This is just a dream I had with EXO last night, so if it sounds crazy and makes no sense that is why lol.


I am with a group of friends and family at Disneyland, when I noticed the EXO members. I leave my group to stalk the guys, but my best friend soon catches up to me. She convinces me to stop that and just go back with my original group, so I listen to her and leave with her. We continued walking around Disneyland just getting on rides and stuff. My family decides to leave early, so they leave me with my friends at Disneyland. As I am saying bye to my family I again notice the EXO members but they were being followed by a huge group of fan girls. I begin to laugh realizing that could have been me in that group. I guess my best friend noticed and laughed as well, after she lightly smacking my arm. My family leaves and I am left with friends, we all decided to group up in pairs and walk around, I stay with my best friend. We get tired of walking around and decided to leave Disneyland. We text the rest of the group and they decided to stay a bit longer, therefore I was going to have to drive my best friend home. As we are walking out of the park I noticed a huge group crowded around someone. Since I am a curious person, I go into the crowd with my best friend. The huge group is a crowd of fan girls who were nearly molesting EXO-M's leader Kris. I realize this and join the group, thanks to my best friend who pushed me into Kris, she knew he was my bias. The minute I grabbed his arm I quickly let go because I though it was rude of me. I look at him and quickly say sorry, and walk away. He was stunned by my actions, and just kept staring at me. I walk out of the crowd and drag my best friend with me. She seems to be looking for someone, but I didn't pay attention. We enter the parking lot and I noticed that all the EXO members are getting into their van. (How they arrived around the same time we did and I did not notice earlier, I have no idea.) It seems that they are fighting fan girls as well to get in, once they are in they leave. I noticed that there was still a crowd around so I poked my head into the crowd again and their was EXO-M's lead vocalist, Chen. They had left him behind by accident.

I have no idea what came over me but I grabbed Chen and dragged him to my car. I quickly push him into my car and start the engine. My best friend is shocked that I did that, and that he is currently sitting in my car. She just remains silent and I was hoping she would say something. I sigh and turn to Chen, I ask him if he knew where the rest were staying at and I would take him there. He replies that he doesn't know very well. I then ask him if he could contact someone to tell me where and I would drop him off. He shakes his head and replies that he left his cellphone in one of the others members bags and he doesn't know their numbers by memory. I sigh and decided to take him to my place so that he could rest, I noticed he looked tired. I asked him if it was alright with him if I did that, I told him I wasn't some crazy stalker fan, I just wanted to make sure he was okay. And to reassure him I told him my bias was Kris, so not to worry bout me doing anything. He seems to think about it and decides that it is fine. I drive to my place, since the minute she found out he was staying with me, she decides to sleep over. I laugh it off and by saying, “and I'm the creepy stalker fan.” She instantly turns red and stops talking. Chen finds this amusing and laughs, he then tells me thank you for helping him. I shrug and told him I care for the group, I am a fan and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. We arrive at my place and I welcome them in, they come in quickly. I then go out to make sure no one followed me, after I double checked I go inside. “I was just making sure no creepy stalker fan is going to pop up.” I said as I walk to my kitchen. I can tell Chen is a little uncomfortable, I tell him to not be and to make himself at home. He starts to relax a little, but I can tell he is still a little weirded out by the situation. I ask them if they want to eat something, and they both nod their heads, I then proceed to the kitchen to make food. During dinner we sit around and joke, and Chen seems to finally feel comfortable and jokes with us. After dinner we decided to watch a movie, but we all fall asleep on the couch, Chen ended up in between me and my best friend. The next morning I wake up to my phone ringing, I pick up just for the other person to click. I check my caller id, but the number was unknown. I guess my phone woke them up as well because they were stirring. Chen wakes up first and then my best friend. I look at them and tell them the time, it was 7 am.

