Cover No. 10 ~ Let the Competition Begin

Cover Girl


Miyuki woke up late, but she didn't have any schedule until twilight time for taking mysterious masquerade princess picture for Venetian Queen. She had asked Sunggyu to talk to them after the stylists had told her about the Victorian style she liked.

After one phone call, they happened to have a new photo shoot and were about to call her when he called them. So she scored the new masquerade dress line for them.

She walked downstairs and saw the others with breakfast ready.

"Good morning!" She greeted them as she skipped to join them at the table.

"Good morning, Miyuki. Sleep well?" Woohyun asked her.

"Yup. I'm very well-rested now." She smiled at everyone.

Sunggyu set a plate down for her, full of fruits and one small pancake with maple syrup. "You are allowed this." He told her before passing out the stacks of pancakes to Sungjong and Sungyeol who were the last ones to get food. 

"Eat well." Sungjong said, before cutting his first bite and everyone proceeded to follow. Miyuki ate her fruits slowly to prevent herself from getting bloated.

By the time, she finished all the fruits on her plate, all the boys were already done eating and went to clean their plates. Sungjong stayed behind and sat down next to her. "I'll wait for you to finish eating." He said sweetly.

Miyuki smiled at him, "Thanks, Sungjong." 

"Don't worry. You have to eat slowly anyway. You're on a diet." He .

She pouted before taking a small bite of the pancake, "Mmmm... This is good." She praised.

"It's Sunggyu hyung's secret recipe, I'm sure it has some healthy stuff in it but it tastes good so no one has a problem with it." Sungjong said.

Miyuki finished half of the pancake in two more bites and gave the rest to Sungjong, "I'm full." She told him.

"You better eat some oatmeal or something later. You need to carbs in the morning at least." He told her before stuffing the other half into his mouth,

"GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?!?" Sungyeol yelled from the door before he started running towards everyone with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Seen what?" Sunggyu asked calmly, before holding out his hand for the piece of paper. 

"Craze is having a competition for the cover. The CEO is holding a competition for it!!" Sungyeol screamed while jumping up and down.

Woohyun grabbed the back of his collar and held him down, "Calm yourself, Yeol. You're going to give yourself a heart attack." He said before standing next to Sunggyu to read over the paper. 

"He's holding a competition for the best model." Sunggyu said.

Woohyun read the fine print, "The model with the most diverse types of photos will be chosen." 

Sunggyu and Woohyun looked at each other before looking at Miyuki, "Do you want to compete for the most famous magazine cover of the decade?" They asked her.

Miyuki gave them a smile, "Of course. I want to get my name as far out there into the world as possible." She replied.

They all smiled at her, "Great. Time to get to work then." 

Sunggyu and Woohyun walked away as they started to discuss what they should aim for.

"What does it mean to have the most diverse photos?" She asked Sngjong and Sungyeol.

"It means that you don't always take innocent looking pictures just because you're good at it, you go out of your comfort zone and experiment with y photo shoots, with cutesy, with Victorian, with modern, with fashion, jewelry, housewares, electronics, etc." Sungyeol explained to her.

Miyuki sighed, "That means I'm about to get really busy.." She said.

"Oh yeah," Sungjong remarked before Miyuki went upstairs to get her ready bag before the photo shoot of that day.

Author's Note:
So.. here it starts :) lol. this isn't necessarily a filler chapter :P
but let the competition and drama begin ;)
Another update coming soon!! <3


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elfcassopeia #1
Chapter 33: Great story and unique plot. Enjoyed the entire time!!! Ur stories are realli amazing~
hahaha!!!I liked the ending!!!!such a ert dongwoo!!
lee-chelle #3
Chapter 32: LOL what a sweet . Love the story!
SHINeeSNSDLover #4
Chapter 33: Omg!! This story is amazing! Love it~
Chapter 33: ermagahd you finished so quickly >.< but it was amazing :)
Chapter 32: omg erted dino lol
great story my amazing Rianne
Chapter 31: Dongwoo omg love him.
He is such an angel
Chapter 30: Wow great update,rianne ahh
Chapter 29: Justice in your face tae hee
Chapter 23: Oh Dongwoo you sweet angel