And the Missing Piece Falls into Place

“Class, meet Oh Sehun. He just transferred here today, so please make him feel welcome.” Chen pauses and looks expectantly at Sehun.


Oh, he wants me to talk. Sehun clears his dry throat. “Nice to meet you all.” Twenty-four pairs of eyes stare at him in rapt attention. Sehun looks down at his shoes, knowing full well that he is being examined and judged. First impressions are being formed right now. He hopes his hair looks okay.


“Alright, Sehun, you can sit down now.” Chen points to an empty seat next to the window and Sehun practically runs to it, sinking down into the chair and avoiding any direct eye contact. Kai sends him a wink from two rows away. Sehun grimaces in return.


They have Math class and Bio, and Sehun realizes half way in that Chen is still speaking Korean. Missing over five years of primary education probably has a lot to do with it, he suspects. Sehun tries to follow along in the textbook, but it takes too much effort and he gives up, instead choosing to gaze out the window. It’s late fall, and the giant maple trees outside burst with fiery colors. Sehun lets his eyes trace the paths of the falling leaves, finally beginning to relax. Girls and boys alike keep glancing his way, but he doesn’t notice their eyes anymore.


The bell rings and Sehun suddenly finds himself surrounded by curious classmates.


“Where did you transfer from?”


“How do you know Kai?”


“Do you have a girlfriend?”


“Excuse me,” Kai says, taking Sehun by the elbow and dragging him away from the crowd. “We have a prior engagement.” Sehun looks at him in confusion. “It’s lunch time, remember?”


“Right. The old building.” They grab lunch and stroll across the fields to the rundown building, where a few boys are already waiting. They sit on the grass, talking over lunch.


“Why aren’t they eating inside?” Sehun asks.


Kai gives him a look. “It’s locked. What did you expect?”


As they approach the building, the boys look up from their conversation.
“Kai!” The first one to open his mouth is short and a little pudgy. His hair is spiked up with gel and he wears a pleasant smile on his face. Sehun unknowingly begins to smile in response, but reverts back to his poker face and observes the second boy. His eyes are what Sehun notice first. They’re abnormally large and round in his face, giving him a slightly nervous look.


“Hey guys. Let me introduce you. This is Sehun, the new kid.” Kai turns his almost paternalistic gaze in Sehun’s direction.


“Nice to meet you! I’m Xiumin,” The first boy says, cheeks puffing up as he smiles even wider. “I’m not actually Chinese, but my adopted parents are.”


“I’m D.O.” The second boy grins awkwardly at Sehun.


“Well, sit down!” Xiumin pats the grass next to him impatiently and the two newcomers crouch down next to him. Sehun picks up his fork to poke at the strangely crusty looking meatloaf on his tray and realizes he doesn’t have much of an appetite for lunch.


“You done with your lunch already?” Kai asks, mouth full of rice.


Xiumin nods as he looks over at Kai’s tray wistfully. “I’m on this new diet. I think it’ll work this time, really!”


“Yeah, sure,” Kai mumbles, and D.O. giggles.


“So, you gonna tell us about yourself, Sehun?” Xiumin leans forward so he can see over Kai. “You don’t know how many rumors I’ve already heard about you.”


Kai snorts. “You should see the looks all the girls give him. They’re positively swooning.” He swallows some more food and elbows Sehun in the side. “Everyone’s saying you’re mysterious. Come on. You?”


“Really?” Sehun looks flattered and Kai rolls his eyes.


“Well, where are you from, for starters?” D.O. asks.


“Um... South Korea?” Sehun is already at a loss for words.


“That’s the thing. He doesn’t come from anywhere,” Kai butts in. “I met him at the hospital.”


Xiumin looks confused. “So doesn’t that make him mysterious?”


“I live here now, though,” Sehun says, uncomfortable with where the conversation is headed.


Kai picks up on the hint. “Let’s not pry on his first day.”


“Okay, I guess we should start with ourselves, then.” D.O. clears his throat. “I’m Do Kyungsoo. D.O.’s just my nickname. I’ve lived here all my life. I hate school more than anything.” He turns to Xiumin. “Your turn.”


