Losing Everything

Losing Everything

Author's Note: Kay guys, I promise there's won;t be like any super yucky stuff, even though it seems like it.


I looked up at my panda. He was the cutest thing alive, and I loved him to bits.

"I love you, Tao oppa. Forever," I smiled.

He leaned down and kissed me. We were lying on a picnic blanket, at the park. It was the perfect moment. The sunset made the sky vibrant, with hues of pink and orange. I was wearing his sweater, even though I wasn't cold. It was my excuse, so that I could snuggle up closer to him.

"I love you too," he whispered into my lips.

I laughed, tasting the small crumbs of cake left on his mouth.

"What?" he pulled away, looking at me.

"No," I whined, disappointed that he broke the kiss. I started pulling him closer to me, only to have him almost fall on top of me.

Luckily he had managed to support himself with his forearms, but now he decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Aish, look at what you've done now," he smirked.

I felt my body heat up and my heart start to beat fast. Luckily I didn't blush easily. But I knew he could see my expression.

He leaned in closer to me, and started kissing my neck softly. I gasped, surprised by his sudden actions. He chuckled, moving up to my jaw line.

"I-I th-thought you were innocent," I stuttered, feeling his warm breath on my already hot skin.

"I am, but don't you like this side of me?" he whispered into my ear.

I couldn't say anything more. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't decide whether I liked it or I felt awkward. It was sort of both.

He pulled away, sitting up and supporting himself with one arm. He looked down at me. I guess I was blushing now, though I really didn't know. He just laughed again, and my cheek.

"You're very cute like this actually, I should do that more often," he smiled.

"Wah! No! You're crazy!" I said childishly, curling into a ball and using his sweater to hide myself.

"Aww... come on..." he said, his fingers crawling up my arm.

"No, I don't like Tao when he's like that. Tell me when innocent Tao is back."

"Please..." he said cutely. "Bbuing bbuing!"

I looked up, and he did it again. I uncurled from my ball and he picked me up and held me in his arms.

I remembered that night the clearest of them all. I dreamed about it, only to wake up with tears in my eyes.

"I got you something!" he yelled from across the road.

I smiled at him happily, as he looked both ways to avoid the cars. He started to run across, and that's when I heard the honking coming closer.

"Tao!" I screamed.

The car drove past, not stopping. I watched it drive for a bit and turned to where Tao was.

"That was close!" he said, eyes wide.

I held my hand to my chest, relieved that he was okay.

"You scared me!" I cried, wrapping my arms around him.

"Look!" he pulled me off of him, showing me a small necklace with a simple small gold key on the end of it.

"What's this for?" I smiled as he put it around my neck.

"This," he said, pulling out his own necklace, but with a small lock with a heart-shaped keyhole.

"You have the key to my heart," he smiled.

I touched the key necklace on my neck, smiling sadly. I remembered the day I got the letter.

I  wondered where he had gone, he never told me. I tried calling, I went to his house, I looked everywhere, asked everyone I could find if they knew where he was. I couldn't find him.

I went home, to find a letter on the floor. I picked it up, noticing there was no postage stamp or anything, just an envelope. I quickly opened the door to see if someone had just delivered, frantically looking around, hoping to find Tao hidden somewhere. I opened the letter.

By the time you read this, I'll be gone. I was sick for a while, and there was no way
I was going to get better. So I just accepted and I decided to spend whatever time 
I had left with you. I didn't tell you because I knew you would worry. I wanted you to
be happy, instead of worrying about me all the time. Please don't be angry with me, 
I did it because I love you. Remember that, I will always love you. Always. 

And that's how I lost everything.


This was actually terrible. Okay. I'm sorry. Just erase this from your memory. This was actually a waste of my time. 3 NOT EVEN MAKING SENSE. ):

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-dem0ns #1
Chapter 1: Noo.. Tao.. :(
fangirl4life #3
Aw, ): I'm sorry.
amanda13 #4
I cried T_T
fangirl4life #5
aish -.- you read it too. ok. well thank youuuuuuuuuuu
and bwah. yes quite emotional you are.
and lol no. we both know i wont.
fangirl4life #6
YOU READ IT. NO I TOLD YOU NOT TO. i dont like it. i thinks its poopy. i was just in a writing mood but i didnt even think it over and just started typing random stuff and i was like. k fine. writing done. but it was bad.
and yeah. i dont like writing these unhappy ones. theyre no fun. </3
fangirl4life #7
oh gaw. this was so bad. and lol i was like: "I SHOULD PUT GUCCI IN THIS." dont read it.