Burning up

Behind the glamour (Discontinued)
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Third P.O.V.

Luhan was glancing at you and Chen back and forth again. He had come at this event to shadow the waiter but instead had got almost shot, got pushed so he hit his head on the hard marble floor, found out that he was being stalked and photographed the entire day and his beloved dongsaeng was the one to inform him that.

Suddenly, a thought struck his mind. “Wait a second…________ how in this whole wide world did you know that Chen sunbae was following me?” *. I just got busted.* “Umm, that…actually…the thing is….Omo, Kenny is back!” You quickly went over to Kenny, who had just entered the hall with Kai, desperately praying that Luhan will be distracted. Seems like luck was on your side, he was distracted and he, too, went over to Kenny.

Kenny, however, ignored the both of you and went over to Chen, who slightly bowed to him. Kai quietly informed you and Luhan, “The shooter escaped. We don’t know what his motive was…Luhan sunbae, you’ve to be more careful.” You looked at Luhan who seemed devastated right now. Kenny and Chen were having a whispered conversation and soon joined you three. Kenny soothingly patted Luhan’s back. Nothing was making sense right now…why would anyone try to kill Luhan? This question lingered in the minds of all five of them. Kenny spoke up, “Chen….why did you have Luhan under your surveillance?” You were amazed at his tone. He was hardly ever this…serious. And the first time in your life, you saw the other side of him, which showed that although his face

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Chapter 23: oh damn, chasing Key in a place with all those mirrors will be hard xD
Chapter 22: I'm a new reader, I really like ur story!
I hope u will update it soon one day!^^
Oh my gosh...i miss reading your fic! I just also came back from hiatus because of college and the first thing i want to read are your epic updates. hahaha i'm a big fan of this story hihi :3
I....missed your fic...so much! ㅠ_ㅠ *cries because of happiness*
Did you changed your poster? I like it! Does that mean, Tao + main girl(me) + Kai = love triangle? haha
Oh yes please, author-ssi..double update :)
YES PLEASE DOUBLE UPDATE XD lol I can't wait! ^^
@littlemiss10 Seems like the award for the hardcore kpop fan goes to you then *applause* Yup, out dimple boy is the best!! :)

@Navita I will....soon....*smirk*

@truedreamRT thankyou. Please continue supporting this story!!

@fictionator Omo...no!! Inhale, Exhale....phew, thank god you're still breathing :) Haha, I like the word "greaterest", it's cool! You sure are a lucky girl to be doing such things with Lay :P
Please stay tuned!! :D
fictionator #6
OMG! im dying... Im dying....im dead.. x.x
okay im alive now. *breathe". That was just great. I mean more than great, like greaterest! Totally worth everything. Thank you again sooo soo much. Im forever in debt with you. The wrist holding, the kiss, the paper.. just beautiful. xD Oh and i knew most the songs too haha. I love your story and cant wait for more updates :)
You are such a good writer. I can't stop myself commenting here T__T
Update please
littlemiss10 #9
Ahah Jokwon;) i knew it was beautiful target because of the "i like it like it like it" part :) Awwwwww! Lay and that girl~ sooo cute:) our unicorn~ thanks for the updare. ps my previous comment was for the chapter
@Mirux27 Your comment meant a lot for me! Thank you~ Chapter 22 might be somewhat of a disappointment since I wrote it in a rush but I promise that the next chapters will be more interesting :)You guessed the correct answer, it is BigBang- Blue :P

@littlemiss10 Was that for the chapter or the gif at the end? XD

@fictionator I'm so glad you like it. You've no idea how happy I am :D You're welcome...but I guess you'll like this chapter more because of yours and Lay's little 'moment'