Park Shin Rae's POV

Only On The Cheek.


Kyu and I have been away at our private beach resort for a week already! After that wonderful night when we both confessed that we kind of liked each other, Kyu and I gotten much closer together.

“So what major did you take in university?” I asked him as we ate breakfast in the morning of our second week.

“I did business, always wanted to do it. Then I went on to take my masters. I wanted to work in my dad’s company since young.” He said as he fed me a spoonful of the mushroom soup.

I cut my sausage and fed him. “Ohhh. I was thinking of applying for my masters after our honeymoon.” I said.

I mean so many things happened after my graduation from university; there was no time for me to think about what I wanted to do.

Until this morning, I was curious about what Kyu did.

“Oh? That’s good. What do you want to do anyway?” He said as he chewed on his food.

I thought for a while.

“I want to do something where I can interact with children.” I said honestly.

Kyu eyed me. “Anything to do with children?” He smirked.

I know where he was going with this.

“Not that kind of thing! Kyu!” I smacked his shoulder.

He laughed, “I didn’t say anything! What were you thinking eh?” I blushed.

Last week, we went snorkeling and we got to see baby sharks! We also went swimming with the dolphins! There was so much activity going on in the resort, this week I wanted to try wake-boarding and water skiing. It sounded like fun. Every day was filled with activities and we were so tired that we would bath and collapsed on the bed and fall asleep in each other’s embrace the moment we came back.

“You know, by the time we go back home, I don’t think our parents can recognize us. Out skin tone has practically gotten three shades darker!” I said as I slapped on sun screen lotion.

Kyu sat behind me as he snatched the lotion away from me and squeezed some into his palms and started rubbing it on my back for me.

“Awww, Kyu. You don’t have to.” I said.

“I don’t want you to continue to complain about being anymore tanner and besides, you can’t reach to this section of your back. Furthermore, I’ve been putting your sun screen lotion for the past one week.” He said as he kissed the back of my shoulder.

I smiled. This silly boy.

We spend the entire afternoon at sea, Kyu fell off the wake board so many times, and I couldn’t stop laughing at him! But he must be aching from falling so many times. I was better, because of my taekwondo and boxing background; I had a better balance on the wake board and could stay on it for an entire session!

After returning back to the villa, we both bathed and changed back to normal clothes as we headed out for dinner.

I grabbed his hand as we were walking down the pathway filled with brightly lid candlesticks.

“Where are we going for dinner tonight?” I asked him.

“Somewhere that sells fresh seafood!” Kyu chirped as he swung our arms in the air.

I laughed.

He took a flower from the side fence and pushed it behind ears and the evening breeze blew by.

“You look so beautiful.” He whispered as his lips brushed my ears. I smiled and turned my face to kiss his cheek.

“Quick! I’m hungry!” I said as Kyu chuckled.

We ate by the seaside at the beach as the crew at the resort grilled and barbeque most of the marine livestock; there were oysters, mussels, prawns, squid, dory fish, and tons of other food.

I ate until I was so full. Gosh, I’m going to put on weight after we leave this place.

The sun was replaced by the moon by the time we were walking back to the villa; the stars had come out for their daily performance.

But instead of walking back into the villa, Kyu took my hand and brought me somewhere else.

“Eh? Where are we going, Kyu?” I asked.

“Somewhere.” He said as he tugged on my hand.

The cool evening breeze blew by and it was getting kind of chilly as I shivered.

Kyu noticed that and took off his outer shirt and placed it around me.

“Kyu, you’ll get cold too!” I said as I refused to take his outer shirt.

“You’re already shivering, Rae. Just take it. I’ll be fine, trust me.” He said as he gripped on my shoulder with the outer shirt firmly.

I smiled as I wore his outer shirt, took his arm and placed it around my shoulder and I placed my arms around his waist as we walked.

He looked at me, puzzled.

“So we can keep each other warm.” I said as Kyu broke into a small smile and hugged me closer to him.

