

Trust. Jongwoon doesn't know what that means exactly. But he's willing to learn that. But that's not the important thing right now. 'Accept yourself' that's the important thing right now as Kyuhyun said. Right now he was sitting on the couch, his upper body leaning against Kyuhyuns. They were alone, the other members giving them some time alone. Yet, Jongwoon hasn't talked with the members. He wasn't ready for that step. And it doesn't help that the members are too friendly to him. "It should go back to normal" Jongwoon murmured and Kyuhyun sighed. "No. It has to change" "Mhmm. But treating me different and with force really helps me" Jongwoon said with sarcasm. Kyuhyun wasn't able to find the right words. He knows that Jongwoon was right. „I will talk to them“ „No, you don't have to. I have to figure this out by myself with them.“ Jongwoon mentally sighed. Kyuhyun offers him help and what is he doing? Not accepting it. Aish, don't be stupid Jongwoon. You need help. The voice. Yes, it came back. Jongwoon haven't told Kyuhyun that it came back, he doesn't want the younger to be worried. Well, you failed. He is worried about you. The voice was right. Three days passed since Jongwoon cried his heart out. Three days and Kyuhyun hasn't left his side. He would make sure that the elder would eat his meals and he was always there to stop Jongwoon if he felt the desire to cut himself. Kyuhyun even removed all sharp and not necessary things in Jongwoons room. He felt kinda bad as Kyuhyun found the different typs of baldes in his room. But Kyuhyun didn't complain. He only blamed himself and his other Hyungs for the feelings Jongwoon has. It breaks his hear to see his Hyung broken like this. There will be a lot to fix and it may not be possible to fix some things, but he promised himself not to give up. His first aim was to see a true smile from Jongwoon. But it would take a lot of time. Kyuhyun wasn't sure if he's able to help Jongwoon to go through the hard time, but he will try his best.

 I pitty this young boy. Why do you lean on him? Do you want to let him suffer like you do? If you would love him, you would let him go. Jongwoon understood. He understood that he isn't good for Kyuhyun. „I am going into the bathroom“ Jongwoon said as he stood up and Kyuhyun nodded. Look, it isn't as hard as you thought. Tell him that you go into the bathroom and he won't follow you. You know that you hide a blade in the bathroom, right? So, reval your stress and do it. Jongwoon bit his lip as he locked the door with trembling fingers and reached to the blade. Then, he sat down on the ground and laid the blade on his hand, ready to cut. „Jongwoon. Please.“ Jongwoon stopped. Was Kyuhyun outside? „P-please. Lay the blade away and come out“ Yes, that was Kyuhyuns voice. But how does he know that Jongwoon would cut? „Please. Just open the door“ The maknae said and Jongwoon got up but hesitated. Oh come on. Don't give a about his guy! „Jongwoon! Let me in!“ Kyuhyun yelled and Jongwoon could hear quiet sobs. Was Kyuhyun crying because of him? He took a deep breath and opened the door, only to find himself in a warm embrance. The blade was taken out of his hand, thrwon into the trash bin. „I love you“ Kyuhyun said and Jongwoon felt tears building in his eyes. „You are perfect.“ Kyuhyun kept on whispering soft words to him and dragged him onto the couch again. Jongwoon sat there, frozen. He realized what he just wanted to do. Cutting yoursel. That was what you want to do. He promised Kyuhyun to stop. He promised it. But he broke the promise. „I-i am sorry“ Jongwoon said with a shaky voice and was, once again, pulled into a hug. „Don't be.“ Kyuhyun said, kissing Jongwoons hair. „The voice is there again, isn't it?“ Kyuhyun asked and Jongwoon nodded, his tiny hands clinging on Kyuhyuns shirt for support. Jongwoon let his tears fall and Kyuhyun could only try to calm him down with soft words. Both of them didn't notice that the members came back and watched them. Siwon was the first one who approached the hugging couple. Jongwoon froze and stopped crying. Kyuhyun let Jongwoon go and Siwon hugged him. It took Jongwoon a couple of minutes to relax in to the embrance and he lent on Siwon. All members had tears in their eyes as they saw Jongwoon but none of them was strong enough to go to him. Jongwoons hand clinged on Siwons shirt for support as he felt his legs go numb. Kyuhyun hugged him from behind and shot a meaningful look towards the others. They understood and let them alone. Kyuhyun looked at Siwon, totaly overwhelmed with this situation. Jongwoon couldn't stop crying, the tears didn't want to stop. He lifted his head and wanted to say sorry but the voice stopped him once again. Apologizin? Yeah sure. Make them pitty you! Show them how weak you are. Jongwoon winced and to the attention from his dongsaengs. „Hyung?“ Siwon gently asked and made Jongwoon looking at him. „Do you feel pain?“ He asked and was shocked as Jongwoon pushed him off. The latter turned around to Kyuhyun, muttered something to him. Kyuhyuns eyes to wide but hugged his boyfriend. „Don't listen to it, listen to me okay? I will sing for you“ As Siwon looked at Kyuhyun with a confused face, Kyuhyun mouthed 'Leave, please?' and Siwon did, even tough he wanted to be there for his Hyung.


