A Double Date or Double Trouble?

Forever Second? Please Look At Me!

     The next morning you wake up in time to make it to the café where you and Min Woo had agreed to meet

without having to run for your life. Once you saw Min Woo already standing there waiting for you, you began skipping



     You stopped right in front of him and the two of you made your way to the bus stop that would take you guys to

the park. The moment you walked off the bus you immediately saw Sung Min madly waving her hands over her head

while screaming your names. You quickly walk toward her, while pulling Min Woo behind you, and take the tickets

she held out to you. Together the 4 of you enter the park and make it your missions to ride every rollercoaster in the

park. When finished the sun had already began to set. You were exhausted and ready to go home but Sung Min had

other ideas… She exclaimed that we should all go to the haunted house with a mischievous glint in her eyes. The two

guys could both care less so Sung Min declared it was 3 against 1 in her favor and began draggin you in the direction

of the creepy mansion. As you all waited in line the ride attendant began to make his way down

the line making the pairings he saw fit. He stopped in front of our little group and dragged Sung Min toward Min Woo

and you toward Daehyun stamping your hands with pair marks then briskly moving on, before we could complain to

him he had already made it near the back of the line… with no choice we continued waiting in line for the ride.


     You were now more nervous about going in with than Daehyun than the actual haunted house while he seemed

perfectly calm. Lost in your worries the group continued slowly moving up in line until you were now at the entrance.

Daehyun gently nudged you with his elbow and the two of you entered the haunted house. No matter how hard

you tried to not be a wuss it was kind of use less because you screamed, kicked, or punched everything that popped

out breaking most of the “ghosts” When you were finally out you felt a huge amount of relief while Daehyun was

laughing at how you acted in there. Unable to accuse him of anything, because face it you were a bit crazy in

there…,  you started laughing and lightly hit him. At least you got to see his smiling face but at the expense of

being scared out of your wits…-.-


     A bit later Sung Min and Min Woo came out of the haunted house. How Sung Min was scared in there when you had

already broke most of the “ghosts” was a mystery to you. Now reunited the 4 of you made your way to the center of

the park for the fireworks display to be held later, however the groups were split apart by the sea of people pushing

and shoving. Unfortunately for you, you weren’t taller than the crowd and could only see people’s heads. You began

to frantically survey the crowd for familiar faces and when you finally found one it turned out to be Daehyun. The

two of you made eye contact and he walked over while texting Sung Min to tell her where we were.


     Her reply was to just watch the show and leave with who we were now, no need to be pushed and shoved again

for no reason. So that’s what we did. The walk home with Daehyun surprisingly wasn’t awkward it felt like old times

before your crush on him. At the same time Min Woo escorted Sung Min home to her mansion of a house. While there

Sung Min’s parents come out to welcome her back, but end up with a shocked expression that soon turned into pure

excitement. Baffled by their reaction Sung Min immediately asks what’s wrong only to receive the reply that they

were so happy Sung Min chose Min Woo since they would’ve chosen him anyway. And that they would plan

everything for them by next month. Unable to comprehend the situation Min Woo and Sung Min stood there

speechless. Meanwhile the two parents made their way back into the house while calling Min Woo’s family about the

“great news” and making it officially permanent. Sung Min and Min Woo both looked at each other saying “Eotokke!!”

Both parents apparently did business with one another before and the two had no idea how to break it to them

without disappointing them.

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Even though I wanted them to end up with each other, I'm still sad for Daehyun
Zheedictator #2
new reader :D
Strawberri_Baby #3
hehe you'll see though for a while it might b sad >.< but i promise it will end with Daehyun <3 =)
Oww... So there's a double date, ey? Make Daehyunnie jealous! xD Jokin'
Where are they going? And hey... Chapter one stings. It stings 'our' hearts ;A; DAEHYUN Y AGREE?!!
Strawberri_Baby #6
haha suggestion taken ^-^ lol hope you like the first chapter >.<
I suggest that.. YOU UPDATE NOW!! xDD LMAO.. Your storyline is great and I AM EXCITED for the chapters! No Pressure! xDD