Stepping Forward

Odyssey of the Heart

"Seohyun-ah, Why can't you speak banmal with me?" Yonghwa asked her for the fifth time that hour. The two were cramped in a far corner of the university courtyard- a place not easily seen by anyone. Seohyun had chosen this place because it would be easier for her to hide her meeting with Yonghwa. They had been working on the project for about two hours, and they still hadn't gotten any good results.

"I don't know," she repied impatiently. "That's just how my parents raised me. Its uncomfortable for me to speak to anyone older than me in banmal."

"Oh really?" He said playfully, in cho-ding fashion. "Well, we can make pretend that we are the same age. How does that sound?"

Its true, his cho-ding personality and style were very cute, but Seohyun was starting to feel frustrated. They only had about a week to finish the project, and they were very behind. Maybe he didn't mind failing, but Seohyun had never failed anything in her life, and she wasn't about to start.

Irritatedly, she stated "Oppa, why are you being like this? We don't have much time and we need to finish this project. We haven't thought about any music or any lyrics and if we don't, we'll fail. And look at you now, you are laying down as if this is no big deal!" She cast an angry look in his direction. He was now laying down in the grass with his hands behind his head; guitar and sheet music thrown carelessly about. "Oh, oppa, really! Lets focus, please!"

Slowly he got up and turned to face her. "Wah, look at those angry eyes," he began, eerily calm. "Don't look at me with those eyes, because whose fault is it that we are in this time-crunch situation anyway? We are working around your schedule, remember? I have tried to meet with you about this before today, but it was so hard trying to get a hold of you. Plus, who can concentrate in this tiny area anyway? Don't get mad at me, beca-

~Rrrrrrrrrt! rrrrrrrrrrrt!~

He was interrupted by a loud sound of vibration- his phone. Cautiously he peered at the screen to see who it was.

His mother, again.

Son, please call me. I'm really begging, please call me. -Mom

After a quick read, he deleted the message, and tried to continue where he left off with Seohyun.

Automatically, though, Seohyun knew the text message he just received wasn't what he wanted to read. The way his assertive confidence and courage disapeared so suddenly was alarming to her. Though he regained his charm right back in an instant, something about his extremely vulnerable expression touched Seohyun deeply. His next words only deepened her concern for him.

"Seohyun, do you hate being with me that much?"

Yonghwa's words may have come as a surprise to Seohyun, but how was she supposed to deny them? She was being forced to work on a project with a boy who had ruined not just her Tiffany unni's debut, but also her heart. He ruined everything that was important to Tiffany unni. He was a bad guy, right? There was no way she could allow her association with him to ruin her relationship with her unnis, or her relationship with Jinwoon for that matter. It may not seem like much, but just getting caught talking to him could mess up a lot of things for her.

Its true, that judging by the time she had spent with him so far, Yonghwa didn't seem like the kind of person to do the things he was accused of. He was actually seemed very nice and genuine, and had a strong love for music. Also, an amazing talent for singing and playing guitar. He did have somewhat of a prince complex, but who wouldn't if half of the female (and some of the male) student body followed them around and praised them all the time on their good looks and wonderful skills? He was just lik-

~Oetoriya, Oetoriya, sarang seulpeohago, sarang nunmuljitneun oetori...~

Seohyun's thoughts were interrupted by Yonghwa's phone, ringing loudly this time. It was then that she realized she had fallen deep in though, while he had been waiting for her response. She watched him while he smoothly flipped over his phone and took the battery out without giving the screen a second glance. Who was trying to contact him so desperately, and why was he trying just as hard to avoid them?

"Oppa, mianhaeyo. I'm sorry I almost lost my temper, and I am sorry we are stuck in this situation here.  Please answer your phone comfortably. I will try harder to think of some music so that we can quickly finish our proj-"

"Listen to this, Seohyun-ah." he interrupted her. "I've had this melody bouncing around in my head for some time, and I just wanted to go over it a few times before I showed it to you." With that he picked up his guitar and began to play. The melody was simple and sweet, with a very honest feel. Just like Yonghwa. Seohyun listen contentedly while he played the song and hummed along to the lyrics that would soon be written. It was really amazing, how he could just think of a melody and play it from beginning to end on his guitar, even inventing a melody for lyrics at the same time. Seohyun was thoroughly impressed. The way he was so passionate about his work sent unfamiliar tingles down her spine, and butterflies to the pit of her stomach......

He finished playing and turned back to look at her, straight in the eyes. "So, what do you think, Hyu~un?

"Wah, Oppa, that was really good! Did you think of it just now?"


"Wow, I'm really impressed. But, Oppa, what about the lyrics? Did you have some in mind"

"Heyyy, Seo Juhyun! What are you trying to do now?"

"Huh? Oppa, what are you-"

"You're gonna write the lyrics."

"Huh, me? All of them?"

"Most of them."