You should not live a life with sadness and regrets
You should know that
We have our own path
Our own birthplace
Even scenery to look out for
But one day we would be together in a place
You are not alone


Jongwoon blinked in surprise as he remembered this song. It was their japanese song 'Way'. Kyuhyun brought Jongwoon in his bedroom, making the older sitting on his lips. The younger didn't stop singing and looked at Jongwoons face, fingers brushed the tears away.


Let's move forward and look for something that is worth living for
Now, overcome the days were you were at loss
It's enough to be bothered by the past
Although there is no confirmation
One day we will get our chance
If there are things you cannot leave behind
Like farewells or unforgettable dreams
Just take them with you
Even if we part ways with our own dreams
All of it will be the pieces of the puzzle called 'life'
When the time comes that you are confused and hesitated to move forward
I want you to remember the song of the travelers
Although we are far away from each other
We are still looking up at the same sky
Even in such common ways
All of these things are our treasure


Kyuhyun smiled as a little smile found his way on Jongwoons lip, even tough it didn't last for long. Jongwoon simply had forgotten to smile. The once so happy man had forgotten how to be happy. All he felt for the past years was Sadness. Fear. Hate. Disgust. But Kyuhyun wanted him to feel Happiness. Love. Joy. Beauty.


I am proud that we have our own perspective and own identity
Even if we part ways with our own dreams
With all this, little by little we move forward in attaining our goals in life


Better?“ Kyuhyun asked as Jongwoon, finally, stopped crying. Jongwoon nodded and buried his face into Kyuhyuns chest. He was tired even tough he did nothing than crying the whole time. Yeah, the only thing you can do is – Shut the up! Jongwoon told the voice in his mind and his surprise, it went quiet. „Sleepy?“ Kyuhyun asked and chuckled as Jongwoon yawned cutely. „Let's sleep then“ Kyuhyun helped Jongwoon to get dressed for the night. He stopped as he saw the scars on Jongwoons arms and took the others hands. „Promise me something. Never do that again“ Kyuhyun said and Jongwoon nodded. He may not promise to stop cutting, but Kyuhyun knew that he would give at last a try. And if tthere's a will, there's a way.

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Chapter 1: Be stronger Yebaby. You can do it. Trust yourself first, to be able to trust the people around you :')
Oh gosh thanks for that little YeWon right there!
Whew... This is too angsty and stuf... Lol... Let's see the sequels then ~
OMO so adorable! *o* *sobs crying because of their sadness, of his their fear, of their love and hope! :o That was so emotionless! And I love it so much! ^O^
Oh I have read the sequel 'acceptance' before this '^^ Silly me, I didn't pay attention to the update! >.< But I enjoy it, This is one new step for Yesung happiness !! He should always shut this voice that only talk nonsense! >.< And trust KyuHyun more, this boy really love him! Yesung isn't blind to at least figure out this! ^^
Ah Sungie! Take care of Kyu too plz! He is dying worry for you! :(
What a perfect couple! I really love my KyuSung more then anything (Of course there is also YeWon for me xDDD but just those two :p)!!! Thank you so much for updating this so beautiful sequel!!! I like it!!!
Good luck for more! I'll wait for the next update ;)

KyuSung Fighting! <3<3<3
kazerii #4
i love your story so much,
its a really good story,

i really love kyuhyun in all your story,,

i cant wait for the next story,


<3 KyuSung
I'm so glad to have Kyuhyun there, it was like he knows the other too well T T
the care is so obvious yet it hurts me, because those cares that Kyuhyun give is so heartwarming T T
and I love you for putting YeWonKyu there, OMFG! idk ; ;

I love enough, and I can't wait for the acceptance <3
Ohhhh I will wait for this! :D I loved 'enough' so much! *O* And I'm sure that this story will be a success! ;) Good luck for the writing! :)
I hope that you can make many many sequel hehe '^^ I like the idea! :p Thank you so much for your good work :) That make us really happy! :D

KyuSung Fighting!<3<3<3
kazerii #7
i have read "enough"
its a great story
the story success make me cry

update soon please,

<3 KyuSung