Chen seems to start freaking out saying they were leaving that day in a couple of hours. I quickly grab my keys and start running out the door, with them following behind me. We get into my car and I drive as fast as I can to the airport. Once at the airport, I don't notice any of the members. I start freaking out because I did not want him to be stranded here in Los Angeles. My best friend disappears and I am stuck with Chen. I keep telling him that no matter what I would get him back to Korea and that he would be back with the members. He seemed grateful that I was so caring, it seems he was afraid that I would kidnap him or something. (Then again I am pretty sure some fans would do that.) My best friend then pops out of no where scaring the living day lights out of me and hands me two tickets. I noticed this and looked at her confused, she then motioned to Chen and it finally hits me. She bought a ticket for me and Chen so that we could get the next plane to Korea. I jump on her telling her she is an awesome best friend and what not. Chen is also grateful and bows to her telling her he would repay her one day. I smile and wink at her without him noticing, since he was actually my best friends bias. We go back to my place to pack, since we had a couple of hours until the next plane left. Once we return to the airport I leave my keys with my best friend, she would be staying at my place until I returned from the trip. We say good-bye to her and go to wait for the plane, we board the plane and leave. (This is where it may get kind of weird)

Once we arrive at Korea, I quickly book a room at a hotel, since it was late. We got one room with two beds, I didn't mind sharing the room with him, because one he was like a good friend, and two he wasn't going to be staying long, I was expecting just the night. The next morning we get ready and leave to catch a taxi to SM Entertainment. Once we arrive there, there was a huge crowd of fan girls waiting for them to arrive. I assumed that everyone had arrived already back to Korea, and were probably wondering what happened to Chen. I try to get through the crowd, with Chen behind me, hoping he wouldn't get molested by the fan girls. But it seems they had other plans in mind. They turned out to know martial arts, and wanted to beat me up for the fact that Chen was with me. I laughed at the irony of it all, I'm trying to do the right thing and I am about to get punished for it. I tell Chen that the minute they are all distracted to run into the building, I would be fine. I guess he took my word for it because the minute the girls jumped on me he ran inside. I smile knowing that he is fine, regardless of the fact these girls were trying to hurt me. I guess one of them noticed my smile and decided to try to throw a punch at me. I guess that was what it took for all of them to start, since I knew how to defend myself as well I wasn't too worried. I apparently had many years of experience in various martial art forms. As I am fighting them off, security comes out and pulls me out of the fight. He says that they should not be harming me, because I was actually a current trainee that would soon debut from SM. It seemed the girls took their word and backed off. They all left and the security guy that had pulled me from the fight carried me inside. I told him thank you but that I really had to leave soon, and I could not stay. He laughs and continues carrying me, he takes the elevator up to the highest floor. I keep telling him that I must leave and that he can put me down. He says no that he has orders to take me to the head. I did not know what he was talking about, for some weird reason I couldn't figure out anything.

He carries me into a huge room with a desk by a huge glass wall, I assumed this was where the head was. “She is here boss.” I heard him say, I begin to think I just entered some mafia or something of the sort. The guy in the chair turns to me and it was no more than the head of SM Entertainment, Lee Soo Man. I begin to laugh because of my crazy idea of a mafia head and things of the like. After he puts me down Mr. Lee comes and begins to thank me, he would not stop shaking my hand and thanking me. After a while he asks for the security guard to bring them in. I wondered who he would want me to meet. Soon the members of EXO come in with Chen. I begin to smile nearly to the point of tears, because I was so happy he was safe. Chen then comes up to me and hugs me saying thank you, then all of EXO thank me as well. I was in shock, because hello they were all in front of me, so all I do is nod my head and slightly hide behind Chen who was still by my side. Mr. Lee then clears his throat announcing that because I had done such a great deed, he would like it if I stayed and worked with EXO, until he could make a debut for me. I am shocked, all I could say I would do it on the condition if I could bring someone with me, I wanted to bring my best friend. He allows it and then begins to leave saying that he has a meeting to attend to, and that I should get acquainted with the members. I turn to Chen and he nods his head, in a way for reassurance. I quickly bow and introduce myself. After I look up I meet Kris's eyes and quickly look away. After they all introduced themselves, minus Chen, Kris looks at me and it seems he realizes something. He turns to me and says, “Your that girl from Disneyland, I ….”


And this is where I woke up. Wonder how this would have ended now lol. 

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asyaaaa_ #1
i wish i had that dream. T.T