First Day Of School For New Students Part 2

How a Show Can Change a Bunch of Students Life Forever

Donghae's POV:

     Sungmin and I enter the gates. Such a shame, both of us are not in the same class. 

     "Well, my class is 12-2A. What about yours?" He asked me.

     "Mines is 12-3A." I answered with a sigh. Sungmin smiled and put his right arm around me.

     "Don't worry, dongsaeng. Try making new friends." He teased. I glared at him.

     "YAH~!!!" I screamed. Sungmin laughed and left to his class. I decided to check out the dance class I've sign up for. As I reached the classroom, I sighed before stepping in. To my surprise, everyone's eyes were on me. I looked at everybody and smiled nervously. 

     "Yah, Hyukkie. We seem to have a new kid." One of them said. I suddenly spotted a boy, same age as mine, and to my surprise he looks like a monkey. I couldn't control myself, so I laughed really hard while pointing to that monkey kid. He gave me a deadly glare.

     "Yah, what are you laughing at, new kid?!" He said as he approached me. I finally controlled myself and stopped laughing.

     "Nothing." I answered. He gave me a more deadly glare.

     "LIAR! YOU WERE LAUGHING AT ME! YOU THINK YOU'RE SO COOL THAT YOU CAN LAUGH AT ME LIKE THAT! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM?!!!" He  screamed at me. I shook my head to answer his question. He looked at me from head to toe and back up with a smirk.

     "What's your name?" He asked me.

     "Donghae." I answered in a low voice.

     "Donghae what?" He said in a firm voice with his arms crossed.

     "Lee Donghae." I answered. I looked up a bit to look at them to see if they were still staring at me. To my surprise, his eyes widened actually everybody's eyes widened. 

     'Did I say something wrong?' I thought. Just then, that monkey kid walked toward me. I backed up, feeling cornered, until I reach the wall, I froze. I tried to leave, but that monkey had extended his right arm toward the wall, blocking me, so I was trapped, great. He left his arm there, so I put my head down to avoid seeing him so close.

     "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. He scoffed.

     "You smell like fish. Are you a commoner?" He asked again, and I nodded. He laughed.

     "Do ya mind if I make up a nickname for you?" He said as he put his face closer to mines, now only an inch away. I looked at him then look down immediately since he was still looking at me.

     "What is it?" I asked, my head still down. He smirked evily, before answering my question.

     "How about.......FISHIE?" He answered and everyone in the room except me and him laughed.

     'Yep, as I thought this monkey dude is bullying me by calling me names.' I scoffed in my head. I finally thought of something to say to defend myself and see how he feels when I say it. I looked at him and smirked evily, Everyone saw my actions, and stopped their actions and look at me.

     "Since you called me FISHIE, how about I call you MONKEY!" I said. I pushed his right arm away and left to my class. I've never felt so happy in my life.

     "Revenge is so sweet." I said to myself with a smirk.

     "Sungmin hyung is so gonna be piss when he finds out." I sighed.


Sungmin's POV:

     "YAH~!!!" Donghae screamed at me and I left laughing. As I was walking towards the hallway, I finally calmed myself down. I went to my locker and put my pink bag, notebooks, bunny toys, etc. All I have in my hands now is my books. I shut my locker and locked it. I was actually excited for school!

     "12-2A" I repeated to remember as I walk around the hallway searching for the class. I wasn't looking, so I wasn't careful. I ACCIDENTLY bumped right into someone. Our books dropped fell off our arms to the floor. He gave me a deadly glare as I bent down immediately to collect my books. After I was done, I look at the boy.

     'Boy was he ever hot! Wait, am I thinking?' I slapped myself. The boy seemed to be distracted to something that looks like a PSP.

     'Ah, yes. He's playing games. He loves games.' I thought. I saw his math book on the floor, but he seems to have no interest in it. I bent down to grabbed it for him until

     "Yah! Don't touch my math book!" I froze for a minute. I look up at him, and saw those deadly glaring eyes fell upon me. I shivered and got up.

     "Sorry. I saw you playing on your PSP, so I-"

     "So you can steal my math book!" The boy interupted me. I raised an eye brow at him.