We arrived at the beach and I was shocked.

“You planned this?” I said as my eyes scanned the entire beach.

There were candles lit at different places, a soothing music was playing in the background, there was a mat in the center of the beach. It looked romantic

“For me?” I continued.

He squeezed my hand, “I only planned it after we found out that we both liked each other. It’s nothing big, you know and the resources here are limited since we’re away from the city-..”

I took his face in my both palms, cutting off his sentence, and looked him straight in the eye, “Kyu, it’s wonderful. I loved it. Thank you.” Before I placed my lips on his cheek gently and kissed him.

“Really?” He chirped as we both sat down on the mat and just like the first night, he was sitting behind as I leaned back and laid on him, trapped in his embrace.

I knew why he gave me his outer shirt; he had prepared blankets for the both of us as we sat there and admired the beautiful view of the stars in the endless sky while the waves crashed softly and gently in front of us.

 Kyu hugged me tightly as I placed my hand over his.

We sat there for quite a while like an hour, just enjoying the breeze with the blanket over us.

“What made you plan this?” I asked softly, eyes closed.

“I don’t know, I just wanted to do something for you, I guess. I hope you liked it.” He replied.

I just nodded my head, still with my eyes closed.

Kyu started to kiss a trail from my ear to my chin and down to my neck. My eyes shot opened.

“Kyuuuuu.” I whined. My heart was beating rapidly.

He quickly looked at me, grabbed my hand and pulled me up so that we were walking back to the villa.

“Why are we going back?” I asked as I was starting to enjoy the intimacy and closeness.

Kyu didn’t reply. He just gave me a small smile.

The moment we reached back, Kyu turned around, “Rae, remember, in the morning you said about how you want to interact with children?”

I just nodded my head. Not knowing where he was going with this conversation.

“How about your own children?” Kyu said as he started kissing me.

It took a minute for my mind to process what he just said.

Your own children. Own children. Own.

Mine. My own children?

Before I know it, we were both tumbling onto the bed.

I stopped Kyu before he could kiss me again.

“Our children?” I said.

“Yeah.” He replied.

I don’t know what happened next but that was the best night of my life.


I woke up as I looked down at myself. I looked back at Kyu in shock.

We did it. It wasn’t a dream. It was real.

I hugged myself closer to Kyu.

He woke up early today as I felt his hand caressing my back, rubbing it up and down.

“Good morning, Rae.” He whispered.

How does he know that I’m awake?

“Morning, Kyu.” I said as I looked up.

He looked at me and smile.

“I love you.” He said as he kissed my nose.

I need to call the fire engine to put out the fire that’s in my heart. Kyu just said that he loves me!

Oh my god. Can I just faint on the spot right now and be dramatic? He’s so precious.

“I love you too.” I said as I caressed his cheek with my thumb.

“What shall we do today?” I said.

“Hmmmm. We can always stay in bed.” He said with a smirk.

Oh no, he did not just say that.

“Kyu! Let’s go water skiing! Come on, it’ll be fun!” I whined.

“I can’t think of anything else more fun than to stay in bed with you all day!” He blurted out.

Ahahahaha, such an adorable boy. And I just thought of an idea.

“Kyu, let’s go water ski today kay? Come on, I want to take a bath. Want to help me?” I said with a wink.  

Kyu immediately lifted an eyebrow.

“And someone said I’m eager, look who’s the eager one here?” He said but I was already dragging him to the bathroom.


It was already the last week of our honeymoon and yes, Kyu and I did it more than twice if you know what I’m talking about.

This few days, my appetite wasn’t as good as the last two weeks. I didn’t like the smell of the greasy, oily atmosphere when we were near the barbeque pit, and suddenly, my taste buds were more sensitive to the food I ate.

I took a bite of the tiger prawn, chewed it for while before spitting it back out on the plate.

