjae

#10: Jaehyo& Jong Up

#11: U-Kwon & you

#12: Himchan& G-Dragon

#13: JB& JR

#14 ; Daesung & Taeyang

How coincidence it is? Everyone loved their couples, I jumped in joy when I won with U-Kwon, I don’t know why but I felt so happy and I know he felt the same; he started jumping with me and gave me a high-five, after we arranged the couples,seungri our other MC, walked towards us with a bowl has numbers in it and made every couple choose a number, me and U-Kwon choose number 11

“Why are we choosing numbers?” Taeyang asked

“Here is the reason, every couple has a number must go in this forest and look for a couple T-Shirts with this number on it, the first couple who finds it wins and get 10 points” T.O.P explained

“In the end of the day, the couple who get the highest amount of points gets a very special prize” Seungri continued and we nodded

“Come on get ready” T.O.P said as we stood at the race line

“One, two, three GO!” Seungri counted we ran as fast as we could, I notes stuff quickly so I took a hold of U-Kwon wrist and stood in the middle of the forest

“If we ran like dorks we will not find anything so let’s scan the forest first” I said while we looked around

“Their number 11 on top of that tree” U-Kwon pointed, “Wow so fast” I said while running

“The tree is so high how are we gonna get their?” I asked, he sat on his knee

“What are you doing?” I asked

“Quickly, get on my shoulders and get the T-Shirts, I want to win the prize” he said, I nodded and sat on his shoulders and held his hand so I can’t fall down, he slowly got up and I slowly grape the T-Shirts, it was cute couple T-Shirts

“Come on let’s wear them quickly” he said and took off his T-Shirt reveling his six packs and quickly wore the couple T-shirt, I was under shock because I had butterfly’s in my stomach when I saw his six pack, I saw it before when we went to the water park and I didn’t feel anything, why now?, so I wore My T-Shirt on top of my clothes, it’s okay it’s not hot here isn’t it?

(The T-Shirt pic)

Then we ran back to the MC area and we were surprised, WE WON!!!!!! , we were so happy that we hugged, we waited for the rest to come, after 5 min everybody came

“Oh SH*T, U-Kwon and “______” won!” Onew pouted

“Don’t worry oppa, I’m sure you ‘Might’ win and ‘Might’ not, because we ‘Might’ beat you all up and WIN” I said

“OH we are so smart” U-Kwon placed his arm over my shoulders, not caring about the cameras, we played too many games like kissing games and stuff, OMONA I kissed U-Kwon, Jong Up and Taemin on the checks, I know they melted by my sweet kiss, and m and U-Kwon constantly kept winning, Until the last big game came

“Now this is the last hard game, listen to the rules, inside that big forest there is an area full of cameras, there is going to be cards you have to find, only one is going to find them, the other person is going to watch you by the screen here, like I said there is going to be cameras their so yeah!, there might be stuff that scare you so be careful, now we will play Stone, paper, scissors again to decide who go is going to look for the cards and who will stay and watch the screen” T.O.P explained, they started playing, Me and U-Kwon decided to go last, the MC knew what every person is afraid of, For example: Taemin is afraid of ghosts and when went to look for the cards he found millions of ghosts, well they are not real they are made with laser so he went back running, most of them lost because they were scared, I’m not scared from ghosts, but I’m scared from bugs, what if I saw too many of them there? OMONA I’m gonna die? No I might stay and watch the screen and U-Kwon go and look for the cards! I have hop! Everybody losses and my turn come

“Stone, paper, scissors” Uhh da*n I lost, I have to go look for the cards

“No go and look for 5 cards that has MTV written on it” T.O.P said and I nodded, U-Kwon wished me luck and I went on my bath

It’s getting late and I was the last to go, I walked in this forest it was scary, the sun is down and dark is coming soon so I better hurry up, I looked up and I saw cameras everywhere, I made the peace sign and I knew U-Kwon will be smiling back their  

After 5 min I managed to gather 4 cards, I saw ghosts but I ignored it I knew it was fake, but I scream every time I see a bug, I managed to stay strong for U-Kwon, But wait why U-Kwon?! Anyway, I saw the last card sticking at a tree, I wanted to take it off but it won’t go! Someone stacked it with superglue, then I felt something walk at my left leg but I ignored it because I was busy taking this card off, the walking thing on my leg was real! , it stung me, I gasped at big amount of pain, I freeze I couldn’t move from the pain, It hurts so fuc*ing bad, I couldn’t even breath, I tried to look down and see what it is, OMG! It’s one of the deadliest Scorpion in the world! No god don’t make me die already I didn’t enjoy my life too much, I didn’t find out what felling I have towards U-Kwon! , I could not breathe as I killed the scorpion with my shoes from anger, with the pain I started moving towards the camp, then everything was dark, I can’t see anything, the world was spinning around me, I guess this is the end of my life! , I dropped on the ground, I closed my eyes waiting for my soul to go to heaven, and then everything is over! 



Don't Die "_______" everybody needs you

so what do you think?! 

This story may end soon and may not end , i don't know if i should make "______" Die?! 

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OMG, i will miss this fan fic =(, remember readers, i will always wait for your comments


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CutiePieGongchan #1
Chapter 21: Annyeong! I love your story! It is really interesting! Good job^^ I was wondering why you were putting my username in for the character:3
Chapter 32: I really love your story ^^
I'm still reading this ya'know?!:D
I'm still reading this ya'know?!:D
Hi i just upvoted to this fic cuz...i love you!!!*wink*
Chapter 32: So perfect!! I love it ~<3
Cute fic ;~~;
This was an Great fan fic :)
I just finishd reading it was FANTASTIC you Had me crying at the end :,(
Any way im on my way to read you new fic with teen top ^_^
@T-O-P-oppa: i'm glad that you like my silly fic ^^ thanks for reading =D
T-O-P-oppa #10
I like the name thing but its weird because it's like ukwon is in love with t.o.p...
Anywhooo!:) you had me crying at the end! I could just imagine their faces when she came in! ( 'o' ) keke!