Ying & Yang


The were seprated at birth. They have to protect the earth but...how can they do that if they are across the world from eachother they do even know their the two great spirts to protect the world they dont even know eachother exsit until one day... 


read about there adventure of saving the world understanding eachother fighting and love 



btw i would LOVE to thank sushi_roll for making an awesome poster! 



Graceline Kim  
quiet  shy beautiful school's photographer kinda popular with the guys some girls know karate right now in America with her "mom" she only knows one k-pop group U-Kiss favorites are Kiseop and Kevin  shes the White dragon  Yang powers Lighting water light wind fire and healing 
Kim Jongin
Known as Kai lead dancer in the group EXO saw Graceline in his dreams and cant get her out of her head cute strong (hawwt! ahem) cool good looking. Black Dragon Ying powers are teleportion life earth shape shifting (both of them can transform into dragons he can transform into more things)  
Kevin Woo
Met Graceline had a crush on her ever since scared of Kai cute y (I REGRET NOTHING!) pretty (ahem ahem)
Lee Kiseop
also had a crush on Graceline and scared of kai  snsd's cheerleader funny cute hot handsome 
U-Know Yunho
Kai's and Graceline's guide funny nice caring demanding sweet


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