this love is a sure thing;

Without you

Inspired Song : Sure Thing by Miguel


CL walked aimlessly towards the practising room. She arrived an hour earlier before the daily rehearsal starts with the

rest of the 2NE1 members. CL put her bag inside her locker and went to change to her practise attire; a knee-length black

Adidas pants and her favorite 2NE1's blackjack-printed sleeveless t-shirt. She gathered her hair to a bun and headed to the

music and audio station. CL put the playlist of songs to a shuffle mode.

She warmed up her body and begin to be one with the beats that were being played. From hip-hop,ballad till rock genre, CL 

 danced to all of that nonstop until she were gasping for air. Beads of sweat form on her forehead. She was breathing very 

heavily after venting out her mixed and confused feelings. She just can't think straight right now. CL sat down on a row of benches 

and grabbed her Evian. She gulped down the water when suddenly, the playlist of songs play to The song, Sure Thing by Miguel.

CL nearly got choked when she heard the song. It was The song. The song which were dedicated to her by him. by Seungri on that 

fateful night where she really, deeply fall for him.



The night was serene. The bustling city of Seoul was especially quiet that night, as if it was meant to be like that for the night 

so that they can really enjoy each other presence. They were sitting on the ground (on the highest level of their apartment's dorm actually to

avoid all the paparazzi), shoulder to shoulder, and with CL's head rested on his's.

Seungri put out his guitar and began to string on with the song he dedicated especially to her. 


"...even when the skies comes falling, even when the sun don't shine, I got faith in you and I, just put your pretty little hands in mine,

even when we're down to the wire baby,even when it's do or die, we could do it baby simple and plain , cuz this love is a 

sure thing..."



Both CL and Seungri were seeing each other discreetly two month ago. Seungri was the one who confessed to CL. Initially, CL

were obviously shocked because she did not even expected that from him. It has been a cat-dog situation between him and her, but

after a while, CL began to see him in a new light when Seungri became so much more charming and gentlemen towards her.

For the first time in her life , CL felt like a normal girl. For to be able to have feelings, the hours spent on late-night calls, the much

exciting and thrilling date that they had; even if it means they have to wrap themselves with so many layering of clothers to not get noticed !

Seungri did that all for her, he really wanted to show CL the other side of him to her, and he finally managed to get the message across.

Until one day, CL just ended it all.

Her reason? 2NE1 as her priority as for now and Love can wait. 


CL were stunned by the song. It reminded her of the past , as one of the precious moment in her life which she chose to ended it

by her selfish decision. The brim of her eyes started to swell. She hated the fact that how heart is trembling so much by that mere song. She hated

the fact that she let all this happen when she knew this is the ending that they both will get. She blame no one but herself for being a coward. 

And for that, she hated herself more for hurting the man she love. CL quickly wipe off her tears and headed towards the audio station. She could not

bear to hear the rest of the song anymore. It will just like rubbing salt to the wound that she had now. CL was just about to change the song when

someone took her hand. There was Seungri, standing before her staring right to her eyes, holding her wrist. CL could see that there was so much

difference, so unlike Seungri to be this blue and heartbroken. There was sadness written all over his face, and she's the cause of it. CL pulled away

her hands slowly, but Seungri stays firm. 

"How dare you, Chaerin. How could you hurt me like this?" 

"Its for the best , Seungri. You know that..."

CL could not bear to see his feelings and ego being charred by her. She pulled her hands away quickly and went towards the door when suddenly her

steps were halted when Seungri took her  in his arms. 

"Just...stay like this for a moment Chaerin. Even if it does'nt mean anything to you. It does to me. Please..."

CL stays in his embrace, and after a while she could hear his sobbings. CL wanted to reach out  and hug him back but her ego faltered it all.

"Forgive me for being a coward baby. I wish I could unwind the time so we would never fall in love..." 

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I'm sorry if this is heartbreaking but I'm trying a new kind of ending. guess it's not working? lol but don't give up on me XD


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Chapter 1: You reminded me of myself. Forever writing a tragic ending but when i read other fanfics, i prefer happy endings. Haha! Love this btw!
awww. </3
<\3 i really like it. It hurts and it makes me wish they could have a good ending for their love story :(
wow. this story really broke my heart. it's so sad! the part that really got me was when seungri hugged cl and asked her to stay for a while. GAH. D:
i like it! i like reading sad stories once in a while.:D you're amazing! thank you for this story!
this is sad T__T huhuhuu I don't like the ending,,
they must be together,,
they're destinid to be together,,
but I love your fic :)
so sad
short but good enough ^^

cute although it was heartbreaking ;__; but okay, i like it <3
ohayou87 #8
Aww it is cute^^
You should have added Cl explaining.
It was too short but still good:)