Take me away~

The one that got away


Jaekyung’s POV

It was the last day of our holiday before we started our freshmen year in college, so we decided to go clubbing. As soon as we stepped inside the club, the music was blasting through the speakers. Girls and boys grinding to each others’ bodies, and drunk people, yes this was the definition of club. We sat on a table and ordered a light cocktail to start our night. I was bobbing my head along with the song that was playing. I recognized the song, it was U-KISS’” Te Amo”.

I was sipping my drink, getting ready to follow my other friends on the floor when suddenly I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I looked at my side and saw a good looking guy. He was wearing a white jacket , V neck shirt and a pair of black jeans.


He cut off my thoughts by letting me hear his deep voice, “Are you Angel?”

I tilted my head to the side, “Excuse me?”

“Oh, sorry. I thought your name was Angel, cause you look like one.” He winked.

I couldn’t help but chuckle, really? That was an old pick-up line.

“I’m Jaeseop by the way...” he held out his hand, “may I know your name, beautiful?”

“Jaekyung. I’m Jaekyung.” I shook  his hand and he gave me a friendly smile.

“Want some company?”

I thought for awhile, looked at my friends and shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind.”

He smiled widely, “Wait for a sec” he said before walking to the bartender. Few minutes later, he was back with a pair of cocktails.

I was hesitating whether I should drink it or not, what if he put something on it?

He seemed to notice how uneasy I was and he held my hand, “Don’t worry. I’d never do something stupid such as putting a drug on your drink.” He softly spoke.

Somehow I felt that I could trust his words and I sipped the alcoholic drink. The moment I gulped it down, I suddenly felt my body starting to heat up. I moved my head up and down again, along with the music bursting out.

“Want to dance?” He asked after some shots and I nodded.

I took his hand and dragged him on the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. I danced as it was the last day of my life. I didn’t care what others thought; I just wanted to have fun, just for tonight. I laughed as I felt his warm breathe against my neck.

He started trailing soft kisses across my jaw line, and finally, our lips met. It was a sweet and slow kiss. He pulled me closer, caressing my sides.

“J-Jaeseop…” I muttered, before we could go further and pushed him away. We were catching our breath from the sweet kiss that turned into a passionate one and he accompanied me out the club.

“I think I should go now.” I said, glaring at my watch.

“Want a ride?” He asked, showing me his car’s keys. Before I could reject his offer, my legs felt jelly; I almost fell but I was lucky enough and he caught me.

He chuckled and carried me in a bridal style, “Seems like you really need a ride home.” He winked.


I indicated him my house and he dropped me off as he promised. “Thank you Jaeseop…” I tried to smile even if I felt dizzy.

“No big deal.” He smiled and took out his phone, “Mind to save up your number?”

I quickly took it and typed my number on it, “Here you go.”

“Thanks. See ya around?” He pecked my cheek and ran to his car.

I was stunned at his action; I touched the place where he kissed me and looked as he walked away. I thought he was going to just drive away, without saying ‘goodbye’, but I was wrong.

“Jaekyung!” He called me and I turned to face him.


“Good night, dream of me.” He smiled and waved at me.


A couple of months passed and I kept contacts with Jaeseop, all I did was text with him for the whole day that my friends were getting pissed off by my ‘stupidness’ but I knew that it would turn out good.

“Jaekyung,” he spoke as he held my hand.

“Mm?” I muttered while my strawberry ice cream.

“I like you.” He looked at me, waiting for my answer. “Would you be my girlfriend?”

He didn’t need to repeat it twice and I hugged him, dropping my ice cream on the ground. “Of course! I’ll be your girlfriend!”

Jaeseop hugged me back and kissed my head, “I’ll take care of you.”


“Jaekyung, look at this!” Sohee pointed at a necklace that looked quite expensive.

“What?” I asked and she grinned.

“You said that Jaeseop ‘loves’ you so much, right?” She said, making quotations on air.

“Sure he does! He’s my boyfriend! You still don’t believe me?” I raised a brow and she shook her head.

“I’ll believe you if he buys this.”

“He’ll buy me something even more expensive than that.” I rolled my eyes.

“Actions please.” She smirked.


“Oppa~” I cutely tugged his arm.

“What is it Jaekyung?” he smiled at me.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Tell me,” he pinched my cheek.

“Can I ask you to buy me a necklace?” I titled my head aside, to add more effects to my cuteness.

“Of course, anything for my Jaekyung.” He pecked my lips and I grinned.

“Thank you!” I hugged him tight.


“WOAH.” Sohee’s jaw widened as she saw me wearing a necklace that was more expensive than the one we saw last weekend, together with a ruby ring.

“He bought you that?!” She asked as she examined my accessories closer.

I nodded proudly, “I told you he loves me.”

“Bingo! You hit jackpot with that guy Jaekyung! Don’t ever let him go!” She showed me her thumbs up.

“Shut up,” I frowned “It’s now like I’m with him just because of his money. I love him, okay?”

She shrugged, “Okaaaay.Riiiight.”


“KIM JAESEOP! WHAT DID YOU SPEND 2 MILLION FOR?!” Mr. Kim yelled as he threw the folders down.

Jaeseop gulped as he threw his head down, “I’m sorry dad…”


“I…spent them on some gadgets…” he made up an excuse.


Jaeseop bit his lip, “I’m sorry dad…”

“That’s it Kim Jaeseop!” Mr. Kim tried to calm down and he lowered his voice, “I’m cutting your budget until you tell me why you spend so much these days…”

Jaeseop’s eyes widened, “D-Dad! You can’t…”

“Oh yes I CAN, I can and I just did.” He pressed his phone “Hello? Yes, this is Mr. Kim, owner of Kim’s fashion, I’m cutting my son’s cards. Yes…thank you.”

