Melody of Love


Youngjae accidentally walked in on Daehyun singing and playing the piano in the music room. And ever since that time, he's secretly been watching him perform everyday at the same time, thinking Daehyun doesn't know.




Youngjae's such a loveable stalker...LOL ^_^


Minutes had passed, and I was wondering why he wasn't playing anything yet. Usually, he would've played something by now, but today, he's just staring at the notes in front of him. I raised my eyebrow, my patience running low at his lack of actions.

"You know, it's not very polite to listen to someone singing and playing the piano without their consent."

I froze in shock behind the curtain and slowly moved away from the little gap that allowed me to see him. He couldn't have possibly...

"I know you're there. Come on, you over there behind the curtain, it's time for you to reveal yourself," I could hear him smirking, his voice slightly muffled by the mask covering the lower half of is face.

"Oh ."


And I am back with another one-shot that will most likely turn into a two-shot! Wow. I just finished making one story, and now I'm making another one...So umm...I hope you all like and support this daejae fic as much as you supported the first one! I was really happy to know that people liked my first attempt, so I'm really grateful! I hope you all comment! Thank you~


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Cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute ! ❤️u❤️
I enjoyed reading it ^_^
Thank you ^_^)/
This fic is so good, I read it many times ^^
I still can't understand why it only have 8 votes though :/

Anyway, this is awesome, author-nim! <3
Chapter 3: xDD jonglo in the end
Chapter 3: Jonglo cupids have done it again. Hehehe
Chapter 3: Lol JongLo XD
Chapter 3: aaaahhhh sooooo cute... Jonglo to the rescue... Cupids ehhh lol =] loved it
Chapter 2: awww heartbroken Youngjae =/ I had thought after their little tug of war of bickering and teasing ... something would develop... but it wasn't meant to be... yet right?
Chapter 1: heheh Youngjae is so sassy ain't he lol and Daehyun is such a tease =]
this was so freaking cute and amazing>,<