let's get inappropriate!!!


Minjay's POV:

I lazily sipped my strawberry cocktail, swinging around on my revolving seat at the bar. I watched as Shinee got seriously high while dancing to Lucifer on the dance floor. Taemin and Key were dancing so powerfully that their hair was a fluffy blur, while Minho and Jong kept their serious face on. Onew, well, he was trying to stop laughing. Why was he laughing again? I have no idea, their manager said he laughs non-stop when he's drunk or hyper or high or experiencing any other kind of hyperactivity with his enzymes. I turned to Hara who was behind me and saw that she was so engrossed in their performance that she didn't notice her glass tilting and almost spilling her drink all over her blue dress. I sighed and took her drink and placed it on the counter. She didn't even notice and kept going 'Waaahhhh' and 'Look at Taemin' and 'Ohhh~~~'

i looked down at my own black dress and sighed once again. Compared to everyone else here, I looked like I came to my prom or something. The other girls were wearing all these glittery, short, body hugging, backless dresses and they were grooving out on the floor. And me? HAHAHAHAHhahahahah HA. I was just sitting in a corner quietly sipping my drink hoping noone notices me. I know I'm still underage, but since this is an after-party to celebrate Shinee's third win on Music Bank, people above 16 years of age were allowed.

I was wearing this:

and Hara was wearing this:

I checked my phone and saw that it was already past midnight. As if on cue, five sweaty guys came panting towards us. Taemin put his arm around Hara's shoulders making her blush. Minho did the same to me. 

'Ew oppa you're sweaty.' I playfully slapped his hand.

'Awwhaha oppa can't help his flaming charisma.' he chuckled.

Onew seemed to be quite tired because he immediately gulped down my cocktail and slumped down on the seat next to me. I blinked under the flashing colourful lights of the club as I tried to frown at the leader of Shinee. 

'I wanna go hooome~~' he whined like a little kid XD

I giggled and nodded my head in agreement. 

-----------20 minutes later-------------

I squinted my eyes as the lights of cars passed by. It was really dark and we were headed to Key's house. Everyone except me, Hara and Taemin were drunk and so high that they were Spongebob Squarepant's theme song in the car XD I would have offered to drive but I was still underage. I was thankful they were singing because Minho was driving and I wouldn't want him to lose his focus on the road.

Hara and Taemin were giggling like crazy. Seriously.


'Hahahahaha If nautical nonsense be something ahahahaha you ahahaha' Hara laughed with him.

Retards... I thought.

My feet were really starting to hurt so I decided to take of my heels for a while. 

Jonghyun and Key were busy screaming and Onew was somewhere between sleeping but not being able to sleep due to the noise. I shook my head and smiled. I don't know what I'd do without these kids. 

Suddenly, two quite big headlights shone on the car. They were so bright I had to close my eyes. But that wasn't the only bad part. The bad part was that they were coming towards the car at great speed. 

And they wouldn't stop.

Minho realised this and swerved the steering while around to move left. Just then, everything turned a blinding white and I heard a loud SCREEEECH.

I heard Minho scream out and the singing at the back stopped. It became completely silent, the only sound was that of two cars sliding across the road. The screeching was deafening and I I was now completely deafened and blinded. My senses were going haywire, so I just closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact.

Herrooo~~~ are you in deep suspense? does this qualify as a cliff hanger? am i a bad author-nim for letting a hang around like this?


You shall find out very soon MWAHAHAHAHA

Please look forward to the next chapter okay?


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Chapter 28: you at least can update a bit during the school break
at least one chappie :/
Masteda #2
Chapter 26: OMG ! Please update soon ! I love this story SO SO much ! Please update soon
Masteda #3
Chapter 8: This story is so super good so far ! I just started reading it but I'm already into it !!! >///<
they kissed omg omg both the couples had their official KISS SJDJHGSJAHGJH
Chapter 23: So sad:'( ,..update soon.
Chapter 21: poor tae... dun worry i'm here for you ^_^
lol awesome chapter <3
Chapter 21: Omo, tae !! U was bit late to confessed minjay.. Feeling sad 4 u..
;-(....tae fighting.:)
Minho *flamer afraid of rejection. Or minho's luv confession...