A Surprising Act

Fated to fall for you ♥


As I called out Seohyun, her unnie, Yuri, quickly grabbed me by the arm and made me confess whether I like Seo or not. Lucky me, Seohyun was already in their front porch, waiting for me. "Oppa, where would you like to treat me?" she asked me (in a cute way) "Anywhere that cooks delicious foods." I told her. Seohyun took me to this diner where there are live bands performing. We took a sit by the corner and as we sat down, a waiter hurried oof to our direction. We ordered sumpteous meals and waited for a while. I can't help but notice how beautiful Seohyun was. WAIT! It can't be possible. No, Seo's my best friend since we were young kids so there's no way I'll like her for something else. As I watched Seohyun, the band was finished singing so they started to call out some volunteer singer, but no one even dared to step on the stage. Looking quite disappointed, they started to choose randomly. To my surprise, the spotlight focused to me! As I look on Seohyun's face, seeing her look at me, I bravely went to the stage. Before I knew, I was already singing.


Wow! I can't believe Minhyuk Oppa can sing that well.He can even attract lots of audience.


Thank goodness that was over!  As I sat down, Seo was looking at me as if I look funny to her, then she said "Oppa, I didn't know you can sing that good." I was very happy to hear her compliment then I felt something weird like my heart was dancing. Why am I feeling this?

No one's POV

As time passed, Seohyun and Minhyuk finished their meals and where about to head home.


"Oppa, that was really good! Thanks for treating me. Goodnight!" Then I bowed to him as sign of repect and having a smile on my face. I don't know why, but I can sense something that Minhyuk isn't telling me and I'm going to find it out.




Whoah! Minhyuk starts to feel something for Seo, while Seo can sense something oddly. What's gonna happen? Find out on the next chapters!... Thanks for the comments. I appreciate it.

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Chapter 2: This story sounds interesting!!! Please update soon!!!^^
ooooo yukhyun/minhseo
*does a dance* update soon... this is really interesting!
*dances* XD
update soon... it sounds interesting
:D :D XD
its interesting..
update soon :)