Spread The Love Around [One-Shots] Re-OPEN!!! [HIATUS]


Sweet Love -

I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.


Funny Love -

The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.


Sad Love -

If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.


Famous Love -

The best thing about me is you.


Cute Love -

Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one.


Teen Love -

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.




Want us to write a one-shot for you? Hmmm ok! But in one condition~


Application is HERE:


[not working? then try sending it to my email: [email protected] ;; BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO DELETE THE BRACKETS/ PARANTHESIS AND IT HAS TO BE NEAT!!] Please Don't apply at the comments' section and at my Profile's Wall.... 



Application form:

~:~All About The Main Character ~:~

Name:   [place the name that you want to use for your request.]

Nickname:  [Optional..don’t want/have any..then put 'None']

Age & D.O.B.: [e.g 13 years old ;; April 8, 1997 [follow my format!]

Character’s Appearance:  [At least 2-3 links of the same uzzlang pics. Don't have any? You can check here: http://aloha-milkyway92.blogspot.com/search/label/p:%20female]


Character’s Blood Type:  [O, AB, A, B] [Select one.]

Character’s Personality: [Bullet form or a short paragraph about yourself. I don't need Thesis/Essay.]

Character’s Likes:  [limit (10) And also please state your favorite color.

Character’s Dislikes and Fears: [Dislikes: limit (7-8) Fears: limit (2-3) Please leave separate the Dislikes and Fears. (Label them..w/c one is the Dislikes and w/c one is the Fears).]


~:~All About the Main Character’s Partner ~:~

Partner’s Name: [Choose one from the list. And also please indicate their REAL/BIRTH Name..and please separate them and with labels.]

Partner’s Nickname: [What's your nickname for your partner? ..Optional..don't want/have any..then put 'None'.]

Partner’s Age: [Want me to change the ? You can be a noona or a dongsaeng.]

Partner’s Appearance: [At least 2-3 links of your K-pop Artist Partner.]

Partner Likes:[Optional...limit (5)]

Partner Dislikes and Fears: [Optional... Dislikes: limit (3) Fears: limit (2)]


~:~Extras/Requests and Feedbacks and Comments ~:~

:~:Extras / Requests [OPTIONAL]:~:

Request Friends: [limit (2-3) Don't want then put 'None']

Request Siblings: [limit (1-2)Don't want then put 'None']

Request Ex- Boyfriend: [Select one from the list. And please indicate his REAL/BIRTH Name. Don't want then put 'None']

Request Rivals: [limit (1-2)Don't want then put 'None']


~:~Author Needs This, That and Those ~:~

Song That Your Requested One-shot Resembles: [please provide the links and if possible give me links with English subtitles. Or if it's an English song..then it's fine. This song thingy will be the plot of you requested One-Shot.]

AFF/Winglin User Name: [State your user name in AFF or Winglin.]

Email: [For contacting purposes..make sure that you will give me a working email. WAENING: I'm NOT A PEDO ok?! But I'm a stalker of Eunhyuk and Hero!! <3 THEM!!!]

Remind You: [Please remind me by sending me by Email, Please remind me by posting in my Profile’s Wall, Nahh..I’ll just subscribe and wait for the Updates :D] [Select one.]

Password: [Tsk..Tsk.. did you read the rules? Did you forgot the rules?..Hmm Then RE-READ IT :D]




Super Junior (Shindong is an exception) (Please Take CARE of my HUBBY here [Eunhyuk])

Dong Bang Shin Ki (Please take care of my Hubby here [Jaejoong])




So Niu Shi Dae





1st Requester: Seunii & Taemin - Loving You

2nd Requester: RockaFlashaJen3rd Requester & Minho - Make You Feel My Love

3rd Requester: Jung_Sung_Chang_MIN & Sungmin -  Love Like This

4th Requester: pockyesh & Key - Nagging 

5th Requester: ginaxmae & Key - One For Me



Working On:

1st Requester: I Am Loving You

2nd Requester

3rd Requester

4th Requester

5th Requester


Table Contents:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


**NOTE**: I'm re-opening this story!!!!


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You're reopening this story? :3<br />
Oh I wish you super good luck again~<3
Aww! It's totally fine, we understand~ ^^<br />
Don't stress about it okay? :3<br />
<3 Seunii.
^^; Don't worry about it~
I love this...its interesting
Didn't even notice that I was first until now XD<br />
Take your time~ ^^<br />
No rush at all :3
Woah, I am fourth! I feel lucky now! (*3*) <3
I Finished applying~ I applied as Lee Eunha :D<br />
and now all I have to do now is wait patiently~<br />
and take your time :D<br />
Hwaiting~♥<br />
And so.. I am finished applying! ^_^ I am really exited to read (not only mine - if you decide to write mine, but all!!!) XD No need to hurry tho, take your time~ Hwaiting <3
rockabyebaby #9
I just sent an app... good luck on the oneshots! <br />
I'll be waiting to read all ur oneshotsXD
This is so cool and exciting~ <br />
Super good luck~ :3