"Oh, eoddokayo? How can I write lyrics for a song that's not mine? It didn't even come out of my head!"

"It's easy to write lyrics. Don't worry, I'll teach you."


"Oh, but that's right, we can't do it here because you don't like being seen in public with me. Well, follow me then."

"Eh, follow you? W-where are we going?"

"My dorm. Come on!"











Seohyun could clearly remember the last time she was at a boy's house.


"Come on in, uri Seohyun-ie!" Jinwoon's mother crooned. "Jinwoon is upstairs in his room, you can go right up and wait for him."

"Kahamsamnida!" She answered brightly, heading toward the stairs.

"Oh, Seohyun?" Jinwoon's mother asked playfully. "Don't stay up there too long! It's not good for a little a little girl to be in a little boy's room for too long!"

Seohyun giggled on her way up the stairs. "Ne! I won't stay for too long!"

When she finally reached Jinwoon's room, he was searching drastically for something. His hair was frazzled, and sweat was beading up around the back of his neck.

"Annyeong!" she called into the open door. Jinwoon turned around quickly to look at her. He seemed a little embarrassed that she had caught him running about his room like a crazy man.

"Oh! Seohyun, you're early!" he informed her. "The movie doesn't start until 5 pm, and we were suppose to meet at the theatre!"

"Yea, I know." She replied. "But your house is on the way to the theatre, so I thought that I would just stop by before.....MIanhae, I don't know what possessed me to come over here this early. I just thought that...well, I don't know. I'll leave. See you later at the theatre..."

She turned to leave, but ran across the room and grabbed her arm. "Wait, don't leave!"

His touch startled her, and she took a step back from him. She looked up and met his eyes, and they stayed for a long moment just like that, staring into each other's eyes. "Ok, I won't leave."

"Come here and sit in the desk chair. I actually....I actually have something I want to give you....a seonmul." If Jinwoon had seemed embarassed earilier, he definently was embarrased now.

"Seonmul?" she asked, taking note of how utterly cute he was when he was embarrassed. " A gift for me?"

"Yes," he began. " That's what I've been looking for. I know how much you like goguma, so I saw it and thought of you. I just can't find it now....." For about a minute, he rummaged around in his closet to no avail. Finally, he moved to his bed and searched there. Just when he felt he couldn't find it, he remembered something.

"Oh, that's right! I put it under here, safe and sound wrapped in my Pororo blanket for safe keeping!"

He went back under his bed and spread out a Pororo blanket that had been tucked away in a far corner. Out of the blanket he produced a small, light blue box. "Here. this is for you."

Seohyun smiled gratefully and took the gift. Upon opening it, she couldn't help letting out a gasp.

"Oh, Jinwoon! Wah, igeo jeongmal johwa!  Neomu yeppuda....GOMAWO JINWOON-AH!" Jinwoon had given her a small, silver charm braclet, there were four charms on it, and all of them were sweet potatos. Seohyun couldn't hide her excitement. Jinwoon smiled at her contentment.

"I'm really glad that you like it! Here, let me put it on you..."










Seohyun instinctively touched her wrist, remembering how happy she was when Jinwoon put the bracelet on her arm. She wasn't wearing the braclet anymore-it had actually gotten too small for her around three years ago, after Jinwoon left-- but she kept it at the front of her jewelry box at home. It took her a while to realize that she was once again day dreaming, while Yonghwa was waiting for her.

"You're not coming?" He asked, eyeing her as he began to put his guitar and sheet music away.

"Aniyo, I am coming. Just give me one minute...."

"I'll go first, so that nobody knows we were toghether. Just get meet me at the bus stop in 15 minutes, ok?"

"Allright, Oppa, I will do that...." she started, but she stopped speaking because before she could even finish talking, he was gone.












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fatenism #1
Chapter 1: YOngSeo, my fav pairing. and ur plot is to IMPATIENTLY wait for. please, update soon kekekeke
thinkinfire #2
here's hoping you'll update soon! this story is still in the beginning stages, can't wait for more! ^^
Smabii #3
I usually read YS Asianfanfic on my mobile phone, and due to the fact that I did not register so I can't leave comt. TT.TT but today, I decide to open a new account, and visit your fic. I'm really love your fic. Hwaiting!!!
lilmissblue #4
update soon.. excited for the next chapter..
LydiaGirl #5
aaah! she's going to his dormmmmmm!
D:<br />
Poor Yonghwa. Why does the good guy always have to be misunderstood? -sniffles- <br />
On the other hand, "Yonghwa felt that he should leave to give them some privacy, but watching them talk was a lot of fun. " <<< LOL.
faisazali #7
this is so promising!<br />
and the story so far is so interesting..<br />
will be waiting for your next update..<br />
TQ!! ^^
luxubu #8
Welcome back. So happy that you don't abandon this fic. Waiting for next update
LydiaGirl #9
i really like it too