"Nuclear Fusion showcase."

☢ CAUTION ☢ DANGER ☢ SM Entertainment's New Girl Group (Apply CLOSED)

At the beginning of the Nuclear Fusion showcase, they sang their debut-song called Do Not Enter, while DANGER came up with their song, Keep Out in the middle of CAUTION's song (the song is currently being written). Suddenly, at the end of their song, Lee Teuk appeared, holding a few cards in his hand.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" said Lee Teuk. Fans started screaming at the appearance of Lee Teuk. "I'm here to introduce our new girl group from SM Entertainment, who will show a new style of music. Nuclear Fusion! I'm the host of today's showcase, Lee Teuk from Super Junior!" he said. He bowed politely. "Most of you know the song that was played just now."

"NEH!" the fans screamed.

"It's CAUTION's debut single, Do Not Enter and DANGER's Keep Out." Lee Teuk said. "Alot of people came here to support the first official debut of Nucear Fusion. Even SM Family is here to support our sunbaenims. We sincerely appreciate all the support." Lee Teuk said, reading from the card. "Now, I will introduce the star of today, Nuclear Fusion!" said Lee Teuk, and that was a sign for the group to come up the stage. They were still tired from the dancing, but were happy to see their fans. "Please say hello to the fans!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, we are Nuclear Fusion!" they said in unison.

"I can feel great energy coming from you! Now, please introduce yourselves individually to your lovely fans." Lee Teuk said. The group nodded together.

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm the maknae of DANGER, Miyuki imnida!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, CAUTION's leader, G.An imnida!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, DANGER's Xue imnida!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, DANGER's leader Magic imnida!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, DANGER's Xian imnida!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, I am CAUTION's maknae Rin imnida!"

"Ayo, I am DANGER's Kid imnida~"

"Annyeonghaseyo, I am CAUTION's Paula imnida!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, DANGER's Jin imnida!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Dae Mi from CAUTION!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, Jaylie from CAUTION!"

"Wow, I think they're all full of charm and character!" Lee Teuk said. "Now, it's time for the stage interview!" he said. Some people put chairs on the stage, so that the group could sit. "Please take a seat!" the group immediately sat down. "About your performance just now, G.An, how long did you prepare for it?" Lee Teuk asked.

"It's actually hard to say. We have made a desperate effort for a long time." she said. Lee Teuk smiled.

"Ah, please relax a bit, so the fans don't have to worry about your health. Now, let's start the interview." Lee Teuk said. "There are still alot of fans who don't know about Nuclear Fusion, so we asked worldwide fans to ask us questions about Nuclear Fusion. Please answer questions honestly. Okay, here is the first question!" said Lee Teuk. "Which country do you want to visit and perform?" he asked. Paula raised her hand.

"I will answer the question." she said with a nice smile. "Actually, I would like to visit every country in the whole world, as long as our fans are there." she told. A lot of fans started screaming at this.

"Okay, next question! What is the most fun experience while staying together and who is the most humorous member in Nuclear Fusion?" Lee Teuk asked. The members though a bit. Then, maknae Rin raised her hand.

"Sometimes, when me, Jaylie, Kid and Jin are practicing with dancing, Kid and Jaylie make the most jokes when practicing. But, they're really funny." Rin said. Kid and Jaylie looked a bit embaressed, but smiled.

"Ah, you think so too, Kid?" asked Lee Teuk. Kid looked up shocked.

"A-Aniyo!" she chuckled a bit. "Well, I know I am funny, but not that funny... Haha Jaylie-unnie is funnier though." replied Kid.

"Ah, so you two are the most humorous members?" he asked. Kid and Jaylie nodded. "Okay, the next question is, what is the most memorable moment you had in our life?" leader Magic raised her hand at this.

"The most memorable moment for, personally, me is this day. Spending a great time with Nuclear Fusion members and fans." said Magic.

"Ah, I recognize that as well. I felt the same when my members and I were first on TV. But, the next question is, do you have any funny or cute nicknames for each other?" Kid raised her hand.

"I, ehm, got actually this stage-name because I acted too much like a kid when I was a trainee. Xue and Xian-unnie often called me kid when we were practicing with each other, but I really, really like it. Also, I call Jin-unnie, by her real(last?) name, Auburn." Kid replied.

"Ah, your real(last?) name is Auburn?" Lee Teuk asked. Jin chuckled a bit and nodded.

 "Deh, my real(last?) name is Auburn Kim Jin So." she said.

"Ah, such a beautiful name. Okay, the last question!" said Lee Teuk. "How do you feel not only having fans in Asia, but all over the world?" he asked. Maknae Miyuki raised her hand.

"I am very happy to hear that there are alot of fans who appreciate us, and allow us to become part of SM Family. I don't really know how to express my feelings right now, but I am so happy!" she said. Then, all of the members stood up.

"Thank you all for coming to our showcase today, and we are deeply moved by it by all of you. From now on, we will not only do our best in Korea and China, but also worldwide! Please give us support continuesly. Kamsahamnida!" leader G.An said.

"Kamsahamnida!" all the members said. "WE ARE FAMILY!" they yelled together, and walked together off the stage.

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I'm one a huuuuuge writers block, anyone ideas?


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i wonder what happened to this story .__.

not that I'm rushing XD
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Sianna Chae's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
I answered the relationship form.
MiSunWoo #4
I answered the relationship thingy~ :D
I requested a scene but I think the website has a problem.. If you received it... PM thanks! BTW, The story was awesome and cute!
i finally got online hoooo~ XD hooo... i'll request for a scene lalalala
Requested a scene ^^ You can choose to do it or not x3
MiSunWoo #8
I requested scenes, sorry if it's a lot, I hope you don't mind. You can choose any of those, whether you choose only one, two or maybe even all, I'll respect you for that since it's your story and the decision comes from you. :D I'll be waiting~♥
ahh, thought it was an update~
oh well.. hmm might request a scene/s...
usually not into it, but if it helps, sure. =]