“I’m Xiumin, I’m adopted, and I’m smarter than both of these two es combined. That’s about it.”


“Hey!” Kai and D.O. yell.


“What? It’s true.” Xiumin points at them both and addresses Sehun. “I’m the only reason these idiots aren’t failing all their classes.” They laugh together as D.O. and Kai protest loudly.


Suddenly, Kai’s expression darkens. “What is it?” Sehun asks, but Kai just shakes his head in exasperation.


“Not them again,” Xiumin sighs.


Sehun furrows his brows and looks up. Another group of boys is approaching. They excrete an aura of absolute confidence as they strut towards them. They stop about a yard in front of the four boys.


“We meet again,” the tall boy in the front of the group says to Kai. Though well built, the boy is repulsively ugly and has a scar running across his cheek. The others seem to obey him like servants, and Sehun can already tell he will not like this group.


“ off, Yoon.” Kai meets the boy’s gaze with his own threatening one. “This isn’t funny anymore.”


“It’s not supposed to be funny, Kai.” The boy smirks. “I just came here to get something off of my chest.” His words are met with cold silence. Sehun can feel the tension in the air like sparks on his skin.


“Well, say it already and leave.” Kai replies harshly.


“Not to you, to your friend over here.” Yoon points to Xiumin. “Oh, and since he’s sitting right here, I might as well introduce myself to the new kid.” Sehun glares daggers.


“Xiumin, Xiumin, Xiumun,” Yoon’s voice drips with condescension. “I heard you’re on a new diet. Well I’m here to tell you that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you will always be a big, fat, pig. So just stop trying. I enjoy seeing you grossly obese.”


Kai stands up and makes a fist. “I changed my mind. off now.


“But wait! I still haven’t said anything to the new kid.” Yoon turns to face Sehun, who is also already on his feet. “You’ve chosen the wrong group of friends, new kid. Fortunately for you, I’m here to offer you another chance at redemption. Ditch these losers and join us. You won’t regret it.”


“No thanks,” Sehun replies, disgusted.


“Are you sure? You really want to be friends with this whale?” Yoon laughs, pointing at Xiumin.


“That’s it,” Kai charges at Yoon and sinks his crutch into his stomach. Yoon gasps, staggering backwards, then punches Kai in the cheek. Yoon’s cronies join in, and it’s soon clear that Kai doesn’t stand a chance against so many people. Sehun throws himself in the fray to help him out. Jabbing and kicking, he incapacitates boy after boy. Instincts from his life on the streets kick in and in no time at all, Sehun is holding Yoon by the collar.


“Punch him!” Kai eggs Sehun on as he wipes the blood dripping from his nose with the back of his hand. But Sehun shakes his head and drops Yoon.


“I hope you’ve learned your lesson,” Sehun says calmly. “Now get out of our sight.” Yoon scrambles up and pats down his shirt.


“You’ll pay for this,” he threatens, but his voice wavers up and down and Sehun only feels pity towards the boy. Yoon gathers up all of his boys and dashes away towards the school.


Sehun turns around to see Xiumin and D.O. with their mouths hanging open in awe.


“Who are you?”

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Hey dear been reading but wasnt active in here cuz was on my mobile the whole time OTL so now laptop's fixed! So imma be commenting a lot from now on! Like i still dont get it~again dont take this wrongly but it's underrated D: but nvm i kinda like it this way...and about the story ma God the 4 chinese boys on the looese...Finally Sehun telling Baekhyun everything~Im so excited for the next chappie!
thanks so much for all the nice comments :) I think it might be the lack of romance and cliches... or the violence in the foreword maybe? But I'm not writing this story to get subscribers so as long as I have a few that are enjoying the story, it's fine with me!
Don't take it the wrong way but why isn't this fic flooded with subbies? :O cuz its really good :(
fmoyre #4
Oh cuz it's so good...:D
I don't think so, why?
Hey is this story for friends only?
blacknwhite #8
Interesting! I like kai's personality XD
ok now I'm excited :)