I swallowed my saliva, tasting the aftertaste in my mouth. I looked at the tiger prawn as I checked the rest of it. It was orange, which means it’s fully cooked but why did it tasted so bad?

Kyu came back and sat down next to me after his second round of lunch. He looked at my plate and my scrunched up face.

“Rae, is everything alright?” He asked anxiously.

I turned to him, “Kyu, the prawn is cooked right? It kind of taste bad.” I explained.

Kyu took his fork and stabbed the tiger prawn and using the knife with the other hand, cut a small piece off. Kyu took a whiff first, before taking a nibble.

He shrugged his shoulders and ate the entire piece and finally swallowed it down his throat while I stared at him the whole time.

“You can film a food commercial.” I said, still with my scrunched up face.

“The prawn is good! You said it tasted bad? Nahh, it’s awesome.” Kyu said.

“Rae, is something wrong? Do you feel alright? Any pain in your stomach or something?” He asked immediately turning concerned.

I pouted.

“You sure the prawn is cooked?” I said as I cut another small piece and took a whiff. It smelled so bad I almost barfed at the table.

Kyu looked quite worried, as he shifted uneasily in his seat, as he looked across the buffet spread on our table. He took some of the plates and exchanged it with mine.

“Alright, why not you try the fish, I don’t think it’s that bad.” He said as he took a second look at my plate of tiger prawns and looked at his own.

I nodded at him. He was so charming.

The fish wasn’t as bad as the prawns as I took a second bite.

“Yeah, the fish is okay. I’m craving for some grilled squid though, Kyu, do you mind taking some for me?” I asked as I blinked at him in the cutest possible way.

Kyu chuckled as he leaned in and pecked my cheek, “Of course, do you want anything else?”

I thought for a moment, “Maybe some escargots as well?” I’ve been having some weird cravings lately. I wonder why.

After Kyu came back with my grilled squid, he continued eating the tiger prawns, “Rae, didn’t you just eat the tiger prawns just two days ago?” He asked.

I looked at him. “Y-yeah. I did. Weird.”


“I’m going to miss this place so much!” I said as we were getting on the speed boat.

“I know me too, Rae.” Kyu said as I snuggled up to him as we sat next to each other at the back of the boat.

“We can always come back whenever we want, right?” I asked, eyes twinkling with hope that this trip wasn’t a onetime thing.

“Yeah.” Kyu said as he kissed my head.

“We should go visit your parents right? Like after we arrived back.” I said.

“They’re away right now. So it’s alright. How about yours?” Kyu.

“My parents ain’t in the country too. They just left last night.” I said.

“Alright, then we’ll just go to our new house and unpack some stuff and get a good rest before reality hits me. I need to go back to work immediately tomorrow.”Kyu whined.

I giggled. “Aww, my lovely husband, what do you want to eat for breakfast tomorrow?” Kyu was not a picky eater as I thought he would be. He practically ate everything at the buffet. Or maybe it’s just the buffet.

“Hmmm, maybe some simple toast with peanut butter and jam? Anything you make, I’ll eat it because you made it for me.” He said.

I hugged him as his arms were on my shoulders. “You’re just saying. If tomorrow, you say you want to eat something else, you can sleep outside the bedroom!” I joked.

Being the son of such a huge corporation is no joke, especially when you were away for one month and you’re the GM of the company. Kyu had tons of stuff on the large oak table in the study the moment we got to our new house. His work stack was piling up through the week we came back and till the following week, he was still stressed up with work.

Kyu sighed as he walked into the study after his bath. He had a lot of work to do since his father was out of town too.

I walked to the kitchen and made a cup of mint tea for Kyu and walked into the study.

I placed the cup at the far end of the table; I didn’t want any spilling of liquids when there are so many important documents on the table.

Kyu looked up and shot me a small but tired smile.

“Hey, I made this mint tea for you; I didn’t want to make coffee because it’s really bad to drink it so late at night. I can’t help you with your work but this I can still make.” I said.

