I've never been good with chappie titles. So heres chappie number one

I'm Not a Monster~

He had struggled with the chains for hours, prying a few links open ever so slightly. After all these years of never actually seeing what the outside world was like, being locked up like an animal. The night had finally come where he'd seek his freedom.

 When they finally broke the adrenaline coarsed through his body which he hadn't felt in so long of being chained.

He jumped to his feet the second he was free. Foolish humans couldn't keep him chained for long. Even shorter on a night where he had boundless energy. Slowly creeping out the doors and avoiding all cameras he had memorized in the years, 20 to be exact, and was soon in a dead run into the surrounding snowy forest as far as he could.

Within a an hour he had to have been about 3 miles into the woods. He was for the first time alone. No eyes were on him, he was actually free from everything he had known since they took him there as a small child to be "studdied."

A little tired and cold, he curled up next to tree  and was soon in a dazed drowsy state.

"Kang Daesung." he mumbled to himself. " You finally did it."

No more being referred to by number or freak or monster. Just as free as the wind beating against his skin. And soon, managed to fall asleep

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Keralicious #1
Am loving this. Please do continue :)
@kibum0923 I lost track after 9..... I was.... "Distracted" :3
kibum0923 #3
I love their new video, i replayed it soooo many times!