     "Oh. So you tried to bump into me on purpose so you can steal my PSP!" The boy bursted. I gasped.

     "Look, even though, I am a commoner and don't have everything like you rich brats do." I paused. His eyes widened.

     "Did you just call me rich brats!" He asked. Raising his voice a little showing his anger.

     "Yeah, I just did, you EVIL RICH BRAT!" He gasped and his eyes were more wider than ever.

     "By the way, I'm not a game freak like you, evil game freak." I said.

     "WHAT~!!!!" He screamed about to punch me.

     "Ya heard me, you deaf ." I said before he could punch me. I gripped my hands on my books as tightly as possible and used it to push the boy out of my way and I left to class. I stomped angrily and looked back at the boy. He had his fists clenched and gave me those cold deadly glare. It was like he's going to jump me whenever he felt like it. Thanks to him, my exciteness of coming to school was spoiled cause of him!

     "Today, if I ever see that boy again, I'll tear him to pieces!" I said to myself hitting the wall. Itook a minute or two to calm myself down and headed to class.


Kibum's POV:

     As I was walking down the field, I spotted a crowd. I read the sign, it said:


     I scoffed. 

     'Choi Siwon' I thought.

     "Seems like you got some research to do." I laughed evily to myself. I entered the hallway. Boy, it was sure crowded. I sighed as I begin to make my way through the crowded hallway. There were so many pushing and shoving, I felt myself had some bruises already. Unfortunately, someone pushed me into someone else. We accidently hug. I broke off immediately after a minute. I bowed apologetically and I received a hatred stare. 

     "OMG~!!! THAT'S CHOI SIWON!!!" I heard some girls scream behind. I looked at him from head to toe then smirk.

     "Whacha smirking at, nerd?" He said in a cold-hearted, firm voice with his deadly glare. I grinned.

     "Nothing." I answered and just stared at me.

     "I've never thought the Top Student: Choi Siwon, would be less attractive and a bully even when everyone respects you." Everyone, who listened, gasped at my words. He deadly glare got even more deadlier than before. I grinned, so happy about my revenge. I was about to leave, but he grabbed my arm. Seriously, it hurts. I just smirked, but he dragged me closer to him and his arms were wrapped around me. I stared in shockness. I could also hear the girls, who witness this, gasped. 

     "You better watch your mouth, nerd." He whispered.

     "I'll come hunting after you." He finished. I don't know why, but my heart was beating so fast and hard; it was about to fall out of my chest. I came back to my senses and tried to break off, but Siwon was so strong. His grip got tighter. I knew the weak spot, and kicked it so hard. I was able to break free and I ran straight to class before he could do anything else to me. As I was running, I could hear gasps coming from all directions. I took a little peak at Siwon. He wasn't please, but hey, at least I got my revenge (kekeke)!!!


Hey, there. I said I would update later on, and I did! Kekeke~!!!!!!!!! Enjoy reading! Thanks to KpopLover15751 4 being the second person to subscribe. Here's chapter 2. This is just the second part of chapter 1. XD. I'll update chapter 3 maybe tonight or tomorrow.

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not going 2 be updating 4 awhile. imma be at my dad's. i'll be back 2 update! :)


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Kpop_bunny7 #1
Chapter 11: Aaaaaaaaauuuuugggghhhh!!! Why must it end there?! T^T.... update and I will love you forever.
Eunhae_kyumin788 #2
Chapter 11: Awesome :)
Please update soon love this so much C:
Chapter 11: that's going to be fun *smirk*

update soon <3
Casandra #4
Chapter 11: This is interesting. .update soon ok. .
hebteuk #5
Chapter 10: "I did not do this to save you."..."I want you to do my math homework for me."
LOL kangin xDD..i like high school stories nd this story's interesting so far..upload soon :)
Chapter 9: ddangkoma is cuuuuuteee..anyway please update soon ^~^/

great job!!!keep it up author-nim
Chapter 3: Lol the turtle is smart~
Chapter 9: After school? WHUT. I must know!!!!! >\\\\\\\\\< please, please, please, please update soon! This story is just too... AMAZING.
Chapter 7: Ddangkoma~ ahh I love that freaking turtle! >.< but where is the other ddangs?