Author-nim cannot think of a name forthis chapter OTL


Minjay's POV:

I cleared my throat as I approached the tall figure standing in front of me. He seemed startled because he jumped a bit. He turned around slowly and I saw it was Minho oppa.

'O-oppa! I didn't expect to see you here?' I questioned.

'R-right. I was just a-about to talk to you about something important.' he stammered. I wondered why. He's normally very composed and confident, why the sudden change in behaviour? But something told me that he expected to see me.

'Chincha? Is it important?' I really wanted to know now. My heart was beating so fast, I feared Minho might hear it too.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. 

'I have a problem.' he said in a serious tone. 'A personal problem. And I need your help.'

I stayed quiet. Only nodded. So he continued.

'There's this girl,' he paused... I felt my heart start beating fast again, but this time it was a bit painful. 'and she's, well, like no other girl I've ever met before.'

He looked into my eyes and continued 'But I just don't know how to get close to her. We're already quite close, but I want our relationship to become stronger.'

I was captivated by his stare. It was as if the only thing that mattered right now was him, and this moment. The feeling was an unexplainable combination of happiness and pain. Even though I was happy that he had found his girl, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that it wasn't me. But then again, what was I but a mere fangirl? I just stared into his eyes and listened to him.

'You have no idea how she makes me feel. Whenever i'm around her i'm the happiest person on the planet. Her adorable smile lights up my world even when everything around me seems to be falling apart. Her cheerful laugh... it makes my heart beat so fast, my blood rises to my cheeks, it's like i've been running for miles because i feel so out of breath. I think about her all day, every morning, and every night before going to sleep.' he paused and let out a sigh, I could see his cheeks redenning. Hearing everything he said, the pain in my heart kept getting stronger, and I could feel my eyes moisten. I swallowed to get rid of the lump forming in my throat. 

'I think I'm in love Minjay.' he said. 'But I don't know if she feels the same way.'

'W-why don't you ask her? If you guys really are that close...' I forced myself to speak.

'Because i'm afraid of rejection.' he looked down.

Unconciously, I giggled. 'Who could reject you oppa? You should talk to her. I'm sure she'll accept you.' I genuinely smiled, knowing that my happiness lies in his happiness.

There was a moment of silence. Comfortable silence as he seemed to think for awhile. He was staring down, playing with his fingers. 

I took this chance to look at him. His perfect features. His soft, jet black hair that smoothly fell over his ears and covered his forehead, his eyes that sparkled when he was happy and were so expressive that they became the windows to his soul, his perfect pair of lips which looked so soft and pink. His tall, toned figure. His hands which would always give out a feeling of warmth and protection even if he just held my hand. He practically glowed under the moonlight.

That's when I realised that I'm not just a fan of SHINee fangirling over Minho. No. There was a lot more to it than that. I was smitten. In love with him. So much in love that it made me insane. The cheesy kind of love that you'd see in movies and dramas.

Choi Minho, you have definitely taken my heart.

'So do you?' he broke into my thoughts and caught me in his gaze. I stared into his eyes.

I tilted my head and gave him a questioning stare. And he chuckled and flashed me his warm, dazzling smile.

'Kim Minjay,' my eyes widened when I heard me name 'Do you accept me?'

I blinked many times to make sure I wasn't daydreaming again. I swallowed hard, thinking maybe all the blood suddenly rising to my head was causing me to hallucinate. 

He reached for my hands and held them. I seriously felt my heart stop beating.

'Oppa...' I could only say.

'I'm not kidding Minjay. In fact, I haven't more serious about anything or anyone in my life.' 

I blinked again to get rid of the tears that had previously been formed in my eyes. Reality finally struck me.

Choi Minho had just proposed to me. He had just confessed his love for me!!!!

I smiled my brightest my smile and nodded.

'Yes! YES. Of course I accept you.' I nodded and held his hands tighter.

He pulled me into a hug. At that moment everything felt so perfect. So... right. The feeling of warmth and protection from being in his arms was the most incredible feeling in the world. I hugged him back and we remained like that for a while.

-End of POV-














No one's POV:

Minjay closed her eyes and inhaled the sweet scent from being in the arms of Minho, her true love. Minho couldn't have been happier. He closed his eyes and leaned into her hair, happy that she was finally his. 

Little did the two know that a third person was present in the garden. He had heard and seen everything that happened. The moonlight shone on his face, revealing eyes that sparkled with tears. With a deep breath, he clutched his heart and walked away from the couple. Walking in a quick pace, he swallowed to get rid of the huge lump in his throat.

But his efforts were in vain, for tear rolled down his cheek.

OMIGAAASHNESSSS THIS WAS SO HARD AND FUN AND CRAZY TO WRITE!!! i love you guys because you're the reason i wrote this chapter! LEMME LOVE YOU! I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^_^

Written with love

and maybe a few hundreds of spazz attacks.


I love YOU.

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Chapter 28: you at least can update a bit during the school break
at least one chappie :/
Masteda #2
Chapter 26: OMG ! Please update soon ! I love this story SO SO much ! Please update soon
Masteda #3
Chapter 8: This story is so super good so far ! I just started reading it but I'm already into it !!! >///<
they kissed omg omg both the couples had their official KISS SJDJHGSJAHGJH
Chapter 23: So sad:'( ,..update soon.
Chapter 21: poor tae... dun worry i'm here for you ^_^
lol awesome chapter <3
Chapter 21: Omo, tae !! U was bit late to confessed minjay.. Feeling sad 4 u..
;-(....tae fighting.:)
Minho *flamer afraid of rejection. Or minho's luv confession...