“Dad, please.”

“I’ll give you one more chance Jaeseop, tell me the reason and I may change my mind.”

“Lee Jaekyung…” Jaeseop lowered his head.

“LEE JAEKYUNG? A GIRL?!” Mr. Kim scratched his head and sat down “Break up with her.”

“No dad! I love her!”

“I don’t care. If you don’t break up with her, you won’t be able to use your cards. No more budgets from me.” Mr. Kim finalized.

Jaeseop stood up from the red couch, “I won’t dad. And I’ll be able to live without your money.”

“We’ll see Jaeseop, we’ll see.”


“Jaeseop oppa,” I linked my arms around his.

“What is it baby?” Jaeseop asked, almost whispering his words.

“Where’s your car? And why are you so tired these days? Are you okay?”

He weakly smiled, “Silly girl. Of course I’m okay. My car has a little problem, so I needed to fix it.”

I nodded. “Haha, I thought you sold it!”

Jaeseop froze and let out an awkward laugh, “Hehe why would I do that?”

She laughed, “You’re the son of Kim’s fashion, of course you wouldn’t do that!”

He cupped her cheeks, “I love you.”

I softened and smiled, “I love you more Jaeseop oppa.”


“Why aren’t you buying it? You promised me last month that you’d buy it for me!” I pouted, crossing my arms.

“I’m sorry Jaekyung, but you don’t need that necklace… I bought you one last week.” Jaeseop hugged me.

“You don’t love me anymore, huh Jaeseop?”

“I do! But I don’t need to buy you something, just to show you my love. Stop acting like that Lee Jaekyung, you’re acting like a spoiled brat.” He frowned and lay on his bed.

“FINE!” I yelled. “Just do as you want, we’re done!” I quickly took my purse and slammed the door.


Author’s POV

Days passed and Jaeseop tried to earn more money so he could satisfy Jaekyung’s wants. He was forced to sell his car, his precious gadgets and find himself a job, just for his Jaekyung. It seemed like she didn’t appreciate it though. He thought that by giving her what she wants would make her stop, but he was wrong. The more he gave her, the more she wanted. He was exhausted; he worked everyday and only took 2 hours of sleep.

“Jaeseop oppa, I’m sorry for acting like a brat last time.” She pouted and hugged him.

It was his weakness.

“I understand.” Was all he could say and things were back to normal again.

“Thank you for buying this.” She smiled and pecked his cheek.

“Everything to make my princess smile.” He beamed back.

All his fatigue were gone, he knew that his hard work paid off as he saw her smile.


Jaekyung hummed as she waited on the bench. She was supposed to meet Jaeseop for their 1st anniversary. She looked at her watch, he was late. She widened her eyes when she heard a crash and some cars starting to make noise, followed by the ambulance’s siren.

“An accident?” She muttered and she soon saw her phone ringing.

“Oh, Jaeseop oppa! Where--”

“Jaekyung unnie!” she recognized Jaeseop’s younger sister.

“What is it Seojin-ah? What are you doing with your oppa’s phone?”

“Jaeseop oppa got in an accident!” Jaekyung froze.


“We’re at Seoul hospital! Oh my god hurry up unnie! He’s bleeding so much!”

She didn’t need to repeat it twice. Jaekyung quickly took a cab and made her way to see him, hoping that it would be okay.


She ran to the information counter and panted out, “Yes?” the nurse asked.

“Kim Jaeseop please,”

“Room 150 ma’am.”


Jaekyung didn’t even thank her and ran to look for his room “Please let him be okay, please…”

She finally found it and saw his sister. She was pale and she was looking at the bed.

“W-where is he?” Jaekyung asked and the younger girl pointed at the bed. She saw him lying in there, covered with a white blanket.

“N-no…” Her hands trembled and her eyes tearing up as she slowly approached him.

“He’s dead, unnie…” Seojin sobbed.

Jaekyung couldn’t take it anymore and she burst out in tears, “JAESEOP! NO! NO! YOU CAN’T DIE! WHAT ABOUT ME? YOU PROMISED YOU WILL TAKE CARE OF ME!”

Seojin patted her back, “Who are you?”

The girls looked at the woman standing near the door, “I said, who are you?” She repeated.

“She’s Lee Jaekyung, mom…she is oppa’s--”

Seojin didn’t even finished her words and her mother slapped Jaekyung.

“MOM!” Seojin yelled as she tried to keep her away.

“You are the girl who ruined my son’s life!” She cried out “You are the reason why he had a fight with his father! He was such a nice son before HE MET YOU! You used his money to get all you want! Are you happy?! He worked so much just to earn money for someone worthless like you! YOU KILLED MY SON!” Jaekyung ran away.


Her heart hurt even more after hearing those words. She was the reason why Jaeseop died, she was the reason why he got sick, she was the reason why he worked so much, and she was the worthless who just chased him for his money.


“I’m sorry for everything Jaeseop. Let’s meet now Jaeseop… let’s meet now.” She smiled as she looked at the picture once more, and she ended her life.


Jaekyung opened her eyes and saw him lying next to her. He was wearing a white shirt and white pants, “Oppa.”

“You’re here.” He smiled and hugged her tight.

She beamed back as he kissed her forehead, “I love you Jaeseop.”

“I love you too.” 

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DeShawna-kpop #1
Chapter 1: why did he have to die and then she killed herself im blown now
Well this is kinda weird. LMFAO ! XD