Hard Day

Hard Day


It had been a long, hard day at work for Jikyung.

The problem was largely caused by her co-workers; all of them were much older than her, but they all had similar roles. Many of Jikyung’s coworkers felt bitter that she had gotten the job, despite it just being a basic assistant job; one in particular had sought out to make her day a living hell.

The day had started off with Jikyung accidently knocking over the lady’s tea as she walked by her desk; Jikyung had apologized profusely, bowing many times, but the lady had simply snarled and told her to get lost.

A few hours later her boss had called Jikyung to his office, and once she had gotten there her boss gave her a lecture on being more careful around work. Apparently her small mistakes were getting pushed through to other people and causing them to spend time fixing it, but Jikyung just knew that the majority of mistakes were getting caught by her, not caused by.

At lunch the coworkers who did like Jikyung were all involved in a meeting, so she was forced to eat alone at her desk.

At her afternoon break Jikyung always grabbed a coffee at the café on the street corner. When she sipped on it on the way back to the office, she had noticed that the barista had gotten her order wrong.

At the very end of the day her boss asked her to stay late to catch up on some work, so by the time Jikyung got home it wasn’t until 9pm and she still hadn’t had dinner.

Jikyung practically collapsed on the couch when she finally got back, sprawling on the piece of furniture as she closed her eyes to take some deep breaths. It took a few moments for the hunger to set in, but when it did, her stomach voiced it complaints to the fullest.

Being lazy and resting at this point overpowered Jikyung’s hunger, so she just buried her head in her palms and wallowed in her own self-pity. That was until a small vibration from her pocket caused her to pull out her phone.

We’re just finishing up here, be round in a bit my Jagi~~ <3

She smiled weakly and sent back a text.

Bring food please.

It didn’t take that long for her to hear her door being unlocked and the soft ‘thunk’ of shoes hitting her welcome mat. Rustling of bags and a loud, “Jagi~!” announced the other’s arrival.

“Oppa,” Jikyung replied, her voice void of energy. After a few seconds the other came into her view; his smile quickly faded into a concerned frown.

“Are you okay Jagi-yah?” Woohyun asked as he put the bags of food on the table; Jikyung just stared up at him with a heartbreaking expression.

“Can I… just have a hug?” she asked, trying to hold back her tears at this point. The words hadn’t been out for long before she was pulled into his warm embrace, her head pressed against his chest.

“Do you even need to ask?” he murmured in her ear, holding onto her tightly and petting her medium-length, dark brown hair.

They just stood like that for a while, Woohyun gently rocking them back and forth while her hair as she just held onto him tightly and cuddled against him.

“What’s wrong, Jagi?” he asked after a while, pulling back enough to look down into her eyes. She met his gaze for a moment before her eyes turned back down.

“I just-… it’s been a long day,” she sighed. Woohyun sat down on the couch and pulled her down to sit between his legs. He hugged her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder, then gave her a feather light kiss behind her ear.

“Tell me about it,” was all he said as he nuzzled her shoulder with his nose, his arms still wrapped securely around her waist.

“I knocked over that woman’s coffee,” it was said in total distaste, and Woohyun scrunched up his nose as it wasn’t the first time he had heard about this lady from work. “I got in trouble with the boss because apparently I’m making mistakes even though I’m catching people’s mistakes too, but I don’t take it to boss.”

Woohyun just nodded and continued to listen attentively.

“I had to eat lunch alone, the new barista got my drink wrong,” she continued to list, “and I had to stay until eight today to help the boss.” Her stomach took this time to rumble loudly. “Did I mention I haven’t eaten dinner yet?”

Woohyun sighed a bit before shuffling them both forward so he could reach the food. He pulled out three containers of Chinese food before he moved the pair of them so he could get utensils from the kitchen.

He sat on the couch again with a spoon in his hand before he dipped it into the rice and offering it to Jikyung.

“Say ah~” he teased, a comforting smile on his face. Jikyung smiled back in appreciation before opening to accept the food. After chewing and swallowing, Woohyun offered another spoonful of food, this time pork.

He continued to feed her again and again, smiling warmly at her the entire time.

“Oppa should eat too,” Jikyung mumbled through a mouth full of rice, making Woohyun chuckle.

“We ate earlier, so don’t worry about me too much, okay?” Was his reply, giving her a full eye-smile. Just looking at his face and receiving his love was enough for Jikyung’s burdens to lighten.

Thirty minutes of light chatting and eating passed, and once Jikyung assured Woohyun she was stuffed, he took the food to the kitchen to put in the fridge. When he came back, he took her hand to pull her to the bedroom.

“Since it’s been a long, tiring day, let’s just sleep so it ends and we can start the day anew, okay?” He said, tilting his head to the side cutely. Jikyung giggled softly at her boyfriend’s aegyo before nodding.

They both undressed so that Woohyun was sleeping in his boxers and tank top while Jikyung was sleeping in and a loose t-shirt of Woohyun’s that he had left behind before.

The pair lay in the bed, with Woohyung cuddling Jikyung close to his body once again, and their legs tangled beneath the sheets.

“Hyun?” Jikyung asked softly, pulling back from his chest to look up at him. “Won’t your manager get mad at you for staying the night?”

Woohyun just shrugged before pulling her close again.

“It’s fine, he knows where to find me in the morning,” was his reply, rubbing soothing circles onto her back. “Just go to sleep Jagi.”

Jikyung just nodded and snuggled back into his chest, always finding comfort in the soft beating of the other’s heart.

“Besides, how can you not have a good day tomorrow after waking up to see my gorgeous face?”

That managed to get a small giggle out of Jikyung as she hit him softly.

They both lay in silence for a while, perfectly comfortable and Jikyung’s mood lifted a whole lot higher.


“Hm?” Was his sleepy reply.

“Thanks,” the small voice made him crack his eyes open to look down at the top of the girl’s head.

“For what?” He asked curiously.

“For just… being there.”

The reply made Woohyun smile softly before squeezing Jikyung a bit. He then leaned down to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Always and forever, Jagi. Now get some sleep! Have y dreams of me!”

That earned him another soft smack on his shoulder.

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