And the Missing Piece Falls into Place

Low voices. A pounding headache. The burning sensation of thirst deep in his throat. Sehun immediately regrets waking up. But his eyes fly open anyway, and he realizes he is in a hospital. It’s a boring room, white walls, dull linoleum floor, generic full size bed. The two people talking in hushed tones by the doorway rush over to him.

“How are you feeling?” This is his nurse. She’s a petite woman dressed in hospital uniform, not strikingly beautiful but with soft, gentle features. Her dark brows are furrowed in concentration as she checks the IV drip connected to Sehun’s arm, feels his forehead, fusses over the position of his bed.

“Thirsty,” Sehun croaks out, and she immediately hands him a cup of water from his bedside table.

“Any sharp pain? Lightheadedness?” she asks again. “You’ve been out for two days after a pretty serious beating. Just making sure there’s nothing we missed when we fixed you up.” Sehun shakes his head, wincing at the dull pain in his head and neck. “I’m fine. But where am I? What happened?”

“That’s what I want to know,” the other person pipes up. Sehun surveys the man at the doorway. Slender build, searching eyes, tape recorder in hand. This one’s a detective. “I’m Detective Byun. I know you just woke up, but I only need a couple minutes of your time.” He strolls over to Sehun’s bed and pulls the morning’s newspaper out of his briefcase. “Are you in any way related to the murder of the Myeong Group’s CEO?” Sehun remains silent, sipping his water, contemplating his reply. “We have reason to believe you are connected to these four boys,” Detective Byun continues, pointing to the photos in the corner of the front page. “They’re still on the run, but we tracked one of them to the old bridge just off the highway. He beat you up there, didn’t he?” Silence again. “If you have no idea what I’m talking about, it’s better if you speak up now.”

Sehun lets out a frustrated sigh. “I can’t help you, sorry. I’ve never seen them in my life.” But he lets his gaze linger on the pictures a second too long, and the detective knows he’s lying.

“You heard him. Now go! He needs his rest.” The nurse shoos Detective Byun out the door.

“Come on, Luna. I know he knows something!”

“Baekhyun, how many times do I need to tell you that the patient’s health comes first?” Interesting. They know each other. Sehun takes note.

“Okay, but I’m not going to give up on this one! I’ll be back!” The detective grudgingly leaves the room, taking a notepad out of his pocket and furiously scribbling.

“Sorry about him. Don’t worry, I won’t be asking any questions. My job is to make you comfortable.” The nurse flashes Sehun a reassuring smile. “You can call me Luna. It’s what everyone calls me at work. Oh, and I forgot to introduce you! This is your roommate, Kai.” She gestures to the other side of the room, where a curtain is drawn around another bed. “Kai? I know you’re awake.” She strides over to the curtain and draws it back, revealing a boy about Sehun’s age. He’s tan, good looking, with unkempt hair and sleepy eyes. He has a cast on his left arm and crutches leaning against his bed.

“Hey,” he says brusquely, and goes to draw the curtains again, but Luna stops him. “Kai, Sehun’s already been through so much. We don’t want to make him feel unwelcome, do we?” She says the last part with an edge to her voice, and Sehun realizes there’s more to the nurse than just pleasantness.

“Okay, okay. Nice to meet you,” Kai says, nodding in Sehun’s direction.

“Nice to meet you, too.”

“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it, Kai?” Luna’s voice reverts back to a gentler tone. “Well, I gotta go see some other patients, so you two get to know each other. Bye!” She picks up a tray and Sehun’s empty cup, closing the door behind her.

“So, what was that about?” Kai says.


“You know, the detective.”

“I'm in a tight spot right now,” Sehun starts.

“What, so you killed that CEO?” Kai bursts out.

“No! And keep your voice down, that detective might come back.”

“He was really rich and powerful. Myeong Group, right? That giant company that makes everything? If they figure out you killed him, it’s lifetime imprisonment for sure. Or you might even get the death sentence!”

“I told you, I didn’t kill him! But I know who did...” Sehun trails off.

“And why are you all beaten up?”

“They thought I called the cops and turned them in. But I would never do anything like that!”

