Just A Dream


Micha has absolutely no idea who the stranger in her dreams is. All she knows is that he's handsome, kind, and probably a figment of her imagination. Yet, somehow, he feels so incredibly real that she refuses to dismiss it as simple as her imagination playing tricks on her. With the help of a friend, she will do anything to figure out if it's more than just a dream.


(Note: While the forward does hint at some mature themes, this will not be rated for more mature audience as there will not be recurrances.)



“Mine. You’re all mine.”

His teeth tug on her ear with urgency with his hands gripping her hips firmly. She holds his shoulders equally firm, her head tipping back as his lips kiss her neck. Everything just feels perfect under his warm caresses. When he the juncture of her neck and shoulder, she whines, her arms moving to wrap around his torso instead. His chest radiates heat as she presses hers to his, and it feels so good that it almost feels real.

Their clothes shed quickly, and everything slows down. “Is this okay?” the man asks, pressing his lips to her cheek. He handles her gently, his touch now resembling that of light feathers. How sweet. She nods hesitantly, wrapping her arms around his neck before–



Micha wakes up with a jolt, cold sweat dripping down her face. Her heart’s racing at the speed of light with the realization that it’s him again. for the past three weeks, all she’d dream of is this unknown man. Some nights in her dreams, they’d hold hands, and in others, they’d steal kisses, but for the first time last night, they almost went all the way, and she consented. Dream or not, that fact alone still scared her beyond reason. How is this stranger doing this to her? Why is he haunting her? But as much as she wants to lie there and ponder this whole situation, she has to get up and go to work.

She gets out of bed in a daze, wobbling over to her bathroom. With ease, she pulls off her clothes, jumping into the shower and drowning her thoughts with cold water. “It’s just a dream,” she reminds herself, her eyes fluttering shut under the stream.

At least, that’s what she thinks.


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