Kyu took my hand and brought me on his lap, I hugged him as his head rested on my chest. “Rae, thank you.” He said as he kissed my neck.

I got up and leaned down to kiss his lips.

“Don’t stay up too late okay?” I said as I left the study.

The next day, after Kyu left for work, I decided to go to the hospital in the afternoon to have a body check up. This bloated feeling in my stomach is really making me feel very uncomfortable.

“Is everything okay?” I asked the doctor after she checked me.

“Nothing wrong right?” I continued.

“Mrs Cho, how long did this started?” The doctor asked me.

I thought for a while, “For about two weeks now.”

The doctor nodded, “When was your last menstrual cycle?”

This is alarming. Until the doctor mentioned it, I totally forgot my menses was late this month.

I looked up in shock.

The doctor was smiling at me, “Congratulations, Mrs Cho! You’re expecting. The fetus is three weeks old.”

My hand raised to my mouth, oh my god. I couldn’t believe it. I’m pregnant! I’m going to be a mother! Oh my godddddddddddddddd.

I got to tell Kyu! He’ll be thrilled!

I dialed his mobile immediately, “Hello? Rae?” He said.

“Kyuuuuuu! I’ve got something important to tell you! Come home early kay!” I said and then I hung up. Going to surprise him!

By the time I reached home, Kyu was already back at home.

“I’m sorry Dad, I didn’t mean to screw up that project, I have a lot of things going on at the same time. I’m sorry.” I heard Kyu spoke quietly as I came into the house.

Kyu must have been so stressed that he had slipped in his work. If I tell him about the baby, will it add to his burdens? Then he’ll have to worry about me too… I think I shall tell him another day.

I placed my bag in the living room as I walked into the study. Kyu was leaning against the chair with his thumb and index finger squeezing the bridge of his nose. He looked so tired, so stressed.

“Hey.” I said softly, walking to his chair.

“He looked up and immediately broke into a smile. “Hey.”

I started massaging his back, his back muscles were so tensed. “Kyu, relax. I overheard what happened. Don’t worry okay? Everything’s going to be fine”

I could hear him groan, “Urghh, that felt really good. Thanks Rae. You said you had something important to tell me just now? What is it?”

I shifted uneasily, thinking what to tell him as my mouth hung opened. “Oh, erm, you r-remembered w-when we took our wedding photographs, I passed by the shop today and I saw the display of our photograph.” Thank goodness the boss called me yesterday to inform me about it. At least, I could use this information to cover up.

Kyu’s face brightened up then frowned, “Really? That’s nice. Rae, sorry, I don’t think I can spend a lot of time with you for the next couple of days. There are a lot of things happening at work and Dad is still not back yet so it’s up to me to control everything.”

I placed my arms over his shoulders and hugged his neck, “Don’t worry, I’m not a petty person. I was actually thinking of writing stories for children, I did really well in that module in university and I was thinking whether I should bring it a step further. Got a lot of ideas lately.”

He nodded and smiled as I left the room.

Hmmm, this might be more difficult than I thought.


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xjayess #1
Chapter 6: And i finished this too :p i luv ur stories
Chapter 11: its a lovely story...
Chapter 11: This story is very beautiful!! :">
You should make a SEQUEL X">
Chapter 5: cant stop reading this story!
minyu_ #5
Chapter 10: LOVE THE STORY! Please have more stories like this! :)
rudelysweetk21 #6
aww T_T cried 2 times..huhu just touching. with heartbreak..haha it was really nice,cute story.. wish it was longer but i didn't felt this story was made it like we went through their life but in fact this is only 11 chapters fic..that's nice. you made in detailed about their feelings and comepleted lots of things in short chaps story..i like it :) and glad they are blessed again :) thank you for sharing wonderful story :D
I love this story. I want more stories like this please, author-nim, jjang!
This. is. THE. BEST. STORY.EVER!!! i love this! please make a SEQUEL!!! fighting authornim!!! i really really love this!!!