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Behind the glamour (Discontinued)
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Third person P.O.V.

You just lied in your bed thinking about whether this was just a wild goose chase or something more. This seemed more than just a normal school mission and you were sure there was more to it than what it actually seemed. It was almost evening and you were certain, you’d be called soon to start your ‘night’ team duty. You still had your ear-piece on and were listening intently. However, all you could hear were the footsteps. Sometimes, you heard Gongchan and Sehun chatting like they were best friends. *Probably acting to not blow their covers up.*

After a few more minutes, a voice whispered, “Hey, sleeping beauty.” You were still a little mad at Gongchan for giving you that name but since, it wasn’t the right time to bring that up, you held your tongue.  “Listen up. Target and the guy target is following, they’re both going to enter a book-launching event. I and Sehun already bought two tickets for you and Kai. The event is going to start in an hour. So, be at Hotel Radisson by then. You two attend that function since night would’ve already fallen by then. Wear something formal but easy-to-run-in…..yeah, you get the idea, I hope. Sehun has already contacted Kai. See you, later!”

For once, you were glad your mom insisted you to pack formal wear. You quickly searched through your bags for the only gown that you had with you.

 You wore just the smallest of your hills with them for three reasons: 1. It’ll be easier to run, in case something happens. 2. You already towered over most women, if they wore high-hills and you didn’t, you’d be of the same height. 3. The gown was floor-length so it wasn’t like anybody could see your shoes, anyway. Even though you were a spy-in-training, you had to be presentable. So, you just did some light but water-proof makeup and carried a purse, with a mirror and your mom’s lipstick/knife in it.  This time you took the ring/hidden-camera along with you. You met up with Kai, who was looking handsome in a suit, after 15 minutes in the lobby. The resort’s manager had already prepared a ride for you two on Kenny’s request. You had no idea how he had known that you two were going there…but a spy is a spy. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t shake off the ominous feeling that something was going to happen tonight

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Chapter 23: oh damn, chasing Key in a place with all those mirrors will be hard xD
Chapter 22: I'm a new reader, I really like ur story!
I hope u will update it soon one day!^^
Oh my gosh...i miss reading your fic! I just also came back from hiatus because of college and the first thing i want to read are your epic updates. hahaha i'm a big fan of this story hihi :3
I....missed your fic...so much! ㅠ_ㅠ *cries because of happiness*
Did you changed your poster? I like it! Does that mean, Tao + main girl(me) + Kai = love triangle? haha
Oh yes please, author-ssi..double update :)
YES PLEASE DOUBLE UPDATE XD lol I can't wait! ^^
@littlemiss10 Seems like the award for the hardcore kpop fan goes to you then *applause* Yup, out dimple boy is the best!! :)

@Navita I will....soon....*smirk*

@truedreamRT thankyou. Please continue supporting this story!!

@fictionator Omo...no!! Inhale, Exhale....phew, thank god you're still breathing :) Haha, I like the word "greaterest", it's cool! You sure are a lucky girl to be doing such things with Lay :P
Please stay tuned!! :D
fictionator #6
OMG! im dying... Im dying....im dead.. x.x
okay im alive now. *breathe". That was just great. I mean more than great, like greaterest! Totally worth everything. Thank you again sooo soo much. Im forever in debt with you. The wrist holding, the kiss, the paper.. just beautiful. xD Oh and i knew most the songs too haha. I love your story and cant wait for more updates :)
You are such a good writer. I can't stop myself commenting here T__T
Update please
littlemiss10 #9
Ahah Jokwon;) i knew it was beautiful target because of the "i like it like it like it" part :) Awwwwww! Lay and that girl~ sooo cute:) our unicorn~ thanks for the updare. ps my previous comment was for the chapter
@Mirux27 Your comment meant a lot for me! Thank you~ Chapter 22 might be somewhat of a disappointment since I wrote it in a rush but I promise that the next chapters will be more interesting :)You guessed the correct answer, it is BigBang- Blue :P

@littlemiss10 Was that for the chapter or the gif at the end? XD

@fictionator I'm so glad you like it. You've no idea how happy I am :D You're welcome...but I guess you'll like this chapter more because of yours and Lay's little 'moment'