Greetings, Human

Hello Weird Customer?

Some people believe in a world beyond our own, the supernatural, things that cannot be explained through our limited knowledge as humans.

What do I think?


The supposed flying saucers lunatics claim to have pictures of? Photoshop.

The supposed crop circles people claim are messages from outer space? Lonely farmers with too much time in their hands.

The supposed alien sightings people claim to have seen? Really? Do I even have to explain how this is wrong in so many levels?

At least these were my thoughts before the summer when I turned nineteen. It was only a year after I had graduated high school, and I was desperately lost. I had no clue what to do with my life at that point.

No home, no job, no money… I couldn’t find a single purpose in life.

After all, my parents who happened to admire the Western culture, decided to kick me out of the house the moment I became a legal adult. I didn’t even have a proper roof over my head!

In an effort to find myself and discover what I truly wanted to do for the rest of my life, I took a year off from my college. Which did give me a lot of free time to think over things, but a person can only think so much in one day without getting bored.

And since I had no full time job and my parents’ never sent me a single cent, I was also undeniably broke.

To sum it all up, I was an utterly helpless broke bum.

I stayed from one friend’s house to another, ate top ramyun almost every day, and lived off what little I earned from my part time job at Angel Café.

I was nothing but a nobody just wanting to be a somebody.

It was in my worst year, what I now like to recall as the year I hit rock bottom, the most extraordinary thing happened to me.

I met the most interesting group of people imaginable. They were likely lunatics or drunks who were out of their minds, but those lunatics were who guided me the way to the life I have chosen now.

I guess you can say I owe my life to a couple of mentally screwed group of people.

The night they came to me was a summery night in the midst of July. Around midnight where the Angel Café was nearing closing hours and business was awfully slow.

I remember my partner, Jung Daehyun, who also worked at the café, asking me to clean up the place and lock up after myself.

So I was alone, with the exception of a sprinkle of people here and there amongst the rows of empty tables. I did the dishes, took out the trash, and wiped the tables. And after ringing up the very last customer, I was officially done for the day.

I remember how tired I was, and how glad I was that I would soon be home in the comforts of my bed. Or, my friend’s bed to be exact. None the less, a bed was a bed, and I was ready to collapse on any that would welcome me with wide arms.

It was the middle of summer, so even at midnight it was warm enough to go around in a t-shirt and shorts without freezing to death.

Stepping out of the café and closing the doors behind me, I still remember the creepy unusual feeling I had felt that someone was watching me. Shaking it off as my own silly superstition, I continued to loop the lock around the door and presumed to lock it with the master key when a dark shadow covered me.

I still clearly remember the first words they said to me as if it was yesterday.

“Sorry sir, but we're closing the store soon, please come back tomo-"

"You dare touch me, and I swear I will strangle your puny little neck and blow up this whole planet, Human."

"E-excuse me?!" 


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Chapter 1: Whoa no respect to humans I see but then I don't blame them cause their B1A4!!!!
Chapter 1: Don't give up on this story! I can't wait to read wht happens next!
ParkSeoMin #3
Chapter 1: LOL... so clueless!
anyways, update soon author-nim
KISSmeBecca #4
Chapter 1: LOL i wonder how long itll take for her to believe them? XD
Chapter 1: LOL.Update soon!!!!xD
Chapter 1: new subscriber^^ update soon~
AJ_la_MonsterBunny #7
LOL I love it! I aslo loooovvveee the idea of her still thinking its a joke instead of "Ok if you said so, then you're aliens" haha. ^u^
Omo kekeke i Love your fic! I dind't know that you erase the first TAT I was searching it like crazeeeee~ But now you're making it again. YES!! I really like it~ the first was fine too. Update soon~
kandell #9
I like it so far! Can't wait to read more :]
fightingme #10
Omo that smile amd that collarbone!!!