“If they beat you up, why’d you lie to the detective?” Kai said, eyes glittering with excitement.

“They’re my only family. I guess the police would call us a gang, but we were really just five kids trying to survive on the streets.” Sehun whispers.

“Wow, that’s an amazing story! I have no idea how the CEO fits in with all this, but I don’t want to pry,” Kai said, warming up to Sehun. “Mine isn’t nearly as cool. I was in a minor car crash but I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. My mom hit a ing pole going 25 miles an hour and somehow I still managed to break a few bones.” He points to his bandages and smirks. “At least I’ll look tough for the girls once I get out of this hellhole.” Sehun snorts, and the two of them burst out laughing.

“You know what? I think we might get along,” Kai says after. “I wasn’t sure what to think of you when you first came in. You were either a total badass or a total wimp to be that messed up. I think you’re somewhere closer to badass though.” He grins widely.  

“I was out for two days, right?”

“Yep. A bunch of people came to see you while you were sleeping though, mostly policemen.”

“What do you think they would say if I told them I was homeless?”

“Put you in an orphanage, probably. Clean you up and make you go to school.”

“School?” Sehun was surprised. “I haven’t been there in years.”

“Lucky bastard,” Kai said. “What grade would you be in if you had to go back?”

“I’m eighteen, so senior year?”

“Same here. One year left of torture and we’re done!”

“I don’t remember it being that bad,” Sehun commented.

“When was the last time you went to school?”

“Fifth grade, I think?”

“Fifth grade? How did you get out of middle school and high school?”

“I just got good at hiding, I guess.” Sehun shrugs.

They talk for a while, and Sehun is grateful when Kai doesn’t ask any more questions, mostly talking about himself and letting Sehun listen.

There’s a knock on the door, and Luna comes in, followed by what looks like a doctor.

“We have good news for both of you!” She announces cheerfully.

“The two of you can leave the hospital in three days,” the doctor says. “Sehun, you lost a lot of blood, but miraculously none of your vital organs or bones were harmed. You’ll be bruised and sore for a while, but there’s almost no need to stay here any longer. And Kai, the cut on your leg is just about healed. We’re just going to remove the stitches and you’ll be off of crutches in a week or two. But the cast on your arm will have to stay for another three weeks.” Kai and Sehun thanks the doctor, who leaves to see his next patient.

“Isn’t that great news?” Luna asks the boys. “You can go back to school and see all your friends!” Kai sticks out his tongue in disgust while she’s not looking, and Sehun tries to hold back a smile. “And Sehun, I’m glad to see you’re feeling better now! Everyone is really impressed at how quick you healed.”

“What can I say? I’m tough,” Sehun replies with a laugh.

“Hey Luna, don’t I look tough with my bandages on?” Kai asks jokingly.

Luna shakes her head. “Boys.”

“Come on, admit it, the girls will be all over me!” He says with a smirk.

“Girls don’t like cocky guys,” Luna advises. “Now you two might want to go get dinner now. It’s getting late.”

“Yes, Luna,” they reply. Sehun sits up slowly and finds he can stand on his feet, while Kai swings his feet over the side of the bed and masterfully tucks the crutches under his arms. The two hobble off to the cafeteria, already looking like old friends to the nurses and patients passing by.

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Hey dear been reading but wasnt active in here cuz was on my mobile the whole time OTL so now laptop's fixed! So imma be commenting a lot from now on! Like i still dont get it~again dont take this wrongly but it's underrated D: but nvm i kinda like it this way...and about the story ma God the 4 chinese boys on the looese...Finally Sehun telling Baekhyun everything~Im so excited for the next chappie!
thanks so much for all the nice comments :) I think it might be the lack of romance and cliches... or the violence in the foreword maybe? But I'm not writing this story to get subscribers so as long as I have a few that are enjoying the story, it's fine with me!
Don't take it the wrong way but why isn't this fic flooded with subbies? :O cuz its really good :(
fmoyre #4
Oh cuz it's so good...:D
I don't think so, why?
Hey is this story for friends only?
blacknwhite #8
Interesting! I like kai's personality XD
ok now I'm excited :)