If Only

If Only

My heart raced once the church organ started to play, signaling the start of the ceremony. And here I am, standing, about to experience a life-changing event.

The entourage lined-up by the church's opened double doors, the orange sunlight gracing the stained glass above it. My eyes skimmed through the array of invited guests, friends and family members and I would occasionaly smile when caught into eye-to-eye contact with them. It must be strange for other guests to see me, Kim Myungsoo, the former poker face master, flash occasional smiles.

I was rooted at the carpet against the pristine marble floors, feeling all nervous and anxious as I watched the flowergirls spread petals on the path that the bride would soon walk on.

I inhaled deep, looking at my well-polished black shoes, to calm my nerves. As I became less tensed, I brushed off an imaginary dust on my suit and looked up only to hold my breath seeing a walking angel.


Ah~ her hair in a clean bun, allowing everyone to see her beautiful face. Her long eyelashes being visible as she looked down at her bouquet whilst smiling as she held back her tears.


She's breath taking.


But still, her perfection was covered by the soft veil and everybody can't wait for the veil to be lifted as well as for the priest to announce to kiss the bride.

I stared at her as she walked down the aisle while I walked down memory lane.


The day I first met her.

Her smiles, kind heart and sunny nature which made me fall for her.

Our fights and make ups.

Our rollercoaster ride.


I did not stop staring at her. She had my attention as she underwent everything...


The pinning of the cord.

The pinning of the veil.

The lighting of candles.

The holding of the coins.

And most of all the exchange of Vows and Rings.


She's beautiful despite her eyes being glassy as she tried holding back her tears. She must've been overwhelmed.

And it's clear as a crystal... she's happy.


But then I felt my world crashing down.


If only I was the groom.

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Aawww the ending caught me off guard!
@ashnonymous: haha! Oh, you think so?
I didn't mean to be that mean to Myungsoo >w<
Thanks for commenting! :))
ashnonymous #3
Oh that was